what do you all lucky-nsx-owning people do for a living?

I am a professional looter and mugger. I'm posting from the new computer I came up on at Best Buy in New Orleans. Jacked those fools
Professional Pilot.....
I pile it here and I pile it there.....
Briank said:
I am a professional NSXprime user, I spend 2 - 4 hours a day reading and posting.

What the...?! I am too, but I don't get paid. Who do you know that I don't? :biggrin:
I used to have to work but then one day I got this email that said if I forwarded it to a hundred people in a month Bill Gates and Disney would send me a check for a lot of money and they did!

i work for one of President Bush's oil companies..
man I'am sure getting paid now!
Gas is over $3 a gallon along the East Coast!
international man of leisure