@Yinzer LOL! That guy doesn't really want to let go of his car at that price.
Heck, I think I'll post mine up with a price of $eleventy billion and see if there are any takers.
I was being serious with my answer. I don't kid myself that any NSX or my NSX is just so desirable to be worth more than $100k in the marketplace, but after the last 2-3 years of seeing values rise some 20% or more, I can't be the only one who has occasionally played mind games during long boring commutes of estimating what would my rear end number be if I were approached by someone waving $$$. It's high enough that I don't think anyone would be willing to pay it, but it and others' crazy high asking prices are probably more reflecting the difficulty of what it would take to replace like-for-like than because we think someone else would actually pay that amount. Pardon me if that's so obvious that I'm the dummy for taking the time to state the obvious.