We Are Becoming Worse Than Animals

Yeah, I read that this morning as well. I really hate the news sometimes....

I think if I were in that situation I'd be running those bastards over...and turning around and running them over again...but that's just me.
That's just sad. :mad:

Someone said we need more guns - I think we need more ass whooping's (not necc. the physical kind) when punks like these are kids. Makes me sad to think that our brothers and sisters are out there defending this great country of ours while jackasses who live here take it for granted and make it a worse place to live from within. :frown:
satan_srv said:
Yeah well guns could solve poverty too if you shoot and kill all the poor people. It could solve unemployment too!

When I said he could have used a gun to "resolve" his problem, I meant that he could defend himself from his attackers.

In other words, his life was clearly in danger, and thus he could use a weapon (a gun) to defend himself so that he could defend his life (which it appears he may lose as a result of this incident).

I am not sure how you come to the conclusion that because I said he could have hopefully "resolved" the situation by defending himself with a firearm, that it is somehow ok to "resolve" unemployment with a gun.

Are you saying that defending yourself with a gun is the same as executing unemployed people with a gun? I hope not LOL!
Edwardo said:
Are you saying that defending yourself with a gun is the same as executing unemployed people with a gun?

No, no... Quite obviously he is saying that the poor & unemployed are entitled to beat people to death without being afraid someone might interfere or resist.
mindretch said:
No, no... Quite obviously he is saying that the poor & unemployed are entitled to beat people to death without being afraid someone might interfere or resist.

Ahhh...I see. Well, his name is...SATAN :wink:
I don't know why anyone would think a gun would have helped the situation (defense or otherwise). Why not simply depress the gas pedal???:confused:
I've often joked there's no problem a shotgun cannot solve - at least in Hollywood films. This poor guy sure could have used one.

Guns aren't really a solution to the problem though. The real problem is a group of young men who believe that never backing down proves their manhood. :rolleyes: More guns may only make matters worse. :(
A "solution" to the problem? What is there to solve? Angry, irrational mob behavior has exhisted in every culture throughout history. I am afraid it has always been and it always will be. The best thing any of us can do is do our best to avoid the situation. If the situation does arise, hope you can find a way out where you are not harmed (or you don't have to harm anyone else).

This is not some isolated incident. People get "jumped" all of the time unfortunately.
Huh thats an interesting story ...and very sad..however thats not the worst that humans can do.....the Nazis would Use the "scurge of humanity" (jews) as sex slaves while gasing their familys to death in gas chambers......one of Husein's sons Kidnapped a girl from his school (she didnt want to date him) and then he raped her on and off for 3 months then when he tired of her he coated her in honey and fed her (while still alive) to his dogs.....

Humans are evil ....most just don't want to admit it.
Both sons died a horrific death. The eldest was the worst. Hearing these stories makes me wish I have superpower.I encountered some teenagers in the wood when I was in UK. I guess because I'm asian they could bully me until I told them I know Kungfu. Good that Kungfu movies play in the cinema that time.
zahntech said:
Huh thats an interesting story ...and very sad..however thats not the worst that humans can do.....the Nazis would Use the "scurge of humanity" (jews) as sex slaves while gasing their familys to death in gas chambers......one of Husein's sons Kidnapped a girl from his school (she didnt want to date him) and then he raped her on and off for 3 months then when he tired of her he coated her in honey and fed her (while still alive) to his dogs.....

Humans are evil ....most just don't want to admit it.
Edwardo said:
When I said he could have used a gun to "resolve" his problem, I meant that he could defend himself from his attackers.

In other words, his life was clearly in danger, and thus he could use a weapon (a gun) to defend himself so that he could defend his life (which it appears he may lose as a result of this incident).

I am not sure how you come to the conclusion that because I said he could have hopefully "resolved" the situation by defending himself with a firearm, that it is somehow ok to "resolve" unemployment with a gun.

Are you saying that defending yourself with a gun is the same as executing unemployed people with a gun? I hope not LOL!

Well I do get bored easily, just trying to help the government out :p

My example was facetious, but for defense or not, I don't agree with guns as 'solutions'. I guess we'll see if my opinion changes if I'm ever dragged out of my car and beaten, but I doubt I could live with the burden pulling a gun and using it on a person, self-defense or not. Just my 2 cents
And, I just booked a ticket to fly out to Milwaukee last night.

(making mental note, dont honk at mobs in the middle of the street there)
The point of using the gun is that you do get to live (hopefully) if ever caught in a similar situation. Tough to deal with regret or second guess if you are dead or a vegetable. If the guy dies or is brain damaged, I'm sure his family will wish he was armed at the time. Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Told to me by a cop friend. My pistol class instructor said to shoot them twice to verify you were afraid for your life & that they are dead & can't sue you. Although I'm sure the family would sue claiming their little hoodlum had a lucrative future ahead of him.
A house cat survived being locked in a cage, thrown off a bridge and then stranded in an icy puddle of river slush.

The ordeal ended Tuesday morning when a pair of passers-by spotted the calico cat while crossing a footbridge and called for help.

Missoula firefighters arrived minutes later, donned wet suits and launched a rescue boat.

Someone had put the animal in a cage, along with a rock weighing about 16 pounds, and tossed it into the Clark Fork River. But instead of landing in the water, it bounced several times on the ice and then became stuck.

It's unclear how long the cat had been there.

Firefighters took it back to the fire station, dried it off and fed it leftover Christmas turkey and a dish of milk.

"It was really skinny, nothing but skin and bones, and had collar marks where a too-small collar had rubbed the fur off its neck. But it was really friendly," firefighter Philip Keating said.

Firefighter Josh Macrow decided to keep the cat. After his shift, he took it to a veterinarian and then home to his 12-year-old daughter.

"It's the sweetest cat," Macrow said. "It sits on your shoulder when you drive down the road, and it curled up with my black Labs this morning."

Naming the animal was easy, he said.

"We call her Lucky."