Washington future event ideas

They said on the news not long ago that the park n' ride lot and general area around the Northgate Mall is the worst place to leave anything parked.

I think we can work out some more common DE scheduling. We'll never be able to even come close to filling our own days. Maybe designate to run Alfa days at PR or Porsche days at PIR or something like that. Pick one of the better clubs to run with.

Seems strange we can't get turn-out like the Japan dudes do. :confused:

I went there all the time with my nsx and I don't think it's that bad. Well, I never parked at the park n ride though. Are you sure the covered parking is for park n ride not for the Mall? Seriously if there's the worst place to leave a nsx or any nice cars, it'll be the Seattle area. My car got vandalized, spits and bumped into all over there.
Well what do I know, I parked my nsx @ walmart next to minivans.:biggrin:

It will be fun to have the Alfa day as the first event especially with any member had no DE experience, as they don't charge extra for newbies. The instrutors there "love" the nsx too.
I would recommend refine schedule a little bit so that we could join different clubs and have a taste of tracking fun, since everyone running the track: ie: setting up the cones, passing zones, and different skill level drivers/cars differently. I prob. have most fun with the speedware track day as they still allow passengers and have good food. Hot pastas, ceasar salar, soft drink/water/snack bar available... Can't beat that.

I need more training for PIR too, so hopefully I can be there a little more next year.
everyone list where you live, then i'll find a map and find a place close to the center of us all and im sure we could find a good restaurant or meeting place to use once a month.
Myself, John, and the Fowlers showed up at Red Hook about 2-3 weeks ago and we put together a schedule for 2008. Remember nothing is set in stone. I will start a new thread to list the events and monthly meetings. We came up with some good ideas, but they are pending the schedules of other clubs and organizations. The main idea was to alternate the monthly meeting between Saturday at noon and Saturday at night. Example...

Jan 5th - noon, location open
Feb 2nd - 7pm, location open
Mar 1st - noon, location open
Apr 5th - 7pm, location open, and so on...

I would encourage 12 individuals to pick a month an plan the monthly meeting. Ideal locations I think would be in the I-5/I-405 loop (Lynnwood to Tukwila).

Another idea that came up at Red Hook was to alternate the monthly meetings between Saturdays and Sundays every other month. Example...

Jan 5th - Saturday
Feb 3rd - Sunday
Mar 1st - Saturday
Apr 6th - Sunday

Sundays could be mornings around 10-11am, that will still give you the rest of the day to do things. Possible meet at Sykart or Traxx for some karting action.:biggrin:

So those of you that want to plan something here is your chance. I will take February, either Saturday the 2nd at 7pm or Sunday the 3rd at 11am. We need 11 others to take a month and plan it. Let's Go! Once we have all the months covered, I will post the complete 2008 Schedule for events, track days, and monthly meetings.

Please give input on alternating Sat noon / Sat 7pm vs Sat / Sun.

Also anybody on nsxprime ski or snowboard. Would be great to have a get together on the slopes - Stevens or The Pass or Crystal Mt. Maybe that should be a separate thread itself.
Don't think I have any kind of seniority to plan a month but as an FYI, Sundays work best for my schedule. Sat evenings are only 50/50 at best.

Again just an FYI

Chris from Tacoma
Planning a particular month only requires you to take control and plan the Saturday or Sunday. Hey VELVEETA - take a chance and pick a month. As long as you have the enthusiasm for NSX's and want to plan the monthly meeting, then go for it! Those that complain about the monthly meeting and don't step up, then they can only blame themselves. We need a few more individuals to step up, but we are on our way to making a complete schedule for 2008.
I think Velveeta has more enthusiasm than alot of us! :biggrin:
Seriously, you can plan anything you want just like Dean said.
and don't be like Ferrand :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

PS Have you guys figure out when to post up coming event? 7 days prior or 14 days prior? Once you guys posted I can based on that and send email to others, unless someone willing to take over the email too:tongue:
Polar - once we have the schedules from other organizations (Alfa club, BMW club, Speedware, Proformance Racing School, SCCA, Bremerton Sportcar Club) we can post the entire 2008 event schedule with reminders for each upcoming month at least 2 weeks in advance.

And is Polar going to pick a month? Is Ferrand going to pick a month? Is John @ microsoft going to pick a month?
I think Velveeta has more enthusiasm than alot of us! :biggrin:

Hehe.. to say the least :) He was like a kid in a candy store at the Toys for Tots ;)

Great meeting you, Chris and all the other Prime members that showed up...

