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Vancehu aka BD / ScienceofSpeed


Legendary Member
18 September 2005
Southern California
I wouldn't pay too much attention to dyno results that werent done on the same day with the same temperature and atmospheric pressure. 3 HP is not enough to warrant the cost of switching the headers back out.

Did you notice any difference in the sound or low end performance? Those are the things that are important, not numbers on a chart.

I try not to get caught up in any of those HP increase promises. Enjoy the car.:smile:
I beg the differ.

This is the third time I have seen this happen.

Fourth time if you count the one that didn't even fit!!!

When the Dyno chart was released by SOS months ago

A local NSXer bought the header and received the similar result. Instead of a public out cry, he decided to accept a full refund INCLUDING LABOR and called it a day.

What really bothers me is that the header is simply a cheap Taitec knock-off, and Taitec don't even make that kind of power gain claim on a NA2!!!

As for the vender and manufacture, they knew the dyno results from previous customers, but continue the advertised webpage un-altered.

The point of spending significant amount of money - More than $1000 ON A PERFORMANCE PART is not to see lost of HP AND gas mileage at the same time. If I was told there will be a 20 plus HP gain, I will fully expect that gain when I make the purchase.

O2 sensor and ECU should not effect the lost of Fuel Economy by 10% if the driving style did not change. When I had my Fujitsubo header fitted with a test pipe, I didn't have O2 sensor installed propery; therefore, the CEL was on. I took a road trip from LA to Seattle and back - 3000 miles in one week, I got 29 miles to a gallon, that's 5 more than Honda claimed. If that was the case, I should have worse MPG, not better.
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Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?


As an owner who is in the market for performance upgrades, I really appreciate your evaluation of the quality of the headers. I am a little surprised, although not shocked, that a vendor with the reputation of SOS (around these forums anyhow) is selling something of low quality manufacture and performance as an "upgrade". I have read many of your posts, and consider you to be both knowledgeable and good natured, and therefore I respect you and your opinions. Would you please expand on your comments to describe in detail your assessment of...

a) the build quality and performance characteristics of a few of the aftermarket headers relative to the factory setups (cast iron manifold and the factory headers)

b) the marketing materials used in support of the aftermarket performance "upgrades" such as the dyno sheet released by SOS in support of these products

If you don't want to respond or feel that it may be inappropriate to answer candidly in this forum, please PM or email me. I don't want to start a fire here, but I don't want to send my hard earned out the door for "crap" whose "credentials" are a list of endorsements from people who sell the crap either.

Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

The message has been delievered. The vender/manufacture knows what I'm talking about. I'm not going to drag out the victims from previous purchase (s) and put them on a hot spot.

All I can say is, the reputation of a vender/manufacture is strikly bias based on personal experience, and the workmanship of a product can be judged simply by sight, and in this case, also dyno result. If you have never seen a Cantrell header in person when compare to the Taitec, you need to do just that.
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

Regarding Vance's statements, they are untrue.

As a quick search will confirm, Vance's online accusations have been fueled by some unknown vendenta against ScienceofSpeed and Cantrell Concepts. The statments that he has made in this thread and many others are far off base from reality and the truth.

Let me respond to them individually:

1. These headers are not a knock off. They look completely different and have completely different primary and secondary measurements. Look here, the headers are obviously different even by looking at small photos:

Cantrell Concepts:


2. There has NEVER been such an occurence as this:

When the Dyno chart was released by SOS months ago

A local NSXer bought the header and received the similar result. Instead of a public out cry, he decided to accept a full refund INCLUDING LABOR for his silence.

This was never the case. Cantrell Concepts accepted a header system back on refund since a set that was installed on a customers car did not produce power. However, when the header set was dynoed on another NA2 car, the car produced more than 14 hp.

Vance is pointing this out with out any background information or knowledge on the issue. This was the same tactic in prior posts where he says that "a local customer had a set of Cantrell Concepts Headers installed and they did not fit. The customer was given a full refund to quiet his out cry online". This issue, like the prior was ruled out to be an installation error. The two adaptor pipes that are included in the kit were REVERSED by the installer.

These issues illustrate the level of customer service both Cantrell Concepts and ScienceofSpeed have extended even though it was determined that the part installed was not at fault.

As I've said before, these headers have SIGNIFICANTLY more testing both off car and on car than ANY header system we have ever sold. They have out performed headers from ScienceofSpeed, TAITEC, DC Sports, and Comptech. They have also had more testing done with available dyno charts than any other header available. Testing has been done by several companies including Autowave and Driving Ambition. Testing that was performed by the customer, completely independent of either companies.

I can not speak to why the first customer did not see any gains. However, I do know from our own testing that any headers are largely dependent on a free-flowing exhausts system. No mater if you have a better flowing header, if down stream you still have a restriction, your total output will be affected. For example: on all NSX years, if the factory exhaust is retained or if several aftermarket exhausts are used that we have tested, your gains with a full header system will only be 0-4 hp.

