What are your favorite things about your NSX? Your least favorite?

12 April 2010
Not really looking for "I love my next xyz wheels" or "I love my supercharger"- this is more about the NSX as a whole.

Just looking for some owner opinions on what they love about the NSX and inversely, what they don't care for.

I look forward to hearing some opinions!
I am just in love with my car....period.

However, my LEAST favorite thing about the car is the OEM power antennae. I never listen to the radio because I don't like the way it looks when extended, so I am relegated to CDs and AUX input.
I love how it makes me feel.

I hate how it makes others feel. They either love it or hate it and they always seem to want to let me know which side they are on.
Best thing: Having people point and take pictures, it's good for the ego!

Worst thing: Nothing

ChopsJazz, what's a cassette player?
Best things - ride, handling, rareness, reliability

It's a very comfortable & solid car. Driving ten hours is no big deal. When you're driving in the groove, you're probably going illegally fast. :biggrin:

I forgot about the power antenna... Yeah, it's pretty dorky looking, but I disconnected mine ages ago and the window antenna works well enough. Use an iPod for long trips.

Most folks don't know what it is, but car nuts do. :smile: Unlike Corvettes or BMW's, you won't see another five NSX's on your drive to work.

Worst things
- negative attention from haters & ricers that drive recklessly trying to get you to race, expensive parts

For the most part, the attention is OK. Cops think the car's fast sitting still. :redface:

You have to be careful in traffic. Large vehicles don't see you. Some ricers tailgate, cut you off, etc. Most folks are OK though.

Some parts take a week or so to special order and they're not cheap. Maintenance can be expensive.
I love how it handles and I don't have power steering. I love how you sit down in the car not on top of it - if you know what I mean. It's like a glove really. Love the engine sound - I actually think it has plenty of power - and I've had plenty of sports cars. Let's put it this way it is sho nuf fast enough to get you in a heap of trouble. Is it as fast as a car with 400 hp - well ...of course not and if your getting out of a viper or vette - then it might seem under powered or an STI for that matter. But only for the guys that are just super power hungry. There are a substantial number of us that are extremely satisfied with the power to weight.

What I don't like - getting in and out of the car. That's it.
I've owned my car for almost two years and have loved every minute (and mile). I still get a kick out of having people snap pictures while stopped at a light. I even like thumbs up I get from the racer boy in his fart-canned mufflered POS. And especially the feel I get by taking a corner at speed (knowing that the car wants to do it faster).

Honda made quite a statement with the NSX; there will never be another like it.
+exhaust note (do have aftermarket...but it counts)

-1st-2nd rev drop (usdm gears)
-crap radio reception stock (replaced w/ipod...no more problem)
-slow windows (fix-its + lube + alignment = better)
-sun visors (they're crap)
-um...the clock is hard to see if the running-lights are on but it's still light outside

that's nit-picking really, but whatever.
Me i love everthing about this car (97 nsx t) but my wife is the true barometer,as far as Florence is concerned this car is it , she is experienced in 4whls,2 whls, tracks(snowmobiles) &boats ,when she says "this is it " you leave it at that , you can agree with her or be wrong =DONE !!!:biggrin:
There's too much to like, so I won't list them.

For things that I don't care for:
  • The OEM steering wheel looks ugly. S2000 looks so much better.
  • Cup holder is useless.
  • Instrument panel too plain
  • Angle of stereo panel induces glare
  • Rear turbulence causes dust build up on rear bumper
The Likes

- Steering feel
- Driving Position
- Shifter Feel
- Engine sound
- Looks ( after its been updated )
- Rock solid chassis
- Reliability
- Resale

The Dislikes

- Could use another 50hp
- That damn blindspot to my left
- The engine is transversed
- Can't fit that wide of a front wheel in
- The way the guages are back lit ( very 80's-90's Honda style )
- How you have to manual turn off the A/C in the climate control system to get warmer air to come out ( putting it at 90 degrees forces the a/c off but the car is too hot, and leaving it in full auto, the a/c mixes too much to get the air warm enough )
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-driving feel

-slow windows
-back hurts after constant getting in/out
What's to like:

The driving position and how the cockpit are layout! Oh,Oh.........did I mentioned the view out of the windshield..........AWESOME!!:eek::eek:
And the way it feels and sound. The looks, can't forget that; thanks to the mid-engine design.

Don't like:

The ugly flat steering wheel, getting in and out, the slow window and especially the RICERS trying to kiss your bumper!:confused:
favorite things about the nsx are finding old threads on prime that speak to new posts like this http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2693&highlight=likes+dislikes :tongue: least favorite thing is when my search comes up ....empty:frown:

But, but I think after 9.5 years that it's okay to start a new thread. Can't expect a new user to resurrect a thread almost a decade old in their first week! :D

BTW, even a day later, I still don't like the OEM Power antennae!
But, but I think after 9.5 years that it's okay to start a new thread. Can't expect a new user to resurrect a thread almost a decade old in their first week! :D

BTW, even a day later, I still don't like the OEM Power antennae!

Lol true, but it is basicly the same car 9.5 years later:tongue:
There is EVERYTHING to like, and NOTHING to dislike. For God's sake-- my car is 18 year's old and it still looks and drives like a rocket ship! :eek:


Needs Better Brakes


(very expensive to make power in this car)
How good I look in it!

Not really looking for "I love my next xyz wheels" or "I love my supercharger"- this is more about the NSX as a whole.

Just looking for some owner opinions on what they love about the NSX and inversely, what they don't care for.

I look forward to hearing some opinions!
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But, but I think after 9.5 years that it's okay to start a new thread. Can't expect a new user to resurrect a thread almost a decade old in their first week! :D

BTW, even a day later, I still don't like the OEM Power antennae!

Rob, that was a great come back and DOC, all I can say about old posts and the new ones that resemble them - we are on an interactive site here- if all we did was consult wiki to find old posts we'd never enteract with each other and it would be just boring as hell - you gotta admit that. Now I know you've been around a long time and you've probably seen and heard almost all of it - but this site is going to cause the old guys to suffer a bit with new takes on old threads - its the nature of things on any site. What makes this a family type environment is our willingness to comment on anything (no matter how many times we have before) no matter what it is or who's posting. It's all fun - well at least for me but I'm a new member - but I'm sure there is a thread out there for each one of us. :smile: