Vick: "...he's a good human being. "

The nut doesn't fall very far from the tree it appears.........Vick's next uniform will be bright orange and not made by Nike!
Ok just like hunting?? WTH? Did Marbury lose more brain cells? See here is the thing. People need to differentiate between "good" and "stupid". Since I don't know Vick personally, I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he is probably a good person. The issue here is smart. I don't buy the excuse that he grew up in this neighborhood or that, and he has street cred, and might not have known any better. Sorry but being a good person does not excuse you from being an idiot. It's like all those kids that get arrested for being gang memebers, or doing something retarded, whats the first thing you usually hear from the family or friends? "Hes a good guy, it cant be him, or he/she just got caught up in bad crowd". Who cares??!! He screwed up, admit your friend or family member is an idiot, take it like a man/woman and quit making excuses or pointing fingers at others. If any of my friends did something as retarded and get involved with dog fighting, id be the first to say, hes a good guy, but was an idiot, so if the law says throw the book at him, then do so. Why because stupidity is not an excuse, if you choose to live your life based on other peoples ideas (aka your personal posse like Vick most probably did), then you deserve what you get in the end. Get out more so you can LEARN the difference between right and wrong.
Woot Roy Jones :tongue: :biggrin: has that guy fallen. From being pound for pound one of the best fighters, to just another guy with more money than common sense. (At least I hope he was smart enough to keep some of his money and tell all the free loaders around him to get their own jobs)

He was actually on one of those girls gone wild infomercials a few years back. I had to do a double take, when I realized, damn that IS Roy Jones. Wow, you lose your title and have to start pimping yourself out to low budget porn videos?
I'm getting tired of hearing how so many athletes and celebreties whom are pd. "millions" mind you, falling into a "bad situations".:mad:
Bull fighting = legal (Mexico)
Dog fighting = illegal (USA)
Eating Dog = legal (Asia)
Betting on dog fighting = illegal (USA)
Betting on dog racing = legal (USA)


I agree with marbury. UFC and Pride fighting are no different than dog fighting. We are to quick to judge other's situations based on the BS we get from the media. Most of the allegations took plae before he was even in the NFL. He will be the example. Unfortunately this will have race issue overtones, or shall i say the young black athlete overtones. We as blacks believe he is innocent until proven guilty, whites believe he should burn in hell (look at the rally's outside the courthouse, on his court date). Even with all the priest and the little boys who lives they ruined, this Vick thing is making him look like a heartless, killer. That is very untrue. They are way worse people in the country that deserve a true blasting on the front pages of ALL the publications known to man, but they go untouched or protected.

People have be fighting dogs since the beginning of the time. He should get a fair trial and given a pass and some severe penalties(fines). I am an animal lover and have owned a very loving and caring AMSTAF. I don't support dog fighting and won't fight any dog. What Vick is accused of is bad but not as bad as some other stuff going on in the country. I think human lives are more important than dogs lives. Well some human lives:smile:
UFC and Pride fighting are no different than dog fighting.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Congrats on making yourself sound as dumb as Marbury. It's your type of reverse racism that continues to dig your race into a deeper and deeper hole.

So what if he did it before the NFL. Does that make it better? Don't forget - he plead guilty, so stop saying he's innocent.

BTW, I think that anyone who kills dogs for sport should burn in hell.
We as blacks believe he is innocent until proven guilty, whites believe he should burn in hell

You are digging yourself a very deep hole by pulling the racecard Ko-nsx on this issue.......why is Vick pleading guilty, because he is innocent? Get real!
<snip> He should get a fair trial <snip>
i can't believe any prime member would disagree with this statement.

having said that, you are aware he had the option of having a trial and instead chose to plead guilty, right?
People have be fighting dogs since the beginning of the time.QUOTE]

This means nothing and is a pretty cheap statement. Even if it has been done since the begining of time, does that make it legal?? Nope. Also bringing in the race card is just another excuse, instead of accepting the fact that the guy was being careless, you bring in race? My statements above never mentioned race, it mentioned stupidity. Because ALL races can be just as retarded. This is part of the reason I was saying people need to actually LEARN about what is right and wrong first before doing something. Don't point fingers, don't blame environment, don't blame race, blame yourself being lazy and not expanding your mind or LEARNING. If you don't then you deserve what's coming to you. This statement is also the same reason why we see people who travel to other countries then get arrested and cry "we are American's or whatever country you may be from". Guess what, you are not in America, you should have LEARNED what the laws are in the country you are going to, before you went over there.
I don't think UFC fighters choose to be hung if they lose. Lets not turn this into a race issue because it's not about race, period.:confused:
I've been a dog owner for most of my life, and I think that dog fighting is pretty cruel. Especially the executions for not performing well.

