Vegas Buyers? $500 reward!!!

27 October 2006
I'm trying to catch the Joy Rider who burnt out my clutch and stole or lost a a huge piece of leather from the passenger door.

My car is currently FS in the FS section in Southern Cali

I don't know how you guy's would feel but to put it in perspective, you can buy a house in Texas with the value of this car. So I see it as not just an investment that can be put to other use but I see it as a moving house as far as how I take ownership of the car. Stealing a piece of leather and burning out the clutch is like a stranger shitting in your shower and stealing your couch. Infact, I plan on selling it to buy another house. Now everybody wants $3000 less because some fagot burnt the clutch and stole shit out of it. Thats like closing costs.

I'm in Iraq so I give my sister contact info and tell her to go with poeple when test driving it. Instead, she lets 2 random guy's from Vegas come check out the car. She says they drove like mad men all around the block. They come back and a piece of leather is missing and the clutch is gone. Honda says it may not make it downt he street. The clutch was still great before I left and could have made it across the US and back no problem.

My sister said there were other joy riders. I hate poeple taking advantage of my car just because I'm not there. Then they have no intention of buying the car. They just want to compare it to there car or get a chance to drive it, then brake it and give it back to me. I have no contact information. If anybody knows of any LV buyers who recently took my car out please let me know. I will pay $500 to the person who brings me contact information and if I am able to make him help pay for the clutch he broke.
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wow that fricken sucks. I was going to contact you about your car also but looking at another one right now. Hope you can find out about those guys. I would never let some one test drive a car if they were not serious and with no info on them, but that besides te point now. Hope someone can help with this, I would be furious and ready to scrap if that was my car. Good luck and Ill keep my ears open. Be safe over there.
It's a bad situation to be in, selling a car when you're not there to show the vehicle. I understand your sister is doing you a favor, in showing the car for you, but why is she letting people take the car for joyrides? " sister said there were other joy riders"? Did you tell her how to show the car, and warn her about people who would try to joy ride it? Having sold several cars private party in the past it's pretty obvious who is there to buy a car, and who is there to kick the tires and drive the piss out of it.
damn... not a cool story.. and it does suck... but i guess this is one of those situations where prevention and being prepared would have helped.... best of luck
I'm very sorry to hear this story; especially since you are in Iraq when this happened. If I were to ask my wife to sell the car for me, I think I would have had the same vulnerability. Even if you had made your sister aware of the potential for this type of situation, it may still have happened.

One way of preventing this type of thing is to NEVER let a teen/twenty-something drive the car you are selling unless you know them personally. These creeps definitely deserve a serious beat-down for destroying your property, and taking advantage of your sister in this situation.
One way of preventing this type of thing is to NEVER let a teen/twenty-something drive the car you are selling unless you know them personally.

Then he wouldn't have sold his car to me since I was 22 when I bought mine :rolleyes:

The thread starter said TWO GUYS, not two TEEN/TWENTY-SOMETHINGS... maybe it was a couple of THIRTY-SOMETHINGS... better keep those 30 yr olds away from the cars your are selling :rolleyes:

Maybe a better thing to do would be to not let the car go out on its own regardless of WHO is driving it...
Then he wouldn't have sold his car to me since I was 22 when I bought mine :rolleyes:

If you were serious about the car, you probably would have seen it as a good sign that the owner won't let every tom, dick, and harry hop in the car for a spin.

It's good advice. No test drives, period, on exotic cars. Go waste a dealerships time if you want to go for a spin.

Be willing to take them for a drive around the block if they want to see/feel it moving, after they show you they have the means to pay for it.

If they want to drive it, they are welcome to drive it home after they pay in full. Or have a third party (ie dealership) inspect it and do a road test. Any serious buyer wouldn't let that stop them from buying a car they were seriously interested in.

I'm very sorry to hear that this happened. Good luck with the sale!
Sorry to hear that NSSEX91,

We will assist you in anyway. What's done is done, and we will take it from here. Just be safe and take it easy overseas. Your Prime Bro's got your back.

Goodluck with everything, and take it easy!
Sorry about your situation -- good luck finding these guys and the *ahem* ass beating.

Maybe a wise move - in general selling NSXs - would be to only let them drive if they gave you $50 up front. Most joyriders wouldn't want to spend $50 to drive an NSX around the block, but any serious buyer would, since there aren't many to choose from.
I'm in Iraq so I give my sister contact info and tell her to go with poeple when test driving it. Instead, she lets 2 random guy's from Vegas come check out the car. She says they drove like mad men all around the block. They come back and a piece of leather is missing and the clutch is gone.
I'm sorry to hear about this. Unfortunately, it's partly your sister's fault for not following your instructions, and based on this, perhaps it was not wise to let her sell your car for you. I would not trust anyone other than someone knowledgeable about cars, and experienced with selling them, to sell a car on my behalf. Too bad hindsight is 20/20.
Just to clarify a little. I was there in person to check that car. I DID NOT drive this car. I know how NSX drives and wanted to buy this car and drive MY car afterwards.

I flew from STL to SD. I paid Jerry to do alignment, PPI and compression check. And I did not buy this car for 22k

2 things I did not know about is that car has accident and that clutch was worn out.

