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Vancehu aka BD / ScienceofSpeed

Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

I don't think I'd buy from SoS just because of the responses to Vance and I've seen to other customers as well. It doesn't matter if the customer complains, bitches, threatens, or go berserk, a business should never get into name calling. Just totally unprofessional.

I disagree. When you are part of a close knit group like this, and a little mud is flung, somebody needs to stand up and state a correction if they believe a falsehood has been spoken. I respect VanceHu's opinion. I'll probably buy a DF hood and rear valence from him. And I respect Chris and SOS and have never had any problem with them. They have gone over the top to make sure I get parts when I need them, sometimes overnight. But you can't just sit idelly by while someone says something negative about you if it's believed to be untrue.
Re: Vance / SoS moved posts

From the first silent victim. He forward these pictures to me via e-mail this afternoon after learning about the threads this morning. He ask me to post them. He will be here to validate the pictures when he have time.

Dude, you've got some serious issues. BTW, your conspiracy of evil intent is here.
There is no evil intend here. Pictures tells thousand words.



Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

These types of threads are what causes people to leave communities. Lud is being extremely patient here.

Vance: I think your "kid getting their toy" analogy is perfect; you are acting like a child. It is apparent that your goal is not to protect the community, your goal is some form of "I'm right and he's wrong! Seeeeee!!!!!".

I think your friends are grown up enough to defend themselves. You've made your case. Let's all drop this now.
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

That statement just convinced me further regarding how little you know about the NSX.
OBDII is extremely sensitive; CEL will be on if there are any O2 sensor issues!!!

WTH? If OBDII is extremely sensitive than an O2 sensor replacement makes even more sense. The point of my post (b/c I have to make it plain to you) is that I methodically went through the fuel system to fix my issue and that I hoped the best for the OP.

Again, you are assuming in behalf of Chris...
Shawn, stay out of this one.

Why? I'm a third party here as are you. In addition to quoting my words out of context (quite remarkable by the way), you still don't get it. You are neither the buyer or the seller. Period. You cannot maintain that your comments are any more valid than any other third party in the discussion. If the first party determines that they were sufficiently wronged to post then let them do it. And let them settle it b/t themselves.

As neither the buyer or the seller, your random pot shots (not only at SOS but at GTOne, Procar, and Lud now as well), wild accusations, and misinformation are seen as vendor harassment of the most immature kind. So, perhaps, you should follow your own advice and "stay out of it."

BTW, I read your original post to me. Your hope of me having "problems" with my stroker is really a new low. Sheesh, what the heck is wrong with you?

The community is small and old timers are fully aware of what's going on.

Yes, I am.

BTW, a buddy reminded me of an old addage of "wrestling with pigs" and, I think, he was right. With that in mind, I'm going to gracefully cease any future posts in this thread and move on to more positive contributions. Good luck to you.
Seems like a public witch hunt to me VanceHu. Your claims that the "facts" are present in this thread is utterly rediculous (I'm no welding expert and yes the welds don't look great but read on below). I've read the whole thing twice and still can't quite figure out the "facts". Audi mechanic helping you determine the so called validity of this claim....come on!

So as the administrator has mentioned your free to choose the path of no return or make amends with Chris at SOS - seems like you've choosen poorly as of today's post.

But I'm really surprised that as a vendor yourself you can't understand one, two, three, four, or many pieces of a product not fitting the bill in terms of manufacturing standards. It happens and at least from what I've read the original customer was taken care of - so why the witch hunt? But as you've clearly continued to rant and rave I'm not so sure I'd be happy dealing with you for parts.

And as a vendor you also need to understand that there are customers like myself who are willing to potentially purchase from SOS (haven't yet but will in a few days). Why would you want to blast a company (SOS) when in your own right you'd hate to have it happen to you? My opinion is that if your not happy with SOS go and do it better yourself? Seems fair to me...but herein I wonder if there's more to the story then we are getting?

See how the wind blows both ways? I'm sorry Vance but there are newcomers to the NSX ownership like myself that need to rely on good aftermarket companies and their vendors and from what I can tell your not helping potential customers, yourself, or SOS at all.

Why not let the so called "first silent victim" come forward, post his own pictures, tell his side of the story? Your using the forum as a court of public opinion where really none of us can rule except by not purchasing from SOS. To tell you the truth your using this forum as a ways of stopping people from purchasing from SOS when in fact no one should base what has happened here as a reason for not dealing with a vendor such as SOS. Defects happen, bad customer service happens, but how its ultimately dealt with should be between the vendor and the purchaser. PERIOD.

To me this post is more about attacking another vendor rather than helping out your mate with a problem. There is a difference and you shouldn't use this forum as a place to blast competiting vendors when in fact you'd hate to have this happen to yourself. If you seriously wanted to help your friend you'd recommend he contact Chris at SOS and work things out. NOT PUBLICLY BASHING another vendor.

Just unprofessional mate.

Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

I'm confused. Are these pipes sleeved or butt welded.
What is the concern or deficiency that you are trying to show?
Maybe it's my monitor and I can't see well enough.