Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for an absolutely fantastic week

20 February 2002
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Hirofumi, What can I say? This has been an absolutely fantastic week; all made possible by your huge, singular effort. I hope that we can host you and all the other NSXers around the world, so that our many new friendships can develop.

Many, many thanks,
Paul & kay
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Thank you Hirofumi. Come to Houston so the Texas group can take you out again.
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Thank you Hirofumi-San & the members of NSX Club Japan!!!
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

ありがとうございます非常に多くの Hirofumi あなたは最も素晴らしい人です :smile:
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Hirofumi, What can I say? This has been an absolutely fantastic week; all made possible by your huge, singular effort. I hope that we can host you and all the other NSXers around the world, so that our many new friendships can develop.

Many, many thanks,
Paul & kay


Thank you Hirofumi-san!!!!
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Hirofumi -- You told me that it was your dream to see NSX owners from around the world come together to enjoy NSXFiesta. My dream was fulfilled as well, to visit Japan, attend NSXPO, meet new friends from around the world - and drive a NSX-R around Suzuka Raceway!

It was very clear that you gave up so much of your time and effort before NSXFiesta to make this a success, and even more significant, you sacrificed your own enjoyment of NSXFiesta to make sure that we were all enjoying ourselves.

Friendships for life, itsumo itsumo, sumimasen.

-- Chris
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Yes, driving an NSX around suzuka was an awesome experience, thanks for all your efforts.

Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

To Mr. Hirofumi and members of the NSX club of Japan;

Thank you for your hospitality and for making these experiences ones that my wife and I will cherish forever.

Nick and Phengphan
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Many, many thanks to Hirofumi-san for your time and efforts, the owners for letting us drive their cars on the track, and the NSX Club of Japan & Honda for such a memorable event.
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Thank you very much to Hirofumi indeed
not only it was your dream to have NSX owners from around the world to attend Fiesta, i believe it was everyone's dream too :smile:
I am greatful to have been able to be part of this event and to get to know ppl from around the world.

doumo arigatou gozaimashita!!! :smile:
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Just got in after a 25 hour door to door return trip and wanted to log on to thank Hirofumi again for an amazing 10 days. Simply saying thank you doesn't seem enough so we hope to be able to return the favor and get you back to nsxpo next year.
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Thank you so much, Hirofumi. There is no way me, Conrad, Phil, and Jay could have possibly seen so much of Japan in the eight days we were there without your help. The agenda you set up outside of NSX Fiesta was absolutely fantastic, and we can't possibly thank you enough for the arrangements you made that allowed us access to so many spots, both car and tourist related.

And to Paul, it was an absolute pleasure to talk with you during the tour drives. I hope that we can meet again some time in the future.

Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Hirofumi thank you so much. You made possible a memory of a lifetime.
You did the work of six people planning and coordinating this event.
You tended to us each and individually as if we were the most special friend you have. I am humbled by your generosity and awed by your organizing skills.
I hope that sometime in this life I can make you understand and feel how much I appreciate what you have done.
Thank you and bless you.
Your admirer and friends, Joe and Janet Lomoriello
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Indeed, "thank you" doesn't seem enough but the amount and depth of gratitude is very obviously there. Thank you, Hirofumi, for everything that you did to make sure the overseas attendees enjoyed themselves.

Thank you!
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

What you achieved in enabling all of us to visit Japan with you and attend the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Anniversary Fiesta is outstanding. The effort and detail you put into the event has left us with a fantastic experience and memories which will last a lifetime.
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It was an honour to be part of the trip and we thankyou for making it happen. Please pass on our sincere thanks to all the NSX Japan owners who provided cars for road trips, wet skid pan, parade laps and the “Dusk Laps at Suzuka” (did anyone else feel like they were at Lemans!)
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We look forward to seeing you and many of our new friends in Australia.
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Thanks……. Scott and Dean (now know as “little guy” (thanks Bram!!))
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week


Thank you for everything. I am in awe and appreciation of the effort that you put into this tour. Everything over the past week was very well planned and executed!

I am especially honored that you chose me to speak at the Honda HQ event.

This was my 8th Fiesta, and I would say the best one yet.

Thanks again!
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week


I would like to thank you for all your hard work with planning this event for the US, Canadian and Australian visitors.

I know first hand what is like to plan a large event, however what you have done by yourself is extra ordinary and we all appreciate it.

Friends for life!

Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Hi Scott,

I see that you and the "Little Guy"(Dean) made it home safe and sound. It was a pleasure to meet you and Dean in Japan for Fiesta, I hope to see you at another NSX event.

Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Thank you for creating such a special event for all of us to attend and especially for sharing your beautiful country with us. You seemingly tirelessly put together a series of extraordinary events from viewing the Honda Collection Museum, to seeing Asimo LIVE, to driving an NSX on the Susuka track (and skid pad - yeah!) We thank your family as well since we can imagine the amount of time that you needed to dedicate throughout the past year to make this a reality.

We all are looking forward to seeing you at NSXPO next year so we can hopefully share with you some of the joy that we received by attending Fiesta this year.

Many thousand thank you's can't express the gratitude we have for what you shared with us.

Carla and Don
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

My sincerest thanks to Hirofumi for all that he did for our group and also for the help that I personally received. I appreciate his attention in the last couple of weeks leading up to the event in the assistance he gave to me as one of the last minute fill-in attendees.
During the trip he was always helpful and attentive beyond all the routine things he was doing daily. I was happy to have the opportunity to be his roommate when we stayed over at Motegi. I also don't want to let his efforts go by unacknowledged. I appreciate all that he did for us especially as it was evident he sacrificed so much of his personal time.
This was my first time in meeting a man several others have had the pleasure of knowing for some time. I can honestly say through my experience that Hirofumi is a man with a big heart.
Thank you ever so much for such a memorable experience! :smile:
Re: Very Special Thanks to Hirofumi for and absolutely fantastic week

Hirofumi - Thank you very much for all your effort to make this "trip of a lifetime" a reality for so many western NSX owners! From Fiesta to all the tours of Motegi, Fuji, Kyoto, Tokyo, etc. it was very evident that you invested a huge amount of thought and planning (and giving up your own participation) to make everything work out just right for us. Thank you!!
As much as I loved and enjoyed being with everyone on this trip ................ this man was extra special! :wink:


My husband Dave & I would like to thank *you* for making this special 20th anniversary NSX Fiesta trip into a once-in-a-lifetime event! We both thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the festivities & are grateful that we had this opportunity. Being able to share it w/fellow NSX-lovers from around the world was truly a unique experience. Your planning, organization, hard work, generous spirit & friendly nature have endeared you to all of us! We are proud & humbled to count you as a friend & we hope that we can return the favor some day. If you & your family are ever in Northern California, please know that you are always welcome to stay with us & my purple NSX will be at your disposal while you’re here!

Domo arigato from Murasaki-san!<O:p