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Warning! Re: Larry Garcia, Nsx Modified

22 April 2001
West Palm Beach, Florida
This is a warning to anyone thinking of dealing with Larry Garcia or having their car serviced at NSX Modified in Long Beach, CA. Since October 22nd, I have been involved with Larry in an almost unbelievable story of outright fraud, inexcusably shoddy workmanship, virtually pathological lying and an appalling degree of inconsideration.

This sad saga begins back in early October when Bradley Scott Swisher (The Swish on NSX Prime) advertised his used Comptech supercharger for sale on NSX Prime. I agreed to buy it and requested that it be sent to Comptech to be checked out. He balked and thought it was ridiculous that I would ask him to have the SC out of his possession (even to Comptech) before he had received payment. Finally, he suggested we use Larry Garcia of NSX Modified as our intermediary. I talked with Larry on the phone. He seemed very knowledgeable and friendly. I also did a search on NSX Prime and Larry was mentioned a number of times. Larry agreed to perform the SC inspection and assembly for me.

So Brad or Scott (I should have known not to trust someone who goes by two different names and also has two NSX Prime identities) dropped the SC off at Larry’s. Larry tells me all the internals look great, turn freely etc and that everything is as you would expect for a 13-month-old unit. He also tells me he was even going to test it on one of his engines to verify that everything functioned properly at speed. (Not until I saw the unit being installed on my car did I realize what a ludicrous statement this was due to the absolutely prohibitive amount of work which would have been involved).

So Brad or Scott receives his wire for $5,500 the next day (October 22nd) as promised. Well, I find out, after the fact, that the SC assembly is not quite complete. Somehow forgotten was the special alternator that goes with the Comptech SC and a little item known as the FMU (fuel management unit) which happens to be quite expensive. Larry assures me Scott or Brad will be dropping these off. I also find out, again after the fact, that Larry claims he got Brad or Scott to kick another $100 to pay for fuel lines that were a mess. (It turns out Brad or Scott had promised Larry some work on his turbo NSX which is what, I suspect, led to the glowing report I received on the SC despite its deficiencies).

At any rate, after many delays, the SC finally arrives at my house November 6th, or, at least most of it. Missing are the fuel regulator bracket and carbon fiber fuel rail covers. But far worse, is the shoddy workmanship by Larry on the SC which was to arrive assembled with new fuel injectors and ready to bolt on the car. We found the rubber washers in the fuel lines to be in terrible condition (remember the E Bay ad for the burned NSX supercharger-wonder if the guy dealt with Larry? &#61514
. But the worst was that which was not apparent.
After installing the SC on the car, we start it up. Within 15 seconds we hear a loud clunk which sounded like it came from the SC. We can find no sign of a problem. On the next start, the SC seizes entirely. We take it off the car and call Larry. We catch him on his cell as he’s going to the shop, tell him the SC is seized and he says he’ll call in 5 minutes when he arrives there. Well, here I am waiting with the guy I’m paying to work on my car and Larry calls back six hours later. (As a side note, through this entire saga, both Larry’s cell phone and work phones go unanswered with mail boxes unable to accept any more messages for days on end. Larry promises to call at specific times when my mechanic and I arrange to be available. But we don’t hear from Larry).

And while were waiting for the call back, we discover that an aluminum washer at least 20 mm had jammed inside the supercharger, damaging every blade on the rotors as well as the housing. (This washer could not possibly have come from my garage where the work is being done but where cars have not been worked on previously. It is also far larger than any washers one encounters in the engine compartment while doing the SC installation. Further, an aluminum washer of this size would be rather unusual, and one might expect, pretty scarce outside of NSX shops. And finally, we didn’t remove the tape covering the openings until the unit was ready to go on the car.) To give Larry credit, he didn’t try to deny responsibility for the washer. Actually, the problem is that he is so friendly and accommodating, but then does nothing he promises which just caused this to drag on for weeks, despite the fact that Larry knew this car was my daily driver.

