Viper GTS?

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>>>WIldman- I know about "driving" the NSX. THe viper yes is less refined, but is also maybe even more "driven" than ours. You pay more attention to it overall in corners, torque, power and so on. That is what I think "driving" is, not just get in the car put it in 1st and go.

Most of the road racing track events are dominated by Vipers, unfortunately not as many NSX's show up usually.

Yo, fiveinch, Bro!

I'm honestly not sure exactly what you're putting across there, but wouldn't presume to disagree. "Torque, power, corners" are certainly in my "fun to drive" vocabulary as well, so I think we're in agreement. I'm sure an afternoon in a Viper would indeed be fun, just not something I'd want to drive all the time.

They're both fun cars, but fun-to-drive is highly relative. I've had fun with big Detroit iron bolted in front of me too. The Viper was designed with very different design priorities and objectives than the NSX, and it certainly has a place in this world. However most of us who have purchased and drive NSXs have had our standards, our vantage points permanently modified. For many of us now, for a car to impress us with its "fun to drive" qualities, it has to provide surgically precise response, intimate feedback, superb balance and "nimbleness", impeccable ergonomics, the feel of exceptional quality, etc., etc., AND be quick. For us, we're just not likely to be impressed when a car comes along that offers just gobs of one particular thing or another, while falling short in other important (to us) areas. Once we found out we could "have it all" in one well-rounded package, cars that offer tons of one particular quality just come up a little short. Once you've had a beautifully balanced package, it's just hard to love anything that lacks that. I'm not talking fun to drive for an afternoon here, I'm talking fun that I want to buy and enjoy every day. If BHP and lb.ft. were my primary measuring stick, I'd probably be in a Viper now.

I'm absolutely not putting down the Viper. I think it's a real milestone design for an American automaker, and all credit is due to Chrysler for producing it. Yes, you can also build a great race car from one, and it has established an enviable record on the race track. I'm very happy it was produced, and I'm very happy for anyone for whom the Viper is their "dream car" and who drives one and enjoys it. Driving a car that delivers your particular "fun to drive" qualities is what it's all about.

But back to the original point: I'm simply saying that I completely understand why cmarsh90 would make the comments he did, and I think there are good and undeniable reasons for his impressions. You can read similar comments in most any professional review of the car, so I'm not surprised to hear those comments from him. The fact is that the car does fall short of the NSX in a number of areas, and for most NSX owners, those areas have become important criteria for driving enjoyment.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you're saying you were surprised at his comments, then I would have to say I'm surprised that you feel that way. They made perfect sense to me.

I hope you're driving your dream car man, and if you're not, I hope you trade. I'm driving my dream car, and I love to see others who are fortunate enough to do the same; whatever that car is. But for most of us who own an NSX, the Viper is probably not going to become our dream car. If it were, we'd probably be driving one. I think I'd really enjoy blasting around in a Viper for an afternoon, but I'm also sure I'd be happy to drive home in my NSX at the end of the day. I think that's what cmarsh90 was trying to say (please correct me if I'm wrong). Like I said: we're just spoiled.

- Richard
Good points , I have two Vipers which are great for blasting arouind town and the race track. If I were heading for a road trip , I would rather take an NSX. I don't even carry the spare in either Viper.


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Nice, but can you hear that sound system with the V-10 roaring?

Actually, the 2002 (only one i know for sure) has a system where the radio volume increases automatically as the car's volume does. Also, if you have the A/C on, and you gun it, the A/C cuts out while the car is under WOT. Pretty cool features.

I drove my friends 2002 GTS for a few miles. All I can say is that car is TOO fast. By early early 2nd gear, im already doing like 70. Its crazy!! I love that car and thats why I've decided to make my NSX a daily driver on 11/22/2004 and get myself a 2002 charcoal grey GTS (ACR probably) on my birthday. God I love that car...
Enzo said:
I am not 100% sure but doesn't the NSX have a similar feature ? Anyone know ?

