Watch out guys. Don't leave your radar detectors visible where you park

Dang Matt, I keep a passport in the car and the truck all the time. I guess you get comfortable after a while thinking it won't happen. Sorry to hear.:frown:
Thanks for the offer. PM me your number and let me see what the adjuster says on Monday. There was some other damage other than the window.
Sorry to read that Matt. Hopefully your garage has some cameras. A similar thing happened to a friends entire cul-de-sac two weeks ago. Police said they were stealing GPS units, etc.
Navigation units are higher up on the list then are radar detectors.... They usually look for the suction cup imprints on the window and they know most just keep theres in the car somewhere and it dont cost them nothing to break your window and look. So clean your windows after removing your device weather it be a radar detector or nav:cool:
I'm sorry for your misfortune too Matt... I leave my V1 in the car all the time and just bought a radar detector for my girlfriend and told her that it's no problem to just leave it attached to the windshield. Guess I'll modify my behavior and tell Donna that I was mistaken. Good luck with getting the damage fixed.

Holy CRap Matt. That sucks. All my cars got suction cups marks rom my V1 AND gARMA. Damn, gotta start carrying around windex and paper towels now.
With the way the economy is, it's not going to get any better.

I was talking to the owner of Carboy Saturday and he said 11 cars got broken into at Hotel Derek (nice hotel in the Galleria area) for radars and GPS units. And these were the cars that were supposed to be watched by the valet guys.

I'm not going to purchase anymore radar detectors. I just won't speed. ;)
GPS units are worse than radar detectors too, because thieves can usually just hit the "home" button for a set of directions right back to your house.

If they break in while you're somewhere like a movie theater, they might figure you're kinda busy for the next few hours and ransack your house too... :eek:
We just got a memo from building management that break-ins were happening at large office buildings and towers in the area and not to leave valuables in the car. Just last week I discovered someone broke into my condo and vandalized it (it was vacant), and I had two deadbolts on it!