Watch out for Moose!!

1TITENSX said:
Go to this website and click on the link that is the 5th one from the bottom. This is the one about the moose.

What on earth did that guy do to piss that moose off so much!?! It's not enough to have to avoid them on the road, now they've got a bad attitude and come after people?
ChopsJazz said:
What on earth did that guy do to piss that moose off so much!?! It's not enough to have to avoid them on the road, now they've got a bad attitude and come after people?

I think the momma moose was protecting the baby moose and the guy happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time :confused:
ChopsJazz said:
What on earth did that guy do to piss that moose off so much!?! It's not enough to have to avoid them on the road, now they've got a bad attitude and come after people?

Moose are very temperamental animals. This particular moose may have felt threatened. In this situation, a moose will either flee (normally) or attack. Unfortunately for this person, it decided it needed to attack.

Each year in Alaska more people are injured by moose, than by bears. In the past ten years, two people have died from moose attacks in the Anchorage area. Each year, there are at least 5-10 moose-related injuries in the Anchorage area alone, with many reports of charging moose in neighborhoods or on ski trails.
While in vacation in the Adirondacks I saw a lady hit a bear in a Aries K car. It was unbelievable how much damage the accident did to the car because the mass of the bear being so low to the ground. What shocked me even more was the bear ran into the woods after the accident.

Hitting deer in the northeast is just something we deal with on a yearly basis up here. Knock on wood I have not had a serious deer collision in the last few years. I did hit one last year but was only traveling 10 mph so no damage occurred to BMW's loaner car or the deer
TigerNSX said:
Here in New England, Mooses (is this the right plural form of Moose) have created a tremendous amount of danger to drivers.

And vise versa.
ChopsJazz said:
What on earth did that guy do to piss that moose off so much!?! It's not enough to have to avoid them on the road, now they've got a bad attitude and come after people?

I can't get the video to work, but if it is the same one I have seen previously it was during mating season and the moose gave every indication it was going to attack and the guy just sat in his car thinking he was safe. The moose saw him as a potential threat and crushed his car with his front hoofs.

Just goes to show don't mess with a horny moose!