Was Tailed today... ever happen to you?

15 January 2010
I was tailed off the highway today by a beater camaro while running an errand, they were definitely more than enthusiastic onlookers or stupid teenagers. Couple of older scraggy looking guys in a fucked up car.

On the highway, I was driving normal and not cutting anyone off or doing go-fast stuff... just driving minding my own business.

These guys followed me through a random neighborhood matching every turn I was making, I elected to take them on the "ohh so you ARE tailing me" tour directly to the front of a local police station since I wasn't carrying at the time. They took off and I didn't get a good look at their plate.

I figure that they were casing my parking spot or looking to jack it at a light.
Fun times.
I was tailed off the highway today by a beater camaro while running an errand, they were definitely more than enthusiastic onlookers or stupid teenagers. Couple of older scraggy looking guys in a fucked up car.

On the highway, I was driving normal and not cutting anyone off or doing go-fast stuff... just driving minding my own business.

These guys followed me through a random neighborhood matching every turn I was making, I elected to take them on the "ohh so you ARE tailing me" tour directly to the front of a local police station since I wasn't carrying at the time. They took off and I didn't get a good look at their plate.

I figure that they were casing my parking spot or looking to jack it at a light.
Fun times.

Im always careful to make sure people dont follow me home and like you go out of my way to make sure and yes it has happened to me before
Next time, get a picture, with faces would be best, car and plate good too. If you don't have a camera in your phone, act like you do and 'take a picture' with it. Whatever they were planning, they won't want to do it to an owner that they think has their picture. This works for road ragers and tailgaters, too.
Sorry Chase, that was me, trying to flag you down to let you know your NSX had some tissue paper stuck to the rear end... :biggrin:

just kidding. Glad you survived the experience. There are a lot of strange people out there so it's good to be self aware. I've had various teens try to shadow me, no creeps in beat up camaro's yet.

If it happened to me, I'd drive right over to your house and ask for help. :tongue:

I actually had a drunk driver tail gate me when I lived in Kali. I drove the car over to a neighbor who was a Sheriff Deputy and leaned on the horn. The drunk driver took off, but not before I got the plate. The cops went to his house and he tried to fight the cops, and got arrested for drunk driving.

I think I'm gonna ask SOS to install those James Bond smoke emitters, and spike strip release to deter people from following me. Still waiting to save up for the trunk mounted mini-gun install. ;)

I'm also waiting for SOS to offer these:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fDrzMGdYWZc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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A guy in a old souped-up Charger (think Dukes of Hazzard style) kept on running up on my rear (about a foot off my bumper), then would pull back and then come screaming up again. He wanted to race and was obviously crazy. I knew the road I was on really well and knew his suspension was his weakness. So I waited for a specific turn, increased my speed gradually until I knew he wouldn't make the turn. He followed me into the turn and lost it, crossing the oncoming traffic and into a field. I will never do that again. He could have killed someone coming in the other direction. A bad decision on my part made out of anger and little forethought :redface:. Be careful out there.
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Im tailed daily or atleast i think I am.

government Conspiracy kinda guy

so I drive like a bat out hell everywhere I go 24/7,

if you can see a car in your rear view doing the same thing keeping up with you, then your getting followed and if they can keep up with me when I have
" that feeling " I then test my brakes and bring them to a full stop, when their car is at full stop and honking their horn I GUNNNN it take a few corners and then take the long way home. cuz I lost them.

but when you see a car following you and you bring them to a full stop
and its an old women you laugh cuz you feel like an idiot.
or is she working for them to?? damn it man you never know
All you guys have to do is pull off and let them go by.

It's extremely easy; no speeding, smoke screens, brake checking or racing required.
A guy in a old souped-up Charger (think Dukes of Hazzard style) kept on running up on my rear (about a foot off my bumper), then would pull back and then come screaming up again. He wanted to race and was obviously crazy. I knew the road I was on really well and knew his suspension was his weakness. So I waited for a specific turn, increased my speed gradually until I knew he wouldn't make the turn. He followed me into the turn and lost it, crossing the oncoming traffic and into a field. I will never do that again. He could have killed someone coming in the other direction. A bad decision on my part made out of anger and little forethought :redface:. Be careful out there.

I'd say that was a bad decision on his part, not yours.
I get people following me quite a bit. I assume it's usually just people who haven't seen a NSX before who want to see/hear it, but it's still a bit freaky. I usually will take a different path home where there's a place that I can do a u-turn. That always throws them off. If they do the u-turn with me, we have issues.
Has happened to me and I did the same thing and took him around a few neghborhoods. I finally got pissed and pulled over and got out and asked the guy "Can I help you with something?" And he starts asking me "What kind of car is that? I have never seen one before...How much did you pay blah blah blah." I told him that it's not a good idea to follow someone around like that because I was unsure of his intentions.

A guy in a old souped-up Charger (think Dukes of Hazzard style) kept on running up on my rear (about a foot off my bumper), then would pull back and then come screaming up again. He wanted to race and was obviously crazy. I knew the road I was on really well and knew his suspension was his weakness. So I waited for a specific turn, increased my speed gradually until I knew he wouldn't make the turn. He followed me into the turn and lost it, crossing the oncoming traffic and into a field. I will never do that again. He could have killed someone coming in the other direction. A bad decision on my part made out of anger and little forethought :redface:. Be careful out there.

Thats awesome...what a douchebag in the Charger.

I have done that on my motorcycle..cars have tailgated me on a twisty road so I wait for a good turn and blast around it and they can't keep up. Never had any run off the road though.
I was tailed off the highway today by a beater camaro while running an errand, they were definitely more than enthusiastic onlookers or stupid teenagers. Couple of older scraggy looking guys in a fucked up car.