After taking the SC off I checked down in the manifold for washer fragments. I found a few of those, but more disturbing, reaching down inside (where it wasn’t readily visible) the inside of the manifold was covered with a gritty, sand texture oil coating. (The manifold had come with the assembled supercharger). The oily grit couldn't have come from my car and Larry told me they had dipped the manifold in a solvent tank to clean it. I would hate to see what that solvent tank looked like.

My mechanic worked extensively on the SC to try to get it to spin properly and we finally gave up. When I told Larry, he said he would send me an extra unit he had for his race car. For the next full week, I can’t get in touch no matter how many times I try. When I finally get through on a Friday night, he tells me he is preparing the unit for shipment and also working on finding a tracking number for a Split Second map sensor and boost gauge I purchased from Larry. Over the prior two weeks he had twice promised me a tracking number for this shipment. I catch him at the shop again the next Saturday morning and he tells me he is rushing to get both the SC out by an 11:00 shipping deadline and track down that elusive package which should have arrived two weeks before. He will call me with the tracking numbers.

And that’s where it ends. No phone call with tracking numbers and next time I speak with him, its clear he is doing nothing. So for my dealings with Larry, I have a broken supercharger, no map sensor, no boost gauge, no fuel regulator bracket and no fuel rail covers. He had obviously not been working on getting anything out the door. He had obviously never mailed even items I purchased directly from Larry. I told Larry I would be posting this story on the NSX websites but he appears to not care about his reputation any more than he does about his work, honesty and integrity. And even when I left messages that accepting payment for items not delivered constituted fraud and that the motor vehicle repair licensing authorities would be contacted unless he remedied things immediately, there was no response.

As a side note, our friend Scott or Brad Swisher experienced an immediate cell phone problem when he heard my name and did not respond to messages at both numbers indicating I was having a problem with Larry. (Brad or Scott lived close enough to stop by and help find out the real story with the guy he had recommended). According to Larry, Brad also owed him for things and was not returning Larry’s calls either.

Mark Basch now has the SC unit to attempt repair, but I’m not optimistic. So after being strung along for so long by Larry by false promises of remedy, things are at least moving forward. If anyone knows of just a SC unit alone for sale, I’d be interested.
Sorry to hear of your experiences. If all you have said is true then hopefully to NSX community will make Larry and Scott/Brad pay for this one way or another. Likely lost business for Larry.

To answer your other question, I did see a whipple supercharger on ebay once. Just the unit itself. I think someone on this board bought it for about $2k. If I'm not mistaken they can be purchased directly for about $2k to $2500 but I'm not sure about this. Have you asked Comptech if they can sell you one?
Before anyone goes on the defensive for NSX modified please have facts. I know there is at least 2 more stories like this. The only person that can shed real light on this is NSX Modified or Larry. The actions or lack of actions in this story are consitent with a situation that I am aware of. I wish I had not gone by the recomendations of a 3rd party as well. I hope you get your SC straightened out. I am in the process of getting my "NSX Modified" car sorted out as we speak. Good luck.
Sorry that there were other victims , I thought I was an exception. As a newbee I gave the Shop a break, I also had an experience with the SWISH, whatever his name is. It's weird, many of the guys that are out there in the vicinity of NSX Modified are always praising. What gives? 3 very extreme stories in the last 6 months, something is up.
Don't care now, Because NSX Modified does not care. First hand Knowledge for those in doubt. Sorry that I didn't inform others earlier.
This is a shot in the dark,but have you called Whipple direct? Maybe they can put new rotors in your case or possibly you could buy a new unit from them direct. Comptech buys enough of them maybe if you explained your situation to them they might help you out, they are good guys. Best of luck to you.

Bruce, www.pettittsauto.com
Sorry to hear about your trouble I also had thought of buying a used CSC this just tells me buy new when I'm ready. Hope you get it figured out I would just be wild if I was in your shoes.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory
That's absolutely terrible.