I am not sure about the NSX, but that feature was available on the Mustang GT way back in 1988.
ive driven a gts and i loved it. my friend let me take it for the day to see if i wanted one. and i very well did but bought a pantera instead. now i did get to drive a nsx also. fun to drive. but i cant believe the lack of power. someone here has one that is supercharged. i rode in it and thought it was very fast. then i raced it with my pantera. i guess i was sadly mistaken. the nsx's are very cool looking but all out power, no
Brian2by2 said:
nah, i don't believe the NSX has that feature. I know a few other sports cars do. I believe Ferrari does...
THe S2000 does that too. Of course, we need as much torque as we can get! I wouldn't think you would even notice the compressor loss on a Viper.
went to a local dealer and saw two GTS and one SRT-10. i must say that the SRT-10 is very comfortable compared to the GTS. i must give them extra credit for the redesign.

however, the sales manager told me that i could only buy a SRT-10 if i'm a current viper that true? anyone else came across such a statement?
Blue Knight said:
went to a local dealer and saw two GTS and one SRT-10. i must say that the SRT-10 is very comfortable compared to the GTS. i must give them extra credit for the redesign.

however, the sales manager told me that i could only buy a SRT-10 if i'm a current viper that true? anyone else came across such a statement?
That is total B.S. , you can buy one if you have the $. They were all spoken for from the dealers by customers that put up a deposit , but many are for sale at an added cost. I know of three around here for sale.
thanks for the good news....dealers in the bay area mistreat the's hard to believe at times like this dealers are still playing games.

they're probably saying that because they don't have any more SRT-10s to sell.
Skip Barber has an advanced car control clinic where you get to, among other things, autoX a Viper GTS ACR and a Formula Dodge. The Viper worked surpisingly well as an autoX vehicle and other than the car's overall width, I thought it was great. Although it's a bit heavy, with all that torque on tap and all that rubber on the road, it's pretty darned quick through the cones. I would definitely consider one for a weekend car.

BTW, Motor Trend just did one of the high speed shootout issues and among the cars tested was the new Viper. Looks like they not only have ABS now, but it works better than almost anything out there. (SPOILER ALERT: the Mosler pretty much mopped the floor with everything else!)
gumballer said:
ive driven a gts and i loved it. my friend let me take it for the day to see if i wanted one. and i very well did but bought a pantera instead. now i did get to drive a nsx also. fun to drive. but i cant believe the lack of power. someone here has one that is supercharged. i rode in it and thought it was very fast. then i raced it with my pantera. i guess i was sadly mistaken. the nsx's are very cool looking but all out power, no

What Pantera is this that is faster than a stock NSX (let alone a SC one)? I know of no stock Pantera that can put down better numbers than a stock 3.0 liter NSX.

I agree the NSX needs more power, but this crap gets exaggerated in posts like this to such a degree that I wonder if these people even know what an NSX is. The fact is that a stock, current, NSX will pull sub-5 sec 0-60 and 12.9-13.2 in the 1/4 with a top speed of 176. Definitely in need of better numbers these days, but no way is an NSX so underpowered that there is such a difference it can be perceived so easily by a casual observer. The NSX posts pretty similar numbers to a base Corvette C5, yet that car never gets this same criticism... Hmmm... I guess in the absence of real evidence, perception really is reality.
spookyp said:
I guess in the absence of real evidence, perception really is reality.

It's their loss!!!

BTW, I think part of the reason is that the NSX's speed is deceiving in that the car actually accelerates faster than it feels ... Case in point, through seat-of-the-pants, my M3 feels faster, but in reality the NSX is faster...

Although we all want more power, I do agree that this 'underpowered' perception does get overly exaggerated by the automotive world - specially on Internet message boards.
I agree...the NSX isn't as fast as it feels when driving. Riding is a different story.

And the thing I love about an NSX: I'll race some goon in a boxster, M3, 5 series, benz, something to that extent (even the less "sport compacts") and we'll stay close to even...but then everytime come 5-6k RPMS, their car jolts and bam: they had to shift! and I've still got 2000-3000 RPMs to go and I still haven't hit VTEC :) Gotta love it!

Oh and I really love it when we give it a go before an on ramp and I get to take the turn at 80+!!

Guy in my car last night told me I just took an on ramp at 95mph...he couldn't do more than 70 in his car :)