93k miles on original clutch and blaming on guys from Vegas? It's almost like a joke. According to prime most people replace clutch before 60k.
I'm trying to catch the Joy Rider who burnt out my clutch and stole or lost a a huge piece of leather from the passenger door.

Now everybody wants $3000 less because some fagot burnt the clutch and stole shit out of it. Thats like closing costs.

They come back and a piece of leather is missing and the clutch is gone. Honda says it may not make it downt he street. The clutch was still great before I left and could have made it across the US and back no problem.

. I will pay $500 to the person who brings me contact information and if I am able to make him help pay for the clutch he broke.

On your 2-11-2007 post, you said clutch was worn out and needed replacing, and now you said 2 joyriders worn it out. Which story is it? :rolleyes: :confused: No wonder you have not found a buyer yet, maybe you have not been telling the truth!

Wait the car has over 2,000 mils on it since I left 2.5 months ago? Who the hell is driving my car?

And sorry but from what I got from you Katit was that the car may not make it down the street and is currently slipping bad. Sorry but that was not my or my friends analysis on the clutch. And I'm not the original owner so I don't know if any of the parts were replaced at one time.

And don't worry about Vegas. My sister doesent know what she's talking about. Nobody from Vegas stole my leather. It was someone else probably someone she knew or something. Funny thing is that the leather piece is in there really tight and it doesent just fall off. That is totall BS.

Anyways thanks for all the tips guy's I'm now that much smarter in car selling.
Honestly, it sounds like you should have disconnected the battery and stored this car until you got back. If you don't need the cash asap, and aren't sorry you bought the nsx, why are you going through the stress, and losing the cash, this sale will involve? I would tell autotrader to take your ad out of their magazine, and tell your sister to get away from the keys. When you get back to the States in a few months you will have an nsx to come back to, and you don't need to get all sideways about people flogging your car, or stealing parts of your interior. The clutch is expensive, but we all know about this expense coming into the car - when you get back, if you need a clutch job, take it to Ramon at Niguel Motors in Orange County, he does great work on many socal nsx's, and he won't hose you on the labor costs.

If your motivation is to purchase property there is no reason to sell the car while you're away, as you can't buy the replacement property until you get back. If you're still serious about selling, and the car has these issues, you can ask a premium if you have them fixed, or, at the very least, you will be able to handle the transaction far more smoothly in person than via email/phone.
And sorry but from what I got from you Katit was that the car may not make it down the street and is currently slipping bad. Sorry but that was not my or my friends analysis on the clutch.

I did not drive this car. This is what Jerry from GreenLight honda said. He basically told me to take it very easy taking it to shipper and taking it home if I buy it since it already slips.

Yes, car has 93k. No, I don't know who drive it.
So I was just talking to my friend about this car having the clutch burned out. I told him someone came and test drove the car and burned the clutch out, then left. He says well what did you expect them to do, stay for dinner.
My friend told me the guy had a mohawk lol.

Anyways not worried about it. I may buy a new clutch from TurboLag

Oops I mean TurboLab lol
you can still track those punks down. I'm assuming that they made some sort of contact to your sister to arrange a look and a drive. Now how was that contact made? Phone or email, if by phone, just get phone records and call back on the numbers around that time and date, if by email, track it with "sniffer" programs to locate where they are at.

stories like this piss me off...
That sucks big time:mad: :frown:

There is really nothing you can do even if you track down the people who test drove the car. Best case scenario if you find them is probably walk away with nothing. Worst case scenario you lose your tamper in the confrontation with the driver and ended up going jail.

It sucks but, I can't imagine any positive outcome even if you manage to track them down.

According to my sister and her roomates, they saw a guy in the red NSX from Vegas, you friend? who test drove the car before you flew down. The Asian guy with the Red NSX. They said that he slipt the clutch so bad all the way down the street that it smoked and both my sister and her roomie were able to both smell the clutch after he got back. My sister did not go with him so who knows what happend further down the street.

After taking it to Revenge Motorsports in San Diego, I was told by John that he never seen a clutch so bad. He said that it was not from normal wear but from slippage and overheating. He said it looked intentional like as if someone did a braking burnout. I told him a guy with a Red NSX test drove the car and smoked it. He agreed that if the clutch was slipped enough to smoke that it would be the cause of this damage.

My sister told me that after he test drove it, she immediately noticed the clutch slippage and was all down hill from there.

I don't know his name but I PM'ed you asking for details. I would like his word on it before I do or say anything. I don't know what you would do in that situation but I'm sure you can understand after hearing this from my Sister and roomies, that I would be asking these questions.

My sister and her roomates don't lie. So if you will please PM me with his information so we can talk about it.


Does Andrey own the Red NSX?
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Does Andrey own the Red NSX?

#1. Andrey is not asian name.
#2. He drives Audi
#3. He lives in SD
#4. He didn't meet your sister.
#5. Ben only showed him car without even starting it.
#6. You owe me $300 for inspection since car was misrepresented and you did not tell me about paint job.

How about that?

It was a simple question. stop being so defensive

Who owns the RED NSX?

She does not remember his name unfortunately. He runed my clutch. Katit you can chill out now.

I'm close lol