On the highway, I was driving normal and not cutting anyone off or doing go-fast stuff... just driving minding my own business.

These guys followed me through a random neighborhood matching every turn I was making, I elected to take them on the "ohh so you ARE tailing me" tour directly to the front of a local police station since I wasn't carrying at the time. They took off and I didn't get a good look at their plate.

I figure that they were casing my parking spot or looking to jack it at a light.
Fun times.

You did the right thing because who knows with this world we now live in. You may have saved your life or at least your car. High crime in Memphis is the reason i almost always have my 40 S&W with me in the car.

All you guys have to do is pull off and let them go by.

It's extremely easy; no speeding, smoke screens, brake checking or racing required.

Depends on where you are. They may be waiting for you to stop :wink:.
There are folks who will intentionally ram a car to rob them. It's been documented.Be safe and be aware.
A guy in a old souped-up Charger (think Dukes of Hazzard style) kept on running up on my rear (about a foot off my bumper), then would pull back and then come screaming up again. He wanted to race and was obviously crazy. I knew the road I was on really well and knew his suspension was his weakness. So I waited for a specific turn, increased my speed gradually until I knew he wouldn't make the turn. He followed me into the turn and lost it, crossing the oncoming traffic and into a field. I will never do that again. He could have killed someone coming in the other direction. A bad decision on my part made out of anger and little forethought :redface:. Be careful out there.

I have a similar story.

Except it was some gal that I know that tried to follow me on her stock Audi TT in the hills and on this turn I didn't even brake. she went straight off a 15ft. drop into a vineyard. She rolled on the roof and back on the wheels in the soft dirt.

Amazingly she was able to drive it home outta fear that her dad would kill her.

I wasn;t even racing. Just that my car was running race suspension and A032r tires at the time.
I was tailed off the highway today by a beater camaro while running an errand, they were definitely more than enthusiastic onlookers or stupid teenagers. Couple of older scraggy looking guys in a fucked up car.

On the highway, I was driving normal and not cutting anyone off or doing go-fast stuff... just driving minding my own business.

These guys followed me through a random neighborhood matching every turn I was making, I elected to take them on the "ohh so you ARE tailing me" tour directly to the front of a local police station since I wasn't carrying at the time. They took off and I didn't get a good look at their plate.

I figure that they were casing my parking spot or looking to jack it at a light.
Fun times.

Good move. If I'm ever unsure, I do a lap around the block and if a vehicle is still following me when I do a complete circle, then I would take further steps.

Although, probably better to drive in front of the Fire Dept and not the Police Dept. Most officers are in the cars and out patrolling, station is empty (for the most part). At the Fire Dept, all the dudes are sitting around waiting for a call. Atleast, this is what I tell me wife to do. :)
Yep. I was driving and an old gold Chevy tank type car with a couple of guys followed me. I pulled up at a friends house, which was my destinataion.

They said they had a bet between them on what type of car it was, they thought it was a Ferrari. They looked kind of odd when I told them it was an Acura. :eek: :eek: :biggrin:

On another note, three co-workers at a company I worked for years back where chased by some crazy person, they ended up going to the police station, all three were shot and killed outside the police station. I never did hear if there was a connection to the person who chased them. It was two men and a woman. I'm thinking maybe a former husband or boyfriend of the woman, but I can't recall all the details now after so many years.

In my case it was just a couple of guys curious about the car, as they had never seen an NSX before.
I have a similar story.

Except it was some gal that I know that tried to follow me on her stock Audi TT in the hills and on this turn I didn't even brake. she went straight off a 15ft. drop into a vineyard. She rolled on the roof and back on the wheels in the soft dirt.

Amazingly she was able to drive it home outta fear that her dad would kill her.

I wasn;t even racing. Just that my car was running race suspension and A032r tires at the time.

I did a similiar thing with my girlfriend (now wife). I was driving a 1967 Camaro and she was in a 1969 GTO. She was leading, it was raining and we were on Ozark mountain back roads. She had the faster car and thought she should be able to leave me behind. Needless to say, all we found out was our traction limit and we both slid off the road into a field just feet apart, no damage to either car. (we relive that moment alot - even 35 years later). It always reminds me what crappy cars American's built back then and how stupid we were as kids.
This past Monday I thought I was being tailed by two people in a rice'd up Mazda while I was driving my red 96' NSX. It just didn't make sense that they happened to make all of the same turns that I did. I wasn't really scared as I was prepared for them when I arrived at my destination, but I was a bit anxious.

If I were driving home, I definitely would have tried a u-turn or something to be sure I was being tailed. If I were being tailed I'd call the police while driving and head to the interstate and just floor it until I lost them or the police found me.
You didn't make him drive at an unsafe speed. Not your fault.

Don't get me wrong. The guy that was tailgating me got what he deserved. What I did wrong was possibly putting others at danger. If someone had been coming in the other direction (it was a blind right turn) they may have been seriously injured by hitting the tailgater when he crossed their lane. I wonder to this day if I could have been charged with involuntary manslaughter if someone was killed in such an accident due to both of our excessive speed being mistaken as "street racing".

Actions in cars can be life changing -
it's not a good idea to follow someone around like that because it's a good way to get shot.

Fixed it for you. :)
Exactly... although I wasn't carrying that day
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I was followed around once by an white-haired guy in a early/mid 90s dark green 4runner. He started following me on the freeway, took my exit, and made every turn I made. When I came to a red light in the right lane, he came from behind, went into the left lane, and then cut me off in my lane and parked diagonally across in front of me.

Somehow I got away, and I decided to get on the freeway again, and let him pass by. After he passed, he cut me off, and turned on these orange LED lights that were on the inside of his rear window. They looked like the lights you'd find on some sort of service vehicle.

To this day I have no idea what that was supposed to signal, or why he was following me.

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