Vance Hu has a long standing history of fueling these arguments in order to solicite a statement from myself to pin one manufacture (TAITEC) against another manufacture (Cantrell Concepts) that we sell for. He then almost immediately fowards these threads to Japan via e-mail to paint ScienceofSpeed as a company not to deal with since we do not support Japanese products. Vance, I've seen your fanatical fowarded e-mails to the vendors we work with in Japan, and they are just childish and sad. We've been working with these vendors for longer than 6 years now and they respect our position that we put our name, reputation, and commitment behind the products that WORK BEST. Some day you'll grow up and realize that hiding behind a keyboard to be an internet troublemaker is something best left to high schoolers still living in their band camp days.

-- Chris
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

Regarding Vance's statements, they are untrue.

As a quick search will confirm, Vance's online accusations have been fueled by some unknown vendenta against ScienceofSpeed and Cantrell Concepts. The statments that he has made in this thread and many others are far off base from reality and the truth.


Chris, it's OK, you can defend your self with what ever stories, and you can accuse me of what ever, BUT you know the TRUTH. I know the people who had similar experience. AND this wasn't an insolated incident ON THE SAME PRODUCT! The writing is on the wall!

Have you ever seen a kid work all summer for a toy, and when the toy arrived, it wasn't what he thought they were? The sad disapointed face they have with a broken heart? That pertty much happen to two of my friends after buying your product!!!

BTW, you can say what ever you want about me. I don’t have any vendeda against you, just the way you conduct business. AND I don't like to see people getting ripped on any product when they don't received what was advertised. In most cases, people work hard for their money!!! HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT??? There are some more interesting stories between Cantrell and DF but this is not the place to talk about it!!!

PLEASE! Not all of us are as naive as you think.

Local NSXer who knows me well understand that I am a straight shooter. I'm in retail my self and I do get creative from time to time, but I don't screw people over. I don't make false claim, and I don't promise people if I can't deliver. You however, have very little credibility among the largest NSX community, which is in S. Cal. Instead of making an apology and correct the problem, you elect to continued with your bogus fairly tales and attack me at the same time. Do you honestly think people is that stupid? It was interesting to hear what some people from Seattle have to say about you when I visited there last year. Yeah, remember that place where you used to live and conduct business? WOW!!! STOP INSULTING THE OLD TIMER NSX COMMUNITY!

Honesty is part of good Karma. Keep on taking newbie for a ride will only further destroy what ever little reputation you have left. Ever heard of what goes around comes around!

Regardless, the truth is out there!!!

It will be very interesting when some one else open up a whole new can of worm regarding the problems with your stroker kit. It will be just a matter of time. I can’t wait!!!

Image provided by your own website.




Cantrell Headers


I have always belief that if certain products are scarce, it is ok to replicate, as long as you disclose the source and give people credit for it. JeffShoot, remember you talked about how bad the welding on the GT-One exhaust? How about this Cantrell header?
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Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

Why can't you guys just look for ways to get a line of comunication going as to help the people that are affected by the products that are sold. You both wont the best for the NSX owner but you go about it with gloves on.
I for one do product sales and will be the first to say sure there can be problems but the sign of a good vender is how the problem is handled. Seem like SOS is doing a good job. If yoou sale 100 units and have a problem with two thats a good record for any profromance part. Try getting most aftermrket Porsche vendors to take back a race part????? Good luck.
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

Why can't you guys just look for ways to get a line of comunication going as to help the people that are affected by the products that are sold. You both wont the best for the NSX owner but you go about it with gloves on.

I agree with Heeltoe914. Vance, I have never met you but I've heard about you from guys at meets, NSXprime etc., and everybody says you're a good guy. I believe you and Chris only want the best for our community and our cars. I also believe that most owners on this forum value your opinion, so please do us all a favor. Pick up the phone and give Chris at SOS a call. Discuss whatever issues you two have, past and present, and then let us know what comes out of the call. You and he going at it in print isn't really going to accomplish anything...we all know that context can be lost, or "flat out blown out of proportion" in print. I have a '98 and would like to know if I should invest in these or not. I for one would really appreciate your thoughts after you speak with Chris. Thanks
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

I don't think I'd buy from SoS just because of the responses to Vance and I've seen to other customers as well. It doesn't matter if the customer complains, bitches, threatens, or go berserk, a business should never get into name calling. Just totally unprofessional.
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

I honestly don't get it. Why can you guys light up a cigar and be nice to each other. We are not taking about personal or racist attacks (which I have zero tolerance or forgiveness). In your case, it is just a conflict of belief.

There are 3 incidents with Cantrell headers. Original OP and 2 more locally, I happen to be there first hand for 2 out of 2 local incidents.

I am 1 of the 3. My story is that it just didn't even fit. Will couldn't figure out either. I wasn't upset or dissastisfied one bit. I believe it was a prototype or first production run. I wanted a $1k header and I got that, you get what you paid for. I see it as blessing, so I went with Comptech headers instead while everything is still off the car.