Many owners here in the S. CA area seem to have had great experiences with Larry and NSX Modified.

I'm not defending or slamming anyone. Nobody should have to go through what JSecrest is going through. Its hard enough to find someone who is competent to work on the NSX let alone to have such a terrible experience with a shop that has been so highly recommended in the past.

JSecrest - I sincerely hope it all works out for you.
Sorry to hear about your problem. One thing is certain..... Larry or this Swishy character owes you a long explanation and some financial recovery.

Did you transfer the money from a credit card? If so, you can send the product back and get your credit card company to get the money back if it's not offered.

Good luck.
I'm sorry to hear that others have gone through the same kind of aggravation and expense with Larry that I have.
I have talked with both Comptech and Whipple. Comptech told me they have never even opened up a supercharger and just send them back to Whipple. (A very knowledgable NSX guru saya that's a laughable statement, that they open them all the time. So much for Comptech customer service).
I spoke to Whipple who said they send all the units back to Sweden but that if it needs any significant part its probably cheaper to buy the whole unit from them. I was quoted something like $1,600 or $1,800.

Mark Basch was supposed to see if he could repair mine today so hopefully I'll hear soon.

I have also heard from a reputable source that NSX Modified has lost a former Microsoft exec who covered alot of the bills as a race customer. With Larry now engaging in what seems like very desperate activities (outright fraud)and not concerned with the promise that this story would be told on all the NSX and Acura internet websites, one would have to expect that he may not be in business much longer. Hopefully, the people who read this will make sure they don't have any parts, etc. in his possession.
Originally posted by Steven Spanbauer:
Sorry to hear about your trouble I also had thought of buying a used CSC this just tells me buy new when I'm ready.

The only way I would buy a used SC again is if it came straight off a well fuctioning car onto mine by a competent mechanic. I also found out that there is considerable room in the price of new a new Comptech. A distributor I spoke with quoted me $9,000 for a high boost unit installed or $1,000 to install my used one.
Mr. Jeff Crest, it is unfortunate that this situation got this far. From the beginning, i advised that the purchase of the CT supercharger was kind of suspicious. One of the first things that I asked was where was the supercharger coming from. First i was told, that it was coming from a guy named Scott. Then the seller, Brad, owner of the supercharger shows up at my shop telling that the supercharger was purchased by Jeff. At this time, I told Brad(or Scott???) that this is the supercharger that I inspected couple weeks ago. He confirmed "YES". I asked Brad if him and Jeff worked out everything. He replied,"Everything has been worked out, all we need is for you to give the OK for the transaction to be completed." Jeff was advised that the supercharger was OK, but there were a lot of components missing such as the, pulley, injectors, electrical etc. Jeff was advised by me not to send the money to Brad(or Scott like Jeff kept mentioning) unitl Brad/Scott made good on the missing parts. At that time, one of my comments to Jeff was "Don't you know who you are writing the check to?" But I guess they had already worked that part out between them two. Brad contacted me by phone and agreed to send me the money for the parts. So i proceeded to put the supercharger package back together. At that time, Brad had not yet send me the money for the missing parts. So I decided to send the supercharger to Jeff in Florida. Before I sent it out, I thoroughly inspected the supercharger and all the parts the were being sent. Everytihng was in perfect working condition. I also advised Jeff to have someone with experience to install the supercharger. I strongly suggested for him or the installer to make sure that none of the parts were damaged the shipping. And also to perform a routine final check like adding supercharger oil and etc. After the supercharger was installed by his mechanic, I recieved a call that the supercharger locked up within a minute of ignition. I asked if they had put oil in the supercharger and if the belt was put on correctly. I was told by Jeff, "Yes, on the oil." But the tension on the SC belt was questionable. I told Jeff that the belt will not cause the SC to lock up, the problem was internal. I told him to remove the SC and inspect the blades. They found a foriegn object, a WASHER, that jammed the SC. I am still out the money from the missing parts. I will resolve this matter with Jeff as long as he sends me his jammed SC before I can send him a working SC. This is just to assure me that the I won't be losing anymore money or very expensive components, due to the loss money, customers not paying, or improper installations done by anyone that has never installed a Comptech SC in a NSX.

