Weird TCS problem

26 September 2001
Hoping for some help, this is a stock '91 NSX, ~85K miles.

Out for a drive, driving up to around 80mph, after slowing down to the speed limit the speedometer starting fluttering between 0, the actual speed and inbetween. Continued for 15 mins or so, after speedo started doing weird stuff both TCS and check engine light came on and stayed on until car arrived home. Turned car off, turned back on lights were gone. Any ideas? thanks.
Since the TCS and the speedometer both rely on wheel speed sensors, that would seem to be the culprit for what's going on.

Since it's gone away, I would wait for it to happen again, and otherwise not worry about it. Trying to fix things that happen intermittently is almost impossible, since they never seem to happen at the time that you're trying to troubleshoot...
Since the TCS and the speedometer both rely on wheel speed sensors, that would seem to be the culprit for what's going on.

Yeah that was my quick diagnosis too. However, not knowing much about these sensors, I'm curious, is it possible for them to get dirty or out of whack and that could cause this? My only concern if this is the case is what about the check engine light?
They've got nothing to do with you're speedo.That's run of the speed sensor in the can reach down and check the connection real easy.the legend speed sensors go bad all the time but I've never had one go in an X .Later:)
My NSX experienced the exact same thing several months ago. It was the speed sensor. I had the Acura dealer replace it and the problem was fixed.
Go ahead and retrieve the ECU, ABS and TCS error codes by inserting the Service Jumper (paper clip). Then look up in the manual what they mean to make a better judgement on whether to simply ignor the problem or fix it.