Weird things you put on your food.

12 November 2002
Spokane, WA
What are some of the more uncommon things you do with your food?

One of my friends puts peanut butter on her french toast, along with maple syrup; pb being the odd ingredient.

Once, I took this girl out to Pizza Hut and she ordered ranch dressing to dip her pizza in! Not a bad idea, just the first time I've seen such a thing. She said she dips everything in ranch!:eek:

I make myself peanut butter-banana sandwiches sometimes.. I guess that's weird, so I've been told!:p
Try peanut butter, bananas, bacon, and honey. Then grill it in butter. Quite tasty!

My wife and kids use fish sauce on alot of foods. Made from dried fish and salt. Smells like a$$.
tochigidream said:

Once, I took this girl out to Pizza Hut and she ordered ranch dressing to dip her pizza in! Not a bad idea, just the first time I've seen such a thing. She said she dips everything in ranch!:eek:

My girlfriend does the same thing with her pizza. She also eats her French toast with ketchup on it. YUK

I have been called strange because I prefer ketchup on my macaroni and cheese, but never mac and cheese from the box only the homemade variety for me.

My brother-in-law is probably one of the best chefs I have ever known, and I know quite a few. Anything he makes will roll your eyes back in your head with delight. I have the honor of him staying the weekend at my house one or two weekends a month so I get to try many new things.

As far as the strangest things I have ate I would say; rattle snake, bear, armadillo, and frozen blood cubes at a ritual party my Cambodian friend threw.
Peanut butter and a slice of cheese on a piece of bread and then microwave it for about 30 seconds. :eek:

Sounded disgusting to me, but I tried it and it's actually pretty good!
I use blue chesse dressing on my fries and ketchup on my tamales :D
I like to eat my fries with ketchup and mayo mixed. People always look at me weird when I mix them up on my plate.

It's not so strange in Germany, where I grew up. They frequently eat their fries with straight mayo.
I like to eat my fries with ketchup and mayo mixed. People always look at me weird when I mix them up on my plate.

Here in the North West we call this "Fry Sauce." Most of the fast food places carry and offer it to their customers.
tochigidream said:
Once, I took this girl out to Pizza Hut and she ordered ranch dressing to dip her pizza in! Not a bad idea, just the first time I've seen such a thing.

This is very common, I'm surprised you had never seen it before. In fact some national franchises like Papa Johns offer a side of ranch dressing as a regular menu item.

Some of you guys are disgusting... :D

I just put a ground pepper on almost every meal that's not spicy. And if it's spicy, i add more spice. :D

Since I'm Australian, i also like Vegemite... which you don't sell in the USA because it looks and tastes like axel grease! :p
NeoNSX said:
Since I'm Australian, i also like Vegemite... which you don't sell in the USA because it looks and tastes like axel grease! :p

I was curious to what the hell Men at work were singing about:confused:

Now I know
donwon said:
Tabasco on everything. :)

Cholula hot sauce is great on Pizza.
NeoNSX said:
Since I'm Australian, i also like Vegemite... which you don't sell in the USA because it looks and tastes like axel grease! :p

Actually you can buy it over here at Cost Plus. My mother in law (whose Australian) always has some. YUCK!!! :D