Something as basic as returning a phone call or making a call at a previously agreed time to discuss the issue is imperative. Due to the nature of the transaction, used performance parts purchased from across the country, there is an inherent degree of stress already. To aggravate the situation in this manner is simply unprofessional and shows a lack of respect, IMO.
First, Larry and I had reached agreemnet that he would send his extra SC unit to me before I sent mine back to save on time. And because Larry knew I had wired Bradly Scott Swisher $5,500 the day I said I would and FedX'd Larry checks for $960 the day I said I would, he had no reason not to trust me. He was satisfied with our arrangement.

So, his excuse for all of this is that he was afraid I would not return his damaged supercharger????? That I would turn it into a table lamp or something??

Larry's post doesn't address the issue of outright fraud-components purchased from him which I never received (boost guage and Split Second map sensor)or the remaining SC items such as the regulator bracket and carbon fiber fuel railcovers.

I have given Larry every possible opportunity,unwarranted patience and full warning that I would be letting the NSX community and California authorities know this story. Hint Larry: I haven't let the CA authorities know YET.

Other comments:
Larry's response is contains a lot of fabrication (imagine that!) and irrelevant comments. To start with, Larry didn't tell me he had inspected the SC a couple weeks before (probably for a failed transaction with Swisher before Swisher agreed to give Larry Turbo business and Larry decided to trust him with respect to the missing parts). Nor did he tell me the SC was suspect or that it was missing all those parts-even more than I knew of previously. (It was to come without the injectors which I paid Larry for). It defies logic that I would have paid the full asking price of $5,500 for the SC under those circumstances or that I would have purchased it at all against Larry's recommendation. That's why I hired Larry in the first place!

Larry told me I could do the installation myself if I had 10% mechanical ability-it was just 4 bolts to bolt it on. What a joke! It is a project! I told Larry I could have either a former Acura mechanic or a genuine electrical genius who also fixes cars, computers, has debugged submarines and is the best guy I have ever seen for working on abslutely anything. He has done work on both our cars before (ever met anyone who can easliy read the electical schematics in the Owners Manual?) and is meticulous. Larry suggested the electrical guy which was fortunate because this project involves alot of electical work and misc problems arise when installing a used SC where everything is not in order. I think a regular mechanic would have ben lost and this guy worked out great.
All of which is irrelevant anyway since installer fault is not even an issue. Nor was shipping damage, pulley tension or adding oil etc.

It will be interesting to see if Larry contacts me and really does want to resolve this. Does anyone here think I should send my supercharger back to Larry before he sends me his unit and the rest of the parts?
According to Larry, Brad also owed him for things and was not returning Larry’s calls either.

Makes you wonder why Larry didn't mention this to you at the outset.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
1976 Honda Accord 5 spd, 3 door Blue/Blue
1977 Honda Accord - Custom - Under Construction
1986 Chevy Suburban
Given the time that has been spent in putting together the well-articulated post(s), it seems clear to me that JSecrest has given Larry the benefit of the doubt multiple times, has forewarned him of the consequences of his actions and has take a number of steps proactively to mitigate the situation and resolve it before it was made public.

Originally posted by TampaBayNSX-R:
Something as basic as returning a phone call or making a call at a previously agreed time to discuss the issue is imperative. Due to the nature of the transaction, used performance parts purchased from across the country, there is an inherent degree of stress already. To aggravate the situation in this manner is simply unprofessional and shows a lack of respect, IMO.

