welcome to orlando

24 August 2001
Downtown Orlando
So I just moved down here from IA a couple weeks ago. Tonight I thought I'd catch a flick at the West Oaks Mall (my first mistake) but to play it safe I parked a ways out in no-mans land under a light and within eyeshot of the sleeping rent-a-cops... just in case (my second mistake). I came out to find my X had been egged. Wonder how often I can expect this. The real bummer is that the only panel that was chipped by eggshell (the rest of the panels were hit but from what I could tell tonight no other actual paint damage) is the drivers front quarter... the one signed by Mr Uehara, the father of this beloved machine. Guess I'll look into fixing it w/ Langka or something - I can't repaint it! :eek:
Anyway, I had to vent a little. It could have been much worse - they were nice by hitting mostly just the glass portions and letting the impact of the eggs cover the rest of my car. For that I'm thankful. Hopefully ithe whole car won't stink come tomorrow. :frown:
I feel a little sick though. It's either from the stench of the eggs but more likely from just having this happen.
i assume the ever-vigilant security apprehended the vandals?
Sorry to hear of your attack. But Holloween is not a night I would park ANYTHING outside I cared about, to much chance for vandalism IMO
coolnsx said:
Sorry to hear of your attack. But Holloween is not a night I would park ANYTHING outside I cared about, to much chance for vandalism IMO

yea, i actually took mine out to eat (which i NEVER to) just so it wasn't sitting around while everybody was out running around! (sucks that I have to do that but better than the consequences (the car getting hurt or some dumb punk getting hurt!))
I really feel for you. I believe in Karma, what comes around goes around.:smile:

Welcome to orlando!

I moved from there to Stuart, Florida (about 150 miles SE of you) to get away from the dense population and increasing crime. Sorry to hear of your situation but I'am a proffesional detailer of 20 years and still going strong and must stress to you to get the eggs (or whatever the stuff is) off before sunrise.
The uv rays cause the eggs to bake on and tint the paint if hot enough!
I own a black one and even today with the partly sunny conditions here, My car was too hot to touch. This kind of heat will really make the impurities etch into the surface.
When I go into orlando, I at least bring it through a touchless mobil wash so the bugs body (acidic in nature) won't eat in. Just pic a nice mobil touchless that has a newer wash machine (preferrably the ones without the guide rails that scrape you rims if you don't calculate perfectly.
A little trick so you don't have to scrub or use any chemicals:

1) Park car in shade and let cool down to touch.

2) Fill a bucket with clean water ( room temp or normal garden hose temp)

3) get some soft towels (bigger the better for front and windshield and smaller ones for side mirrors)

4) Dunk towels in and place soaking wet on bug area or dried egg area or bird droppings area etc.

5) Ok, Here's the tough part lol! walk away for about 20- 25 minutes.

6) Come back and just with the lighest effort (about the towel own weight worth) wipe away the impurities.

Note: This is just like soaking a dirty pot ( doesn't work on grease or tar though)

When you wash your car normally, you wet your car but the water doesn't stay on the impurities so it can't be absorbed enough to soften itself. That's because most people want instant removal. The trade off is you have to scrub or press harder using chemical that (TRUST ME ON THIS)) removes wax or polishes and even sealers.

Good luck and be safe!
Your fellow nsxer,
detailzacuransx said:
2) Fill a bucket with clean water ( room temp or normal garden hose temp)

3) get some soft towels (bigger the better for front and windshield and smaller ones for side mirrors)

4) Dunk towels in and place soaking wet on bug area or dried egg area or bird droppings area etc.

5) Ok, Here's the tough part lol! walk away for about 20- 25 minutes.

6) Come back and just with the lighest effort (about the towel own weight worth) wipe away the impurities.

Note: This is just like soaking a dirty pot ( doesn't work on grease or tar though)

Good luck and be safe!
Your fellow nsxer,

Hey thanks for the tip! I've never heard of doing this but it makes sense. I did get the egg off as soon as I got home (I hope) but I did it by scrubbing. :frown: I still haven't taken the cover off in the daylight to inspect the damage - crossing my fingers. Thanks Hugh for the link. I had actually forgotten that it was Halloween until I got to the mall but I didn't think much of it. Probably some Iowa Boy naivete, but vandalism was the last thing on my mind.
I realize it could have been worse and maybe I should be preparing myself for that to happen as I daily drive this one. :rolleyes:
Thanks to all for the support!
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Bum luck, sorry to hear about that. I'm kinda surprised in a place like Orlando, which has a lot of nice cars - hopefully it was just Halloween.

Good to meet you at Sebring, BTW. Let me know if you're ever down here.
I am SOOOO sorry to hear about your car. That SUCKS big time. People ask me "Why don't you drive your car more often?"...Go figure.
Do you have any dents in the body work?
Anyway it was good to meet you at NSXPO.:cool:
Welcome to Winter Garden/Orlando! I live in the same area as well and we have our business on Colonial Drive. Don't leave the NSX at the West Oaks mall for an extended period of time. To many juveniles waiting to mess with a nice car. For movies I usually go to downtown Disney which is about 15-25 minutes south of Winter Garden. Its a nicer area. Anyways, welcome to the area.

:eek: Man, I'm just seeing the post. That Royally Sucks :mad: I hope you had a chance to seal the Signature. I know we spoke about that last week when you were here at the shop. Sorry you didnt know about that Mall being a hang out for kids, and didnt remember that it was Halloween. Thats the first I've ever heard about anyone in the area having their car vandalized though. Hope you have good luck on the clean up and repaint, or touch up.
Some Welcome to Orlando. Hope you stick around, if no other incidents, lol.

Thanks again for the sympathies guys. It does help. :smile: It was great meeting all of you at XPO and in Melbourne. I look forward to hangin w/ you all at future FL events.
Oster, I hadn't gotten the fender/signature protected yet. I think I will just touch up the circles of chipped paint -I have some Langka somewhere- luckily the egg impact was a ways down from the sig itself. I'll chalk it up to some Halloween "celebration" and hope it doesn't happen again.
ExoticMD, is that your place w/ the yellow 355 and green rt/10 near Main & 50? That's just down the street from me.
Hey ML,

That is our place right next to Jiffy Lube. We specilize in buying/selling NSX's.

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Hope it doesn't leave any lasting damage and I hope the dirt bags that did it get whats coming to them.
Hey Michael,
So sorry to hear of your mess:frown: . I don't why these little jackoffs have to dick with a car as beautiful as ours. Why can't they pick on some POS if they MUST vandalize something?? Of course, WHY do they have to do it in the 1st place:mad: ???? Anyway, I hope you learn the area and stay out of the bad parts, or pick up a cheap beater to drive to the bad ones:wink: .
96 NSX-T said:
Hey Michael,
So sorry to hear of your mess:frown:
It helps to know that people w/ that mentality won't make it far in life. :wink:
Kidding - probably kids just being stupid/not thinking.
96 NSX-T said:
...or pick up a cheap beater to drive to the bad ones:wink: .
Looking for a Chevy HHR as my "company vehicle". I should be safe in that! :biggrin: