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WARNING about Valencia Acura

4 May 2003
Hello all,

I would like to share with you guys a telephone conversation I had with Valencia Acura.

I called Valencia Acura's service Department (Spoke to a guy named Robin) last night to ask them how tight I should torque my drain plug so I can do my own oil change. They told me 14lbs. However, this seemed wrong since I remembered seeing a post of 33lbs somewhere on this forum.

I told him I thought it was closer to 33lbs, not 14. After 2 minutes of arguing, I asked him if he wouldnt mind checking the service manual for me just in case. He said "we dont have a service manual for the NSX, and this is what we torque all the drain plugs at, our techs are proffessionals and they dont need a service manual, this is second nature to them....." (My jaw dropped to the ground as I couldnt believe my ears!)

After another 5 minutes of arguing, he finally got fed up with me and said "hold on, I will check our computer database which has the service manual online and I will fax the page to you..." (I think he wanted to prove me wrong as he believed strongly it was 14lbs).

He put me on hold for 4 minutes, came back and said, "ok, I checked with 3 of my tech guys, and they all say 14 to 18 lbs, however, our online database says 33lbs, WHICH MY TECHS THINK IS TOO HIGH, so we recommend 14lbs..." (I was ready to pass out!!!)

I dont want to go on about the arguing that went on, but at the end, this guy didn't admit he was wrong.

In a nutshell, if these guys half ass something like the torque spec on a drain plug, would you trust them on anything else?!??!?!

Just thought I would pass this info to you.

P.S. I spoke to the Service Manager (Dave) and he was very polite, admitted they gave the wrong information, and admitted they have been executing the wrong torque on the NSXs drain plug. He appologized, and said they will have a meeting to inform their techs not to GUESS anymore. Still doesnt give me comfort though. But overall these guys attitudes are pretty darn polite and professional! even after I was giving them all this crap :) Gotta give credit where credit is due.
How many drain plugs have fallen out as a result of 14 ft-lbs of torque? I'll go on a limb and say zero. I'm a pretty careful mechanic, but the next time I whip out a torque wrench to tighen a drain plug will be the first.

Why did you call them if you already knew the answer?!
Ok guys. Here is an update. I went out on a limb to take care of my 30k mile service at Valencia Acura. Why did I take it to them after the drain plug torque issue you ask? Because I went over there and met the service guys, and I liked them a lot! Nice group of guys. Secondly I didnt feel like putting miles on my car to go elsewhere :) Thirdly, they gave me an awesome price!!!

One thing I found out, the NSX tech has been with Acura since inception!!!! the guys freaking employee number is 160!!!!! how
cool is that.

Anyways, I got my car back, not a scratch on it, they did a great job, and was treated like royalty. I wouldnt hesitate going back.

I have never used a torque wrench on a drain plug and I have done over well over 100 oil changes on the cars I have owned over the last 30 years. Never had a leakier or stripped a drain plug. Had a couple of cars I bought used including my nsx that the drain plug threads were stretched from over tightening.

I would guess if you put a hidden camera in the oil change bay at the dealer you would not see them using a torque wrench either.
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Ok guys. Here is an update. I went out on a limb to take care of my 30k mile service at Valencia Acura. Why did I take it to them after the drain plug torque issue you ask? Because I went over there and met the service guys, and I liked them a lot! Nice group of guys. Secondly I didnt feel like putting miles on my car to go elsewhere :) Thirdly, they gave me an awesome price!!!

One thing I found out, the NSX tech has been with Acura since inception!!!! the guys freaking employee number is 160!!!!! how
cool is that.

Anyways, I got my car back, not a scratch on it, they did a great job, and was treated like royalty. I wouldnt hesitate going back.


Could you tell me which services were performed in the 30k mile service? Thanks.
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well for me having been a mechanic for the past 10 years....i have not once used a torque wrench to tighten a drain plug. i suppose im supposed to use a special equation too to tighten the oil filter besides tight + a quarter turn:). i remember hearing horror stories in the mechanics world about people like this...you throw a fit about a torque spec for an oil change in which they do all day im sure...a honda pan is a honda pan. and the next thing you know they take your car out after your 30k inspection and beat the shit out of it. there are two people you dont want to piss off in life...your mechanic and your doctor. i know i catch alot of flack for having an nsx...people automatically think that we think that we're better than everyone else. especially when i take it to a shop. usually get a little more respect after talking to them for a bit and telling them ive been a.s.e certified for 8 years. i hope you didnt leave a bad taste at your local dealership :) you might be rackin up the miles to get those oil changes done for now on.

guys, i bumped an old thread from 2004 lol...look at the first post.

Long story short, today i went in to check out the 2008 RL Valencia Acura had...as some of you know, I am in the market for this car. I check out the car with my family, it's brand new, window sticker still on there, and a sticker saying "price reduced" on the windshield...I go inside, I ask what the discount is on that car, and the guy gives me major attitude, and quickly says "NO DISCOUNT...THAT CAR IS AT MSRP"....his attitude was poor, and he was obviously doing that on purpose to me as there was clearly a sticker on the windsheild that says otherwise. Regardless, I called him out on the sticker on the windshield, he says "OH, IT DOES? IM GOING TO HAVE TO GO TAKE THAT OFF THEN"....

I think they are upset because of the drama that dealership and I went through when I bought my wife's MDX...they would not meet me half way on a $300 difference, so I bought my car at Santa Monica Acura instead lol..

it's cool, they will NEVER get any revenue from me....I already know where I will be getting my RL haha!:)

oh, btw, i didnt take the nsx out today lol..i had the family with me in the mdx...
i hope you didnt leave a bad taste at your local dealership :)


let me see, I told a few customers in the showroom what happened, they were in shock and called their attitude "weird"....I ran into my service guy and told him what happened, and told him I would never buy a car from this place ever! I said in hindsight i was glad I didnt buy my MDX there in the first place....then I asked my service guy to cancel my service appointment I just made 10 min prior for my wife's MDX....I said "I dont want this dealership getting any revenue because of me.."...

all in all, I think it went pretty well lol
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let me see, I told a few customers in the showroom what happened, they were in shock and called their attitude "weird"....I ran into my service guy and told him what happened, and told him I would never buy a car from this place ever! I said in hindsight i was glad I didnt buy my MDX there in the first place....then I asked my service guy to cancel my service appointment I just made 10 min prior for my wife's MDX....I said "I dont want this dealership getting any revenue because of me.."...

all in all, I think it went pretty well lol

the saga continues with these guys. remind me never to walk into Valencia Acura. I cannot believe these guys preach "Friendship"....