The first paragraph is just my opinion, and is open to contest. However TampaBayNSX's statement gets to the heart of the matter which is: even though the situation-specific issues are open to interpretation, the sign of a true professional (and one who, like Larry, makes a living in a service-based industry) is to try to remedy a situation like this one as quickly as possible, and in as professional a manner as they can. Mistakes happen, communication can get garbled, and nobody's perfect. But mis-stepping on basic issues such as returning phone calls quickly and shipping parts as promised is appalling. The sign of a true professional IMHO, is the ability to focus completely on the customer, even if means taking a loss on the immediate deal -- and even if you don't believe you were wrong. That is way I am in business, and that is the way I expect others to be.

The story is a complete turn-off. Unless it is better explained by Larry (I found his explanation to be quite lame, and not directly related to the issues brought up by JSecret), I won't be going anywhere near him.

Business is built one customer at a time, Larry...and lost that way too!!

Hi Jeff,
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. After talking to you on the phone, I thought you had a great idea for using a mediator such as NSX Modified to validate your purchase. Without the supercharger installed on the car, I would have doubts on how they could tell if it is in perfect working condition. I wonder if NSX Modified might have switched supercharger units with you. Was there any serial numbers or identification markings that The Swisher might have given you?
I had a bad feeling when I was communicating through e-mails with The Swisher and that is why I decided not to purchase his unit. Things just didn't sound right when he answered some of my questions. I think I mentioned that I was warned not to purchase a used supercharger because of possible missing parts. When it comes down to big dollar items, it is probably better to just spend a little more and buy it new. I know that your story is probably 100% true as you seem like a very honest and respectable person over the phone. I never talked to Larry at NSX Modified but his e-mail responses didn't really make me feel comfortable.
I am not trying to stick up for anyone or put down anyone but I just want to let everyone know to go by their first impressions. If you feel something negative regarding a transaction, just back away. Remember the old saying: If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Jeff, I wish you all the best in resolving this problem. Good Luck!
Originally posted by Litespeeds:
Hi Jeff,
I think I mentioned that I was warned not to purchase a used supercharger because of possible missing parts. When it comes down to big dollar items, it is probably better to just spend a little more and buy it new. I know that your story is probably 100% true as you seem like a very honest and respectable person over the phone. I never talked to Larry at NSX Modified but his e-mail responses didn't really make me feel comfortable.
I am not trying to stick up for anyone or put down anyone but I just want to let everyone know to go by their first impressions. If you feel something negative regarding a transaction, just back away. Remember the old saying: If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Jeff, I wish you all the best in resolving this problem. Good Luck!

When someone on the other end has been touted as a stand up guy and knowledgeable throught the NSX community, It becomes very easy to give trust. I am sure that he trusted them as the shop that was going to validate his deal, That was pretty much what he was told. Hind site is 20/20. Deception an deceit is something else. It wasn't a matter of "if it looks to good to be true" It was a matter of being taken advantage of by someone that is using positive influences to his advantage. Someone that does not have the resources to operate correctly, Someone that is capable of doing the right thing and may, but choses to do it when it suits them.
That person still may not learn from the discussion going on here and now, because it is quite obvious that this is simply how they do business. They should not get the opportunity to operate that way. As a forum we should call them out for all valid claims or tacky practices that they participate in.
Jeff's post is a great start. Jeff if you need my situation to help your situation let me know.
I have dealt with NSX modified before and getting a hold of Larry and asking his call back is really hard. When I was there he was very nice and courteous, and everyone was very helpful. When I’m not there is another story.

I'm not here to bash anyone, maybe Larry can read this thread and improve his business practices. NSX modified should take this as some constructive criticism.

Larry strikes me as the type of person who only cares about the end result and makes a lot of assumptions. To me a great vendor must be great from start to finish; the whole entire process must meet the customer's expectation. When I went to have some suspension work done he went ahead and painted my brakes w/o my consent, and cut away my inner fender w/o my consent.

I can imagine why he did this. He assumed that I would like that, and give praise for him for taking the initiative to do that. Well, I didn’t. Larry, you should listen to what the customer wants and let them know exactly what you are going to do to their car. Don’t make it a surprise. To some out there maybe what he did was a good surprise, but for me I was extremely disappointed that he went ahead and did something w/o my consent. I ended up spending a few thousand dollars fixing the bumper and changing out my calipers.