Any way we can plan some of these events on the northern side of seattle/lynnwood area? Seems us Bellingham peeps have to drive the farthest to any event :(
Most of us don't mind driving up north (HWY 9 or Chuckanut Dr). Might get a better turn out if you plan Summer months. We leave it to those from up North to plan something up North. There are still several months open. It's up to you.
Planning a particular month only requires you to take control and plan the Saturday or Sunday. Hey VELVEETA - take a chance and pick a month. As long as you have the enthusiasm for NSX's and want to plan the monthly meeting, then go for it! Those that complain about the monthly meeting and don't step up, then they can only blame themselves. We need a few more individuals to step up, but we are on our way to making a complete schedule for 2008.

Well, then if ya need someone with enthusiasm, then I'm your guy. Hehe, I guess that if I'm going to do this I would like to take JULY, since my birthday is during that month. In fact my birhtday lands on the 3rd Saturday, I will need to find out if that day works for you guys and of course find out what is expected as far as "what to do". So suggestions would be appreciated.

I think Velveeta has more enthusiasm than alot of us! :biggrin:
Seriously, you can plan anything you want just like Dean said.
and don't be like Ferrand :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

PS Have you guys figure out when to post up coming event? 7 days prior or 14 days prior? Once you guys posted I can based on that and send email to others, unless someone willing to take over the email too:tongue:

Hey Polar!! :biggrin: thanks for the comment, I do appreciate it. Ya know my brother down in Cali, does alot of these things, so maybe he could give me some ideas as well.

Hehe.. to say the least :) He was like a kid in a candy store at the Toys for Tots ;)

Great meeting you, Chris and all the other Prime members that showed up...

Any way we can plan some of these events on the northern side of seattle/lynnwood area? Seems us Bellingham peeps have to drive the farthest to any event :(

LOL!! Yeah I guess I was, but hey, I've been wanting to be apart of something like this for a long time and now that I finally am, it's a great experience :smile:

By the way, does anyone know if we made the news from the "Toys for Tots"?


Chris from Tacoma
Update for monthly meeting schedule...

Jan -
Feb -NSX-D, Saturday night 7pm (02/02/08) karting at Sykart (Tukwila)
Mar -Sarge
April -NA1/2-R
May -JFowler
Jun -NSXDreamer2
July -Velveeta
Aug -John@microsoft
Sept -NSX#75
Oct -
Nov -
Dec -

Come on - let's get those months filled!
Last edited:
Rhonda and I have driven to Whistler BC every year for her birthday. This would be Sept. 9 . This year we are leaving friday Morning Sept. 5 for the weekend and we stay at the pan pacific mountian side. So far we have had a fantastic drive to and from whistler. I invite anybody interested now for the month of september for the weekend experience. It is a great time. The drive through horeshoe bay to whistler is incredible and exhilerating.
The Fowlers
When is JOJO having the fantastic bbq. Step it up Arnon. The Fowlers want to know!
Hey Velveeta,

The exact planning does not have to be set in stone at this time. The main objective is to have all of the months filled and select Saturday or Sunday, and am or pm. You could have a tentative plan at this time (BBQ, karting, day drive, lunch?). I would suggest that if you are planning something big, like the Fowlers (Whistler), then the more notice the better. Just pick a month and run with it, we are not official knit-pickers.

I will update my month of February, I plan on a Saturday night of karting at Sykart in Tukwila (South Center Area). Roughly 7pm.
Hey Velveeta,

The exact planning does not have to be set in stone at this time. The main objective is to have all of the months filled and select Saturday or Sunday, and am or pm. You could have a tentative plan at this time (BBQ, karting, day drive, lunch?). I would suggest that if you are planning something big, like the Fowlers (Whistler), then the more notice the better. Just pick a month and run with it, we are not official knit-pickers.

I will update my month of February, I plan on a Saturday night of karting at Sykart in Tukwila (South Center Area). Roughly 7pm.

Make it 8:30 or 9pm if you don't mind.. or you guys meet up at 7pm and eat somewhere. then go kart. You know I really want to join you guys!!!

By the way, I might organize a track day (and I guess June may be a good month): by organize, I have to find out my schedule and found out which clubs running on which specific day... and which one that most people could join in. It's just way too many unknowns right now.

You guys who knew me for years will understand that I would have jumped in and organize stuff in the past... To someone who already missed both of my dad's and mom's birthday dinner, I don't want to be a flake, I got very upset with those in the past and it's the last thing I want to be.

So if you guys don't mind, Put me in June. and I might just switch month with John, Velveeta and Sept person. Wait, is NSXPO 08 in Sept? or Oct?
Update for monthly meeting schedule...

Jan -
Feb -NSX-D, Saturday night 7pm (02/02/08) karting at Sykart (Tukwila)
Mar -Sarge
April -NA1/2-R
May -JFowler
Jun -NSXDreamer2
July -Velveeta
Aug -John@microsoft
Sept -
Oct -
Nov -
Dec -

Come on - let's get those months filled!
