Wahoo, new nsx owner!!!

6 December 2006
N. California
The deed is finally done:) I just bought a 2003 Silverstone w/black interior NSX from Niello! I am in Sac now and will pick up the car tomorrow after it's clear bra treatment. The car is basically flawless with 6k miles on the odometer. Funny thing is, I still haven't driven it yet! It was late and I told them I would drive it in the morning. Anyways, I would like to thank everyone here who put up with my endless questions. I would especially like to thank my1stnsx for driving up to a dealership in Denver and taking time out of his busy schedule to help inspect a car for me. If you are reading this Thuan, I owe you big time for helping a stranger out. If you are ever in the Monterey, CA area, dinner is on me my friend. Pics will be posted in a day or two:)
hungsta916 said:
congrats! wow only 6k miles for an 03!! mt ind if I ask how much you got it for?? :smile: .
I paid $61k+tax and license. I'd say it's a fair deal, but I wanted to pay a little more for a mint car.
SangLee24- Sounds like you got a great deal on a terrific car. Silver is a great choice on an NSX. I am also gald to see you opted for the clear bra-you will take great comfort in that purchase as you drive down the freeway and see stuff being kicked up by other cars. Drive safely and enjoy.
sanglee24 said:
I paid $61k+tax and license. I'd say it's a fair deal, but I wanted to pay a little more for a mint car.

I think that's a lot better than a "fair" deal for a car with 6K miles. Congrats and welcome to the silverstone club. Although ski_banker is wrong silverstone/black is only the second best combo. :biggrin:
Yahoo! another 02+ enters the fold. Congrats good find, good miles and good deal:biggrin:
Thanks so much guys! I'm going to drive her for the 1st time at 10am! Going to Niello right now.:)
Congrats on your new ride, I'm glad you got the color you wanted!!!:smile: It wasnt a problem at all. Definitely enjoy and have fun driving her home. Welcome to the club my friend!! You definitely got a great deal on your car!!:smile:
And in case you don't know, don't skip shift. Always go up in sequence... 1-2-3-4-5-6 and down in sequence if you can. I posted an Acura TSB on this before. Its hard on the synchros in general. There are a few exceptions. If you double clutch and rev match perfectly you should be OK otherwise don't do it. Lots of people here were skip shifting, going hard in 1 or 2, then skipping a gear and dropping into say 4 or 5. Its a no-no.
Congrats on getting the new car. It sounds like you got a great car at a good price. Clear bra is definately a good decision.
Just drove the car for the 1st time. Not bad at all:) Will report back later.
TURBO2GO said:
And in case you don't know, don't skip shift. Always go up in sequence... 1-2-3-4-5-6 and down in sequence if you can. I posted an Acura TSB on this before. Its hard on the synchros in general. There are a few exceptions. If you double clutch and rev match perfectly you should be OK otherwise don't do it. Lots of people here were skip shifting, going hard in 1 or 2, then skipping a gear and dropping into say 4 or 5.long Its a no-no.
Thank you for posting that. Great advice! I can already tell that I will own this car for a very long time. Thanks to all of you for your wonderful comments.
Have fun with it SangLee, I'm glad you finally got your car!
Thanks Andy! Here are some pics.



Beautiful! So clean! Congrats.