2001 NSX-T
- Bilstein Shocks
- '02 OEM Wheels
Originally posted by Litespeeds:
Hi Jeff,
I wonder if NSX Modified might have switched supercharger units with you.

I have no reason to suspect this. The clunk and then the seizure of the unit, the washer and nature of the damage all point to it happening when my car was started, not before the unit was shipped.
Originally posted by LarryNSXModified:
Mr. Jeff Crest, it is unfortunate that this situation got this far. -Larry

Yes it is very unfortunate it got this far. As you didn't try to contact me today, there is no reason to believe you are willing to remedy this situation. However, if all you are worried about is getting a damaged supercharger back, here is my proposal. My unit is with Mark Basch who has a shop in San Diego and a very good reputation. Since everyone seems to trust Mark, we can use him as an intermediary who will give you my unit when you present your exchange unit and my other parts. If you don't trust Mark, any other reputable intermediary is fine with me.
Hi ppl and (Jsecret),
I think it is about time to put an end to this thread. It has obviously gone too far, and loyal customers like myself and others NSX owners on this forum are becomming disgusted. My question is shouldn't this Brad guy (Swishh) also be reponsible in this mess? Yes, I have personally met Brad and his friend YELLOWDANCER, but the truth is that I do not like them and never will...And Jeff, I thought Larry promised you that if you send back your supercharger he can return you a working one? What is there to doubt? If you need witnesses, I think you have plenty enough after posting this thread (including myself).
And to Topdaytrader, you don't even own a NSX so what horror stories have you heard? You obviously have not met Larry and Butch, so you have no right to judge them.
As for Larry not answering the calls or emails, I (and other of his customers) might be able to chime in....it is simply because some people are taking advantage of Larry. I personally see many times that people (who do not have appointments) show up and ask Larry and Butch to fix their cars right at the spot. And surprisinly, Larry does not charge them a dime. So stupid....isn't he?
I am not here to brag about anything, for that is not the point I am trying to make. I just think that this thread should come to an end. Larry and Butch, if you guys see this post...just want to tell you guys that you will always have my business...nuff said.
Well Jackmac, I think you pretty much summed it all up in your post. You nailed the problem.

1. Yes, TheSwish probably needs to explain himself and what his part in all this was. But keep in mind that the majority of the issues at hand, deal with Larry and his involvement as a trusted intermediary who should've treated his own position with some respect. It appears this wasn't the case. Abusing trust, especially when it comes to business, is unacceptable.

2. We're dealing with a business here, and that is why this is such a big issue. Nobody cares if Larry chooses not to charge people or if he likes to allow ppl to bring in their car without an appointment. His paying customers expect, and should receive, their due attention. This is not a fraternity. Why the special treatment for non-paying customers? Larry's business receives customers not only from Socal, but from around the US. If he is to run a respectable business, he needs to do just that. Nobody here is questioning his abilities as an NSX tech. But he does seem to be lacking in business sense. Promptly responding to calls and emails is really not too much to ask. And in Jeff's case, how can you blame him for not trusting Larry's sincerity in offering him a replacement after all he's been through? Didn't you read anything from above? I'm sure that there are others like yourself, who are quite pleased with Larry's service. That's great! But if there are others who have a different experience, especially when it sizable amounts of money are involved, other potential customers have a right to know.

3. Agreed on TopDayTrader though. After your last mess with trying to sell your xenon bulbs and false advertising with someone else's car without their permission, I think you're the last person who has a right to speak here.
Have to agree with you here to some extent....I think everyone, including myself learned a lesson here. Hope this issue can be solved ASAP between Jeff and Larry, and no incident like this will happen again. Think it is about time to put this thread to an end. BTW Dark, do you ever come out to one of the Sol. Cal meetings? Have I met you b4?