Weird things you put on your food.

On the last vacation, my daughter was messing with her lunch and mixed bbq sauce with ranch dressing for her fries. It is really good.

When we were all fresh grads, a programmer that I worked with ate banana sandwiches with nothing else in it. Never tried that, and don't want to.
I put shaved/dried tuna flakes on my rice. It is called bonito. I also feed it to my cat as a treat (basically is is just fish). The cool part?..... the heat of the rice makes the bonito move like it is alive.

Does that count?
Hiroshima said:
I put shaved/dried tuna flakes on my rice. It is called bonito. I also feed it to my cat as a treat (basically is is just fish). The cool part?..... the heat of the rice makes the bonito move like it is alive.

Does that count?

yeah. I love bonito too.
It's a great way to freak out newcomers to Japanese food. :D
I asked 5 of my girlfriends and they make you all sound relativly normal!

Out of 5 friends I got these answers:
sour cream on spaghetti
salt on peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches
peanut-butter, mayo, pickle sandwich on rye bread
mustard on my fries (I'll admit that sounds yummy!)
Grilled cheese sandwiches with ketchup
Mayo on frozen burritos (we're still tryin gto figure out if she cook em first :confused: )
Avacados + mayo (she just cut em in half and take out the seed. puts the mayo in em and eats! :eek: )
Beets as snack food
mayonaise sandwiches
ketchup sandwiches
cottage cheese with curry
One girlfriend love to dip all kinds of things in cocktail sauce: french fries, chicken strips, fish sticks.
& she also Haagen Daas Dulce de Leche(is that right?) ice cream mixed with popcorn.

If you want to get even more grossed out, I will update you guys with what ever else they come up with. Their posts just keep pouring in.

NSX~Kleine said:

mayonaise sandwiches
ketchup sandwiches
cottage cheese with curry


You have brought up some memories.
My brother: Ketchup on Cornbread
Mayonaise Sandwiches
Sugar Sandwiches
I should have joined him, to this day he is built like a Olympic god.

My wife, Curry and the cottage cheese,
Anchar, Pepper sauce, and other Idian stuff that smells funny.
Everything has to be at room temp or warmer. She has to have warm milk in her breakfast cereal.
My dad used to eat potatoes raw as a snack. Yuck!
Ordered a pizza here in japan and it came with mayo and corn topping. Thats just wrong.

Icecream, sultana bran(kelloggs cereal) and chocolate topping is nice.

Vegemite rocks, i give it to the kids here in japan and they run screaming, which is laugh considering they like natto! Disgusting.
<B>NSX~Kleine Wrote:
peanut-butter, mayo, pickle sandwich on rye bread</B>

That list turns my stomach...

<B>ajnsx</B> : haha... giving kids vegemite... you cruel sadistic guy! :D :D :D ROFL ROFL ROFL
The weirdness continues.....
pizza and cream cheese
beets and cottage cheese
green beans and cottage cheese
spaghetti and cottage cheese
burger and fries in a chocolate milkshake
chips on sloppy joes
chips on BBQ meat sandwiches
ketchup & pickles sandwiches
PB & bologna sandwiches
mixing PB with Karo syryp
peanut butter and pickle sandwich
cottage cheese on my chili
Pizza, cheeseburgers, you name it EVERYTHING... dipped in melted butter
Mix Ketchup and Mayo together (known in Utah as "fry sauce" to dip your fries & burgers in
shredded carrots in their lime jell-o (said to be another Utah thing)
vinegar on pop-corn (Esp. red-wine or balsamic she says)
mayo with mashed potatoes
tabasco hot sauce and lemon on top of my popcorn (ok not gross extreamly yummy! But I never thought of the lemon - Guess what I will try tonight?)
mashed potato sandwiches... just mashed potatoes with bread...
1/2 glass of diet coke and 1/2 of orange juice
pickles and french fries in the same bite
Mayo in my spaghetti & meatsauce (cuts down on the acid)
Ranch dressing for steak & chicken oh and mashed potatoes too.

Are you grossed out yet?
ajnsx said:
Ordered a pizza here in japan and it came with mayo and corn topping. Thats just wrong.

That's disgusting. Pizza is my favorite food. On my birthday, I could care less if I have cake, as long as there's pizza.. that's how much I like it. If the pizza delivery guy came to my door with mayo and corn on my pizza, Mr. Wolf would be getting a call from me shortly thereafter. :eek:

Are you grossed out yet?

steveny said:
As far as the strangest things I have ate I would say; rattle snake, bear, armadillo, and frozen blood cubes at a ritual party my Cambodian friend threw.
Have tried them all, and then some.... some of the stranger things on my list (in no particular order):
- balut (half-formed partially embryonic duck eggs) - Philippine delicacy
- blood stew (dinuguan) - Philippine dish
- century eggs - Chinese
- fish head / eye soup
- blood sausage (morcilla) - Argentine fave ( **LOVE** these )
- broiled (?) caterpillars and ant eggs ("Mex caviar") - Mexico
- alligator, crocodile, etc -- funny how they all "taste like chicken" :)
- durian (SE asian fruit -- tastes like heaven, stinks like hell)

Have also had my share of insects (beetles, ants, grasshoppers, etc) in my day. Funny what high-octane tequila will mask :)

Not too many things I'd NOT do a second time... the Mexican caterpillars and Aussie vegemite are too of them. Maybe the latter if I have a REALLY bad cold :)
Not too many things I'd NOT do a second time... the Mexican caterpillars and Aussie vegemite are too of them. Maybe the latter if I have a REALLY bad cold

Whack vegemite on two salada's with butter, squish them together, make vegemite worms then eat it, heaven in a biscuit ;) It's a child's right of passage in every Australian household!