Video: Florida Highway Patrol making a very poorly times merge after a traffic stop.

14 November 2003
At the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse
Why is it no one in Florida uses their turn signals or checks their mirrors? This little episode could have turned out very bad. Luckily the guy I was forced to pass on the right kept his cool and stayed in his lane. I wonder of the trooper pancaked in his Fruit Of The Looms. :)

Your cabin is so quiet, I can hear you perfectly! :wink:

I can't stand the low speed mergers.
The only thing worse than a slow merger is someone who doesn't boot it when the realize they just clogged the lane..


P.S. What is your hood ornament you've got there? I keep thinking its a little Julius Caesar. I must know.
If I may...neca-iron-maiden-eddie-piece-of-mind-.jpg The front.. EDDIE!!!! NOT Caesar :stupid:

I am a life long fan myself. Up The Irons!!!


Edit: That's funny, "The Trooper" is on Piece of Mind!
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Your cabin is so quiet, I can hear you perfectly! :wink:
At the time of this incident my cabin was filled with Iron Maiden at an unGodly volume level. I narrated the video post production.

P.S. What is your hood ornament you've got there? I keep thinking its a little Julius Caesar. I must know.

ROTF @ Julius! Who the hell has a Caesar on their dashboard? Drew called it correctly. It's the NECA 7" Piece Of Mind Eddie figurine.

Hey Drew, check this out... I also have one of only 100, 15" tall, artist proof hand painted resin Eddies with a COA hand signed by the boys.

15 Inch Eddie.jpg
At the time of this incident my cabin was filled with Iron Maiden at an unGodly volume level....

I can vouch for this. When Hugh comes down my street little kids drop what they are doing, pee in their pants, and run inside to their mommies. :biggrin:
At the time of this incident my cabin was filled with Iron Maiden at an unGodly volume level. I narrated the video post production.

Hehe, I was just kidding (and sarcastically giving the NSX props for low road noise at the same time)!

I know, I know, shame on me for the Caesar thought..Now I know, man that guy Eddie freeeeaky lookin'.

Now I gotta find myself a hood ornament.. I do have an idea, will post here when I do.

Now I gotta find myself a hood ornament.. I do have an idea, will post here when I do.


It's not a hood ornament my friend. It's inside the cabin just behind the windshield. Thou Shalt Not Deconsecrate Thine NSX With A Hood Ornament!
It's not a hood ornament my friend. It's inside the cabin just behind the windshield. Thou Shalt Not Deconsecrate Thine NSX With A Hood Ornament!

I forgot about the golden rule :redface:, the only thing on my hood will always be the calipers. Or a big H if that is your thing.

Why is it no one in Florida uses their turn signals or checks their mirrors? This little episode could have turned out very bad. Luckily the guy I was forced to pass on the right kept his cool and stayed in his lane.

Firstly, I agree the trooper pulled out at a bad time.

But, Why were you forced to pass him on the right? Does your car not have brakes? Did you get all that HP and nothing to stop with?

To me, It looks like you added to a bad situation by proceeding to go between the two cars when you saw that trooper pulling out.
Just because another driver does something stupid, it doesn't release other drivers from doing the right thing.

To me it is interesting that people can always see when others are driving poorly, but even after watching a video of their own driving they don't see their own mistakes.
Hell Yeah! That limited Piece of mind piece is awesome!! I used to have a bunch of IM stuff which has been lost or sold through the tears. I mean years.

I do have some '90's picture discs for sale. if you may be interested... PM me.

Also, have you seen the book "RUN FOR COVER the art of DEREK RIGGS"?

Derek+Riggs+-+Run+For+Cover +The+Art+Of+Derek+Riggs+-+BOOK-399668.jpg

There were quite a few EDDIE renditions I've never seen.:livid:

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Why is it no one in Florida uses their turn signals or checks their mirrors?

Apparently, they moved there from Santa Fe NM. But Not all. There are still plenty here!

Hell Yeah! That limited Piece of mind piece is awesome!! I used to have a bunch of IM stuff which has been lost or sold through the tears. I mean years.

I do have some '90's picture discs for sale. if you may be interested... PM me.

Also, have you seen the book "RUN FOR COVER the art of DEREK RIGGS"?


Of course I have Derek's book. Signed by Derek no less! Most of my Maiden swag is in storage. My last house had an Iron Maiden room! I'm pretty sure I have every picture disc ever released by the band. I also have a dresser filled with nothing but Maiden clothing. LOL

Nicko was my lawyer's neighbor. He's lived in the same house in Boca for about 30 years. I see him all the time at Rock & Roll ribs. He takes care of me for tickets and backstage passes when they are on tour. Maiden is my religion. :)

Here's a great place for official and unofficial Maiden art --->

Check out this book:

Iron Maiden Book.jpg
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thanks for the link!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!

its a law in Florida if a cop is on the side you move over and not drive in the lane he could be standing in.

"move over its the law " is posted on billboards all over florida
Am I looking at this wrong, or did the trooper pull from the shoulder into the far left lane (HOV?), and the car that Hugh passed on the right was in the lane next to the lane the trooper pulled into? If I am looking at it right, the trooper did NOT pull into traffic, and the other driver DID NOT need to move over since he/she was already one lane over.

Not to say that the trooper definitely could have waited another 1/2 second until the cars went by . . . . .
Am I looking at this wrong, or did the trooper pull from the shoulder into the far left lane (HOV?), and the car that Hugh passed on the right was in the lane next to the lane the trooper pulled into? If I am looking at it right, the trooper did NOT pull into traffic, and the other driver DID NOT need to move over since he/she was already one lane over.

Not to say that the trooper definitely could have waited another 1/2 second until the cars went by . . . . .

The trooper's maneuver was ill timed and unsafe. The HOV lane was clear pursuant to the Move Over law but who the hell would expect a patrol car performing a traffic stop to just dart out into traffic like that? Although I couldn't find the procedure for ending a traffic stop in the FHP Policy Manual/, it is common practice for the patrol car to ensure that the stopped motorist can safely merge back into traffic. They usually stay put with their lights on until the motorist is safely back in the traffic flow. A move like the one I caught on video might be expected if a L or D situation suddenly developed especially involving a brother or sister LEO but that clearly wasn't the case. Had to be an inexperienced person in that patrol vehicle.
Hey, if they have flashy lights and a noise maker.........they feel as though they can act as they desire not thinking whether it is safe or not.

Back to IM. I am a fan all except for the BLAZE BAYLEY damage. How do you feel about that Hugh? IM was still good, HE sucked! Glad Bruce returned.

Back to IM. I am a fan all except for the BLAZE BAYLEY damage. How do you feel about that Hugh? IM was still good, HE sucked! Glad Bruce returned.

I am in complete agreement with you. Now you're going to hate me! LOL Here's a pic of Bruce and I at the Prague airport just before boarding Flight 666 back to the U.K. after Bruce's Birthday Bomber trip in 2008. I just gave him a copy of Chubby Checker's album with The Twist on it for his 50th Bday. During an interview some years before, The Twist was the first song he said that he remembered hearing as a child. He loved the gift. \m/



Imagine my delight when I bought the Flight 666 DVD and discovered that Rime Of The Ancient Mariner was recorded at the Izod Center in NJ and I was there. Imagine my surprise when, while watching the DVD I saw myself!


He,he, cool! And you were singing along too! Fun.:biggrin:
The dude to your right front is so pissed.....:mad: