Posted to S2Ki Poker Run thread today...,
You are being contacted as you expressed interest in the Vancouver Island Poker Run for Charity on July 24th weekend.
It is getting closer and for those of you that have not paid you will get more and more of these notes, sorry.
As stated in my previous notes I have to start breaking up the prize money and the prizes and auction items. I need to firm up the numbers for the dinner and for the starting times of the event. I need to get maps and starting envelopes together for every participant. Our checkpoint spnosors need to know how long they need to supply volunteers for and how long they need to maintain the checkpoint and what times to expect cars to start rollinging in, I need to purchase supplies such as cards. Basically it is time to start thinking about paying for the event so I can get a good idea of how many participants we are going to have.
I realize that it is still over 2 months away but I hope you can appreciate the planning and coordination that this takes. The price that we got for the facilities and dinner up at Mt Washington depended on attendee numbers. We took the early registration and guessed that we would have approx 100 guests in all.
Here is what I need you to do if at all possible:
1) If you're for sure not attending let me know and I will remove you from the list. Sorry to see that you can't attend but perhaps next year if the first one is a success.
2) If you're coming and just can't afford the cash right now, well we need to have the money in by latest July 1st. We can only have a handful of late participants after that date. The very latest date for payment would be July 10th. After that we will have to change the entry fee (to cover late costs) from $75.00 for driver and car to $100.00 and for driver car and passenger from $110.00 to $125.00. Also don't forget that if you pay after June there is HST to be added. If this is the case then at least fire me a PM stating that for sure your coming and the money is coming and give me a rough idea of when. I may be able to cover your costs as long as you are absolutely sure you will make it here.
3) Pay ahead of time to get it out of the way and REALLY help me out. You can pay via Cash, Snail Mail, or you can go to our online payment site (thanks to the BlackMarkers) and pay with PayPal or Credit Card. The site address is:
Thanks in advance and thanks for helping me make this event a success and one we can do yearly, and lastly thanks from the kids that you will be helping send to camp..., putting a smile on a childs face.
Remember also this is all about getting out for a cruz and getting together for an event other than standing in a parking lot. Lets really do our best to make it out to this event and making it the success it can be. We have loads of sponsorship and everyone has been great. Go to the web site to review the prizes donated so far.
Thanks Again
Dave Donovan
Vancouver Island S2Ki CO
VI Poker Run 2010 Organizer