Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

What do you want this forum to be?

  • Keep it where it is and make it NSX-only

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Move it to Micellaneous and open it to any track/racing discussion

    Votes: 15 19.5%
  • No change

    Votes: 34 44.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
10 February 2000
Would you like this forum to be only for NSX-related discussions (and stay where it is) or move to the Miscellaneous group and be open to any track or racing related discussion?
Is there any chance there could be two different forums - one for NSX-related questions (for example, technical issues among those who track their cars), and another for non-NSX-related questions (e.g. professional race series discussions)?
Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

Can't we keep it the way it is now? I kind of like the mix. It doesn't seem that there are too many threads which might be a reason for splitting it up.

As of this moment, there have been 203 views and only 22 votes. I don't think that this is an issue for most NSXPrimers. I would make a change/division when there are too many threads.
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Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

Wait I voted for NSX only however, I come here to discuss Formula 1 and other racing venues mostly. I haven't gotten to the stage of racing my own NSX yet. Still, to me there aren't enough of both posts IMO to warrant a split.
Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

I like the mix of stuff, I vote to leave it the way it is.
I did not cast a vote because my choice isn't available: keep it as is! I see this forum as NOT ONLY where one can discuss the NSX on track, BUT ALSO where NSX track enthusiasts can have general track talk free of the 'noise' from the Prime readers that are track inhibited! NO CHANGE, please.

Let's not have a reaction to controversy from the USGP... So what if there are several threads... that's why we use a program called a BROWSER! :wink:
the nsxnut said:
I did not cast a vote because my choice isn't available: keep it as is! I see this forum as NOT ONLY where one can discuss the NSX on track, BUT ALSO where NSX track enthusiasts can have general track talk free of the 'noise' from the Prime readers that are track inhibited! NO CHANGE, please.

Let's not have a reaction to controversy from the USGP... So what if there are several threads... that's why we use a program called a BROWSER! :wink:

I'm with Mark.
Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

As of this moment, there have been 132 views and only 17 votes. I don't think that this is an issue for most NSXPrimers. I would make a change/division when there are too many threads.

Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

I like to keep it the way it is, just because this forum doesn't move as fast as other forums.
Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

This forum is just not active enough, I'd say keep it the way it is.

the nsxnut said:
I did not cast a vote because my choice isn't available: keep it as is! I see this forum as NOT ONLY where one can discuss the NSX on track, BUT ALSO where NSX track enthusiasts can have general track talk free of the 'noise' from the Prime readers that are track inhibited! NO CHANGE, please.

Not logical for me. The track talk section is part of Main NSX Message Forums (stay on topic) which means it is NSX related - like all the other sections (technical etc.). So if Lud wants the track section to open officialy for all track issues he has to move it to misc. forums. And of course there where not only NSX track enthusiasts that wrote in this section.

the nsxnut said:
Let's not have a reaction to controversy from the USGP... So what if there are several threads... that's why we use a program called a BROWSER! :wink:

Sorry for my lack of knowledge, but how can a BROWSER help me with the "4 or 5 threads on one topic" confusion? Do you mean the Internet browser or something else I don't know?
Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

Obviously Lud and NSX-Racer have the logic of categorization on their side of the proposal. But there is something to be said for functionality.

Why have two Sections in different locations within Forums ( one in the Main NSX and one in Miscellaneous/Administrative ) when one is working well for the few members that use this section?
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OLDE GUY said:
Why have two Topics in different locations when one is working well for the few members that use this section?
We already have that spread of topics in different locations which makes it sometimes confusing.
And your question may also be valuable for some of the regional forums (few members, sometimes the same topics as in the General section). If it's only for the number of threads or users we have some more candidates for closing down or merging.
1. I am not going to create two forums. This one barely has traffic as it is.

2. I added "no change" as a voting option, though I don't really like it because it is not consistent with the way the forum group is labeled.
Is this REALLY a huge problem? :cool:

Have you noticed this as a continuing problem with other race topics, or is it just recently (the past 4 days)?

Do what you think best.
Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

I would say leave as is.The reason is one of practicality.I get peaved when folks cross post or start multiple threads,but that is inherent in our human frailty!Nsx racer and Lud could spend the rest of thier lives cleaning up misplaced posts,but it will continue.In my simpleton brain I would rather have one place to post track stuff,nsx or not.Nsx racer I feel your pain though,Maybe you could get specific administrative powers from Lud to do what you seemingly are compeled to do (post-sheep herd) :wink:
Here's the title of this forum, pasted from the front page:

Track Talk and Race Reports (4 Viewing)
All forms of racing and high-performance driving plus professional racing results.
Clearly, there is an established standard permitting the broad discussion of motorsports that is not NSX specific. And, the USGP definitely falls under the definition of professional racing results...

This forum is very satisfactory in its current condition to the majority of the small population of Prime users that regularly browse here.

I fully acknowledge Lud's discretion to move it if it is no longer fitting within the Prime parameters; but, part of that definition is what works for the users, isn't it?
I voted for the third one, since it was the lesser of 3 evils. If there was an option for 'keep it the same, but add a couple track forum nazis to keep people on topic and the garbage topics out', I'd have voted for that.

NSX Prime said:
1. I am not going to create two forums. This one barely has traffic as it is.

2. I added "no change" as a voting option, though I don't really like it because it is not consistent with the way the forum group is labeled.
Amen to both points - I too don't like the added option 3 for this reason but it seems it has at least a lot of friends here :wink:
Re: Vote to make this forum NSX-only or move to Misc. forums for any track/racing talk

I say leave it the way it is. I agree that this forum doesn't get that much traffic and most the guys that track their cars are also into F1, ALMS etc.... So it is in this forum that these professional racing would be discussed.

Keep it as is: all forms of racing and high-performance driving plus professional racing results.

Additionally, to avoid further confusion, the posting of professional racing threads to the "Off Topic" forum should be verboten.