Well Folks, I'm off to Afghanistan...

MY brother went through sniper training with that same gun shot some pretty amzing sniper shots. Only on ein his class to have damn near perfect .

I can start another thread on it. I wont hijact the OP's thread.:biggrin:

Anyways let us know what FOB your going be at and maybe I can link up with you since I am back and forth through all the FOBS.

Take it easy when you get out there.

Will you be on a base or out in the woods? I found it amazing how primal you can become after getting away from the US. You really can smell other people and such when you stop perfuming yourself with US soap, and the like. Food scents were easy to follow -- dairy products would make you reek and would stay in your clothing.

Have you fired a Serbu? They are available in 50 BMG and in 50 DTC (Ca legal). I like it better than the Barret or the AR50. I also shot a modified Maadi Griffin that was an amazing rifle. Favorite rifle for everyday shooting would be my Dragunov.

Keep your head down bro!

Thanks guys, i really appreciate all the support! My family is freaking out, and you guys are the first ones to say something supporting... god i love how tight knit this community is. An NSX will be on the TOP of my list of things to do when i get back for sure.

I love the care package idea! When you're in the middle of no-where and a million bucks means nothing, an encouraging letter from home, or some home-made cookies are the best thing ever. (or even a t-shirt soaked in my gf's perfume) Don't laugh, you'd be surprised how much floods your mind when you've been gone for 3 mo's and you get that in the mail... :tongue:
I think it's what got me through my first deployment actually.

So when i get back we should definitely keep this care package going, i would be MORE than willing to send any other troops on prime anything they need when i get back!

I'll keep you guys updated, take lots of pics, and i'm not sure if i'm going to have sporadic access to the net or not, but i'll try and post every once and a while!



your family is freaking out because they're family and they love you and are afraid for your well-being... but they each support you in their own way - regardless of how they express themselves. we support you in a different way.

we'll need a mailing address when you have one we can mail to. my wife and i make jams & jellies, so will contribute those and whatever else you may like (we supported another deployed primer with jams / jellies & sketching materials... so tell us your pleasure and we're on it.). i'm sure other members will be equally supportive.

care package team... i like that idea & name. "prime care". i'll begin another thread on it later today and we'll see what we can do to support those in combat zones.


Will you be on a base or out in the woods?


Are you in the Marines?
Good luck

What Unit/Service/etc...

I'm actually in the Navy. The marines don't have their own med guys, or chaplains, so the navy lets them use ours. So the Navy created Fleet Marine Force (FMF), who are Navy guys that work solely with the Marines.
You never really know what unit you'll be with till you get there. I guess i'll just have to wait and see where i'll be.

+1 Keep your head down.

We're all rooting and praying for you! You make us proud!
Thoughts and prayers, hero...thoughts and prayers...you have my admiration. All you vets do...you are all what "The Land of the Brave" is named after...my absolute admiration.

Guide yourself with wisdom in the people you free and the world you protect. Your endeavors are necessary, honorable and true. Be just in your cause and swift in your mission as angels watch over you...

Great to meet you man. Stay safe over there! I wish I had known you were selling your car...would have kept it "driven" for you while you were gone!

Let the local group know when you get back...
James, God Speed and Thank You. I'm glad I had the opprotunity to meet you, and I look forward to hanging out again when you get back. Look me up when you come home, I've got tons of connections when your ready for another NSX.

Please put me down for "prime care" you've got my full support.
Wish you well and a good and most importantly a safe time in Afghanistan.
Keep your head down and yourself out of harm's way as much as possible.

We will me waiting for your return. As so does your future NSX.
James -

Godspeed to you, your fellow Navy medics and the Marines you're going to watch over. My wife and I will pray for you as we pray for all of our men and women in uniform.

Thank you for your service and please stay safe.

And while it's not exactly correct to say to a Navy medic... semper fi!
We wish you the best and return home safely. Any withdraws of the car can be taken care of by logging on to "prime":biggrin:
I made it out to the Middle East finally and got an address... (and an internet connection, although very limited)

PO1 James Ryan
CTG 57.1 Navy
APO, AE 09309

So if you want to drop me a letter the old fashioned way... please do. Just hearing from the States is always nice. :smile:
