Wekfest results

12 June 2003
Bay Area
Big ups to the following winners:

3rd place - Steven - s/n makena88
2nd place - Rob - s/n 1nsx2v
1st place - Danny - s/n Blurrynsx

Congrats... way to represent the Sacramento and Bay Area chapters.

Show these guys some love....

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can you match these up with prime names - not everybody knows these guys as well as you do ....thanks!
Well I definitely enjoyed the cars, the camaraderie and the skirts.( Yo wasn't there) :wink:
Great day!:smile:
congrats to winners.

please... pics of the cars, the camaraderie and the skirts.

Or would you prefer lots of skirts, some camaraderie and a few cars?:wink:

If so, Then you'll have to check Mike Cs photo gallery!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Although I brought my dslr, I didn't take any pics :redface::redface::redface: I do know there were others taking pics, so hopefully, they will post soon.

Perfect day to spend with buddies :)

Roll-in, weather, and a nice dinner with a short caravan home capped off a fun day for me. Just got home, going to super busy for a few days but I'll try to post some pics soon on this thread.

Congrats to Steven, Danny and Rob, all well deserved! :biggrin:

OK here's one... and it's not mine... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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ok... here's two more...

A face only his mother could love... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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Found two pics from another forum and a signed poster...

Jack's incredible "Z"


Danny's NSX

And for you guys from the Sacramento Chapter... Never truer words written!!!! You better bow down when you see Rob, because Jenny Chu said so :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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This just in....

I just spoke with Kris and he told me that Jack and his "Z" took 2nd place in the Nissan Class.

A big CONGRATS to Jack!!!!

I asked Kris to hunt down your trophy/plaque.

who had the yellow nsx? Were his LEDs inside the clear corners or were they mounted in the vents below the clear corners? I only caught a glimpse of his car in the street.
Mike, James, and MACH III thanks for setting us up for this great event. (no HIN nightmares) Pretty cool show that was nicely organized by the WekFest people.

Wow can't believe I got 3rd place :cool: This is what I get for taking off early. (Didn't want to drive at night in traffic)

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James, and MACH III thanks for setting us up for this great event. (no HIN nightmares) Pretty cool show that was nicely organized by the WekFest people.

Wow can't believe I got 3rd place :cool: This is what I get for taking off early. (Didn't want to drive at night in traffic)

Hey Steve, funny running into you on 101. I was like, wasn't your car just in the show :confused: and it's already almost back in Sunnyvale...lol

A few of us were standing by the cars at 5:15 PM when somebody from the show came by and told us that the show was officially over and that the fire department, wanted all engine hoods closed. They also mentioned that there was not going to be any trophies handed out because there would be no ceremony and that the winners would receive them in the mail. Thats when we decided to start packing up and to get out of Dodge.

Was there some kind of trophy ceremony or hand out that we were misinformed on, or was it something that just happened when most of the place cleared out? Great show, I hope I didn't miss out by being with some of the first to leave. In hindsight, I guess I should have checked with Mike first.

Mike is definitely a big dog and I really need to listen to him more!:wink::wink::wink:

A few of us were standing by the cars at 5:15 PM when somebody from the show came by and told us that the show was officially over and that the fire department, wanted all engine hoods closed. They also mentioned that there was not going to be any trophies handed out because there would be no ceremony and that the winners would receive them in the mail. Thats when we decided to start packing up and to get out of Dodge.

Was there some kind of trophy ceremony or hand out that we were misinformed on, or was it something that just happened when most of the place cleared out? Great show, I hope I didn't miss out by being with some of the first to leave. In hindsight, I guess I should have checked with Mike first.

Mike is definitely a big dog and I really need to listen to him more!:wink::wink::wink:


Yep, our man Mike's definitely the big dawg.

And yeah, you missed the "ceremony". I went down to the dungeon to find out from Mike when we were leaving and got to the awards presentation area just in time to hear about our NSX friends winning. Way to rep our community, guys!

The show was cool, but every time I enter the car in one about half-way through I think to myself how much I want it to be done and ask myself why I sign up for these things. Hahahaha. I guess it's the cameraderie of being with like-minded people.

Yep, our man Mike's definitely the big dawg.

And yeah, you missed the "ceremony". I went down to the dungeon to find out from Mike when we were leaving and got to the awards presentation area just in time to hear about our NSX friends winning. Way to rep our community, guys!

The show was cool, but every time I enter the car in one about half-way through I think to myself how much I want it to be done and ask myself why I sign up for these things. Hahahaha. I guess it's the cameraderie of being with like-minded people.


Next time, I promise to bring my portable table, cards and chips!
Hey Steve, funny running into you on 101. I was like, wasn't your car just in the show :confused: and it's already almost back in Sunnyvale...lol


Tin, yeah I'm getting old and it's very hard for me to see in the dark and driving a clutch in traffic is a total nightmare!