Verry sad day today........

It has been in the news here last week, but a guy I knew that grew up with me was a victim of a senseless crime. He was a professional soccer player for a while, but after that ended helped rehab old houses so they could sell for a profit. Last week, he was the first to arrive at a job site in South St. Louis to rehab a house. A few hours later his partner showed up and found him laying on the floor. He had been shot under the armpit and killed. There were no signs of blood and his business parter thought he had died of natural causes at first. He has a wife, a15month old child and one on the way too. Really makes you wonder what would possess someone to kill a person for $20 in their wallet. :confused:
prova4re said:
That is sad, You did a great thing to help those people out.

The thing that made me mad was, I parked my car with the flashers on and there was some guy behind me beeping to let him by.
There were 20 or so cars at that intersection, that kept driving.
2 guys jumped the curb so they could get passed the truck, and slowed down to look when they got close.

So sorry.

Im thoughts and prayers are with you. Don't say that you are not a hero because you are. To all of us in the NSX family as well as to all who knew her. Your thoughts were for the safety of another human being before your own. As we can see by your post, not exactly common place.

Thank You so very much for your effort. I only hope some one such as yourself would be there for me or mine in such a tragic moment.

God Bless
The Golden Rule comes to mind as I'm reading this; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You ARE a hero, Brian. We should all be so brave in a situation like this.

Thank you and God bless you,
prova4re said:
That is sad, You did a great thing to help those people out.

The thing that made me mad was, I parked my car with the flashers on and there was some guy behind me beeping to let him by.
There were 20 or so cars at that intersection, that kept driving.
2 guys jumped the curb so they could get passed the truck, and slowed down to look when they got close.

Hey, Brian...sorry you had to experience that tragedy. As far as the other people honking and slowing down, well it is a really sad part of reality that most people are self-centered a$$holes that never want to help anyone but themselves. Luckily, the same world that those people live in is also inhabited by wonderful people like you who have concern and compassion for others. You are a great person, and I for one feel thankful that you are in this world to do great things like you did on that day. If you need anything...let me know. Even just to chat.
My God, I can't even imagine what you're going through. As others have said, at least you were there for her in her last moments. What you did was a noble thing, and I have great respect for you. I've got three young kids, and you've given me a lot to think about as well...

I feel for you. I am sure she felt no pain from the injuries and seeing you there at her side probably set her at some peace. There is always a reason for something and for some reason you were put there at that point in time for her.

Not only do I admire your accomplishments and overally goals in life I even moreso I continue to admire the genuine kindness and respect you give to others especially complete strangers. It is this quality that allows you to be one outstanding person.

during this slow day at work, I decided to come into offtopic and see what owners are like outside of talking about the NSX. I see the true heart and character of this community.

prova4re,'s people like you that inspire the rest of us. You make us strive to be better people everyday. What would I do in that situation, I truly don't know, but I hope that God forbid I'm ever in that situation I would do what you guys would.

I thank you for just sharing with us, because it has definitely made an inpact on me.

You stopped to assist and assist you did.
Even though you thought there was nothing you could do,
You provided comfort to a lady as she was dying.

You did your best my friend.