What are some common problems of owning an NSX?

KooLaid said:
Destroying rear tires
Forgetting to use the brakes when entering corners in other vehicles
Excessive time spent washing, polishing, waxing buffing
Paranoia when parking

Oh and forgetting I own other vehicles to drive around because it's just so eaaaasy to hop in the NSX.

Could not agree with you more, especially on the parking thing :biggrin: No problems with my car 25000 miles and going strong :wink:
mickeylex said:
Welcome to Prime. I see you have been here about one month.

Spend some time in the FAQ: http://nsxprime.com/FAQ/faq.htm

Actually, I been on here since Jan 2001 (Old SN: Herblenny). I had to make up a new SN since I don't have access to my old email and forgotten my password.

I have spent sometime reading the faq. But since the conversation with a guy who owns both RX7 and NSX, I wanted to see how true some of his statements were... Don't get me wrong, I might seem kind of new but been following this car for years.. just recently been pretty serious about picking one up.

And thanks to those who have stated your problems with NSX. I know no cars will be trouble free and all cars have few things that just goes wrong.
Leaky CV boots, cam plug seals, electrical (climate control) are the only 'issues' I can think of, but with a 12 year old car these are to be expected... recently the passenger-side condenser fan has started making noise, so it's probably safe to add this to the list as well.

Non-mechanical issues are, as stated, tires, excessive washing, nose and hand prints over the driver-side window (not from me, but there within 48 hours of washing, everytime), and the desire to keep modifying the car - I am lucky, in that I made an agreement with myself 3 months ago to complete a list of new mods, and, once done, will be 'finished' - we will see if I can keep to the agreement this time around.
I still have to insist. :)

Still looks as if the car is that reliable that some people really get bored and start talking about 'common problems' and 'issues' with the car. :(

Once again, just to state one thing really clearly: The ACURA was one with the highest customer satisfaction since cars got produced since about 100 years ago. So you can't take out a number of ONE NSX and ONE RX7 and compare them, no no. This is statistically nonsense. If you really want to achieve statistically significant comparison you have to take a certain amount of cars, like 30 or 100 of each.

Again: There is ONE major problem with it which was snap-ring failure. Most of these repairs were goodwilled I think. Just have a look at the gearbox number and you know it.

Have a deeper look into the FAQ and see how short it is. The Ferrari or Maserati people don't even dare to open such a topic on their websites. :D

As cars get older maintainance get more important. I still don't see another problem of the NSX over time as things like CV boots can break down on every car after x years or x miles.

What I really have to agree upon is the funny part of the 'problems' like kids shouting Ferrari but then getting silent or fingerprints on the window or the permanent urge to modify her. :) If this car really had some bad problems people wouldn't have the time and money to modify her babies. :)
goldNSX said:
Once again, just to state one thing really clearly: The ACURA was one with the highest customer satisfaction since cars got produced since about 100 years ago. So you can't take out a number of ONE NSX and ONE RX7 and compare them, no no. This is statistically nonsense. If you really want to achieve statistically significant comparison you have to take a certain amount of cars, like 30 or 100 of each.

Thomas, I agreee with you completely. Hence I came on here asking questions to get some sense of truth behind these cars and get some personal perspectives on the car. I would in no way just take one person's view and think of it as a bible:)
Deals Gap said:
Thomas, I agreee with you completely. Hence I came on here asking questions to get some sense of truth behind these cars and get some personal perspectives on the car. I would in no way just take one person's view and think of it as a bible:)

Just saw that you're relativ new to the community. Sorry for my over-reaction. I hope you didn't took it personally. Are you going to buy an NSX one day? Feel free to ask any questions about a specific car. But have a look in the FAQ too/first. :)
No Not at all! I know how it is as I'm somewhat of a veteran 7 owner in RX7 forum..

Also, I been on this forum since 2001... Just recently resigned up as I lost my password and no one on the forum have sent me the info about my old account.

Yes, I am highly considering buying a used 94 model. Only issue is that it has high miles (150+K).
You become infatuated with the car, then your wife complains that you spend too much time with the car. To compensate, make sure you take the little woman out for a weekend getaway with the car once in a while so she won't feel left out.:smile:

Finding a reputable mechanic is a challenge tha Prime can help you with. Keep up on the maintenence and don't skimp out. Better to be proactive and throw away a part that still works than wait till it breaks which costs you more in the long run.

Just make sure you buy a car with the maintence records so you know what your getting. Otherwise...roll the dice and it could be some of the things mentioned in this thread.