What clutch are you using?

28 April 2011
Santa Fe, NM
I currently have an SoS Sport 350. I may be in the market for a new clutch soon and I'm looking for info.
What's available and what may work best. What are you SoS Stage 1 Motor's using? May go this way as well.
What Brand, Model, Power, Pedal Feel, Noise, Shudder, and how you like it overall. Thanks, -DREW-

RPS Carbon......it's either on or off, but does remain stock pedal feel.
OS giken twin str2c

Best clutch I've ever used. EVER
How is everyday driving with this clutch?

RPS Carbon......it's either on or off, but does remain stock pedal feel.
Is it easy to stall the engine using this clutch?

I should add, that my NSX is a daily driver with 140,000 miles on it. I am a very aggressive street driver, but don't abuse my NSX. No street racing, but hard on the car.
I do track my NSX, but only 2-3 days out of the year. It is only driving laps around a very technical 1.7 mi road course. No racing.
Looking for a driver friendly clutch that will hold more power (SoS Stage 1 (supercharged))

The three clutches mentioned here all sound great. SoS said the Twin Carbon 700 would make my NSX's driveability suffer.

I have the Carbonetic Triple Disk Carbon Clutch. Smooth engagement, makes noise when the pedal is fully depressed. From a dig, it has mild slippage in 1st gear only.
sos 275 sport....not much mileage yet...does intermittently make a little chatter but very slight.Coming from the powergrip the pedal feels like oem.I'm at oem power level.
Once you get the hang of it it's great. If you try to ease it out it will shudder, and it does chatter a little bit when engaged. I had th 6 puck before this and hated it.....it felt like I was doing sets of leg presses after driving the car for the day.