However, once Vick pays for his debt to society through incarceration, fines, and a suspension from the NFL, I still believe he should have the right to continue on with his life.

Yes, that means I still think he should still be able to seek employment in the NFL if any team would even have him.

People make mistakes. Rich, poor, white, black, purple or green... I believe in giving people second chances.

That's just my humble opinion.
After reading this thread I don’t know what I am more upset about. The idiot torturing dogs or the idiot trying to pull the “race card”. Vick didn’t say I’m guilty because I’m black. He said I’m guilty because I participated in something that was illegal. DAMN I HATE PEOPLE WHO PULL THE RACE CARD……WE ARE ALL EQUAL NO MATTER WHAT COLOR WE ARE!!!!!!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Yeah, anyone who thinks this is about race... really needs to wake up. His BLACK friends rolled over on him. I can't see how race even is an issue.

Why is it when an African American commits a crime, his punishment is considered racism? Should we be giving him reparations in the form of letting the crime slide? Should we punish white folks more because of crap that happened 150 years ago? I don't know where this ends.

Honestly... since someone is pulling the race-card... Please. Tell Us. What would have been a non-racial way to pursue the violators of these crimes? I'm serious. Tell Us. I want to know what you expect to happen.

Do they really believe Tom Brady would have gotten away with this string of crimes? Not even the golden boy could have with his friends turning on him like doorknobs.

Whether you believe dog-fighting is a cruel inhumane crime, or simply a sport — It is illegal. Game Over. Noone cares what you think. There are laws I diagree with but if I break them, I still go to jail. And I'm white!
This same kind of issue has recently came up in my town over a black male bike rider (some 1000cc japanese sport bike), he ran from the cops, and hit a concrete wall doing 140+mph, everyone is saying that the cops were messing with him, and they all knew him and said he would never do anything like this. Yet he was caught ON camera at numerous intersections going over 100+ mph on city streets toying with cops for about 30 minutes straight before he missed his turn and hit the wall. It dosent matter WHAT RACE you are, all that matters is wether you break the law, or abide by it.

Dosent matter if its legal in every other country in the world, dosent matter if its a practice that has been done since the dawn of time, none of that matters if its against the law, pure and simple. I'm sure vick's a great guy, but he made a serious error and now he must pay the price.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Congrats on making yourself sound as dumb as Marbury. It's your type of reverse racism that continues to dig your race into a deeper and deeper hole.

So what if he did it before the NFL. Does that make it better? Don't forget - he plead guilty, so stop saying he's innocent.

BTW, I think that anyone who kills dogs for sport should burn in hell.

Deltron, im not dumb. I put out an opinion, my .02 Why the personel attack?

My type of reverse racism is digging my race deeper and deeper hole of what?

Do you know why he plead guilty?

I don't think fighting dogs should get you a one way pass to hell.
You are digging yourself a very deep hole by pulling the racecard Ko-nsx on this issue.......why is Vick pleading guilty, because he is innocent? Get real!

There goes the hole thing again, what hole am i digging?

I'm not saying he is getting crosses burned in his yard, but his race and status will come into play on some poeple minds.

Do you know why vick is pleading guilty? I mean really why?
i can't believe any prime member would disagree with this statement.

having said that, you are aware he had the option of having a trial and instead chose to plead guilty, right?

Yes Queen, i am aware of the choices he made. I'm a patron of prime that disagrees with lots of things that go on in the world.
People have be fighting dogs since the beginning of the time.QUOTE]

This means nothing and is a pretty cheap statement. Even if it has been done since the begining of time, does that make it legal?? Nope. Also bringing in the race card is just another excuse, instead of accepting the fact that the guy was being careless, you bring in race? My statements above never mentioned race, it mentioned stupidity. Because ALL races can be just as retarded. This is part of the reason I was saying people need to actually LEARN about what is right and wrong first before doing something. Don't point fingers, don't blame environment, don't blame race, blame yourself being lazy and not expanding your mind or LEARNING. If you don't then you deserve what's coming to you. This statement is also the same reason why we see people who travel to other countries then get arrested and cry "we are American's or whatever country you may be from". Guess what, you are not in America, you should have LEARNED what the laws are in the country you are going to, before you went over there.

I am not playing the race card. I am making no excuses for michael vick. I believe that his race and status will be viewed by some people. Some one is saying to themselves them black athletes do the dumbest shit, shoulda left them in the ghetto. That was just a statement that i believe some people thought or think. Again i'm not saying he's being picked on becasue he's black. But he will be stereotyped. There are lots of illegal things that go on , like dogfighting but why is this so hot? Why does he have to get thrown out of the NFL and sent to hell?