2nd incident is simple. I just happen to see a friend on the road while driving, I guessed based on the direction, he was heading to the dyno shop. After I filled up my stomach, on my way to Vance's shop I dropped by to say hello. I got caught in awkward situation upon arrival. Sometimes you just know. Common sense, people have pride, so I just pretended I didn't saw anything. I did said I saw the guy on the way over to Vance, but I did not said anything definite about the power. Vance is smart, it is easy guess from that point. The owner in this incident didn't lose anything other than time.

I am not taking sides, but from consumer standpoint. The pics between Taitec and Cantrell headers really speaks for themselves. Why Taitec headers? There are other superior header designs if you are going to replicate. I don't see anything wrong with replicating parts as long as you don't pass it on or claim as original. Downforce, Route KS, Taitec, Procar, Dali, I's Impact, etc all replicate, but they don't pass these on as originals. Just my .02cent.
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

Re: the original poster, I hope you figure the issue out and it works well for you. If it helps, I originally had the same issue w/ my Comptech headers and new O2 sensors did the trick. I bought the 02 sensors through sparkplugs.com (OE identical NGK). I also replaced the fuel filter and sparkplugs and saw an even better gain and much much better AFR in a later dyno. Please report back with the results b/c I'm sure it'll be helpful to future buyers regardless of brand bought.

That statement just convinced me further regarding how little you know about the NSX.
OBDII is extremely sensitive; CEL will be on if there are any O2 sensor issues!!!

However, I'm curious as to why a member would send contemptious and, very likely, inaccurate emails about US vendors to overseas vendors though?

Again, you are assuming in behalf of Chris. Don’t do that, because it is not a smart thing to do. Accusation is there, but where is the proof? If some one does that to me, I would definitely save the e-mails. If this plays out in a court, accusation is worthless without evidence!!! I believe you can at least agree to that, or understand that concept.

Shawn, stay out of this one. You have no idea what’s going on other than blindly defend some one you “think” is a good guy. I understand you currently have transactions between you and Chris, just make sure he get the job done - right. There are several facts involving this matter and one of the witness has spoken, I anticipate more to come if they’re still participating on Prime. Three to four incidents is no joke, considering the product is barely out in the market place.

After working in retail and corporate sales environment, I understand the importance of the information given to the public, AKA advertising. If the information is not accurate, the company will be liable FINANCIALLY to the consumers, even if consumers didn't make the complaint.

Even on my NSX open header dyno run we did for the Forza2 sound track... (which Brain was there for at witness) ... I didn't even need a base line to tell me there was no +huge noticeable gains ever, ever, to be had on that mustang dyno. Actually I lost torque below 4000 and had a mid range spike to the best of my recollection which simply confirmed my throughts on the matter.

Thank you John, you are right on the money. As I have indicated in the past after installing the Fujitsubo header, I actually lost torque and HP under 6000 RPM, the power and torque is off by about 200 RPM; however, after VTEC point, I gain 7 HP at the top. I have a late model NA2, and Fujitsubo is considered by many, the best NSX after market header. I GOT 7 HP GAIN for spending $3 grand!!!

I appreciate your technical information, it is very imformative and hopefully, it will absolutely open up some eyes.
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Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

I give a lot of credit to Cantrell Concepts going out of their way to deliver a great product with tremendous support - going out of their way in several situations caused not by the product but by the installer.

The Cantrell Concepts Headers are a tremendous improvement to other products we have sold in the past - not only in regards to performance, but also fitment and quality. It is the truth that our margins are considerably thinner on this product compared to others we have sold in the past. However, the performance, quality, and fitment make it far more worthwhile. This is why I use this product on my own car.

-- Chris

That's why it didn't even fit on Jason's car (NSXSUPRA)? Because of the installer? At Autowave (one of the premier NSX shop)? With Cantrell in presence?

The cantrell looks like shit to begin with. Anyone who saw those pics and paid a grand or more for that product deserved the shaft they got.
nsxtcy85's word is a little harsh because not every one is well informed or familiar with car parts, they make purchasing decisions base on what they read. However, workmanship? Pictures speaks for it self.

Feel free to give me a ring. I think your findings are most likely 02 sensor related, especially with your reports of decreased fuel economy. An 02 sensor will read incorrectly if it is contaminated and this will not necessarily through a code. Unlike what is said earlier in this thread, the circuitry of an OBD1 vs. OBD2 NSX in regards to the 02 sensor is the same. OBD2 is not "more sensitive". The only difference is that there are upstream and downstream sensors in both cylinder banks.
You have a "real" example you can give us?

I beg the differ again. When I had my test pipes installed, the tech installed one bored out spark plug fouler for the O2 sensor. The CEL came one imediately after I turn the key. The tech used one bun because it worked on his OBDI NSX. We ended up having to stack two together for the CEL to go away. Another NSX was at the shop with comptech test pipes, the CEL did not come on with just one spark plug fouler. This happen from a very respectable shop locally, at the same time. Unless a certified Honda Master Tech is pulling my legs, the evidence/experience told a different story.
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Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

OMG....you all sound silly......

who cares...seems like SOS or Cantrell have hooked who ever wasnt happy..

I also agree that EVERYONE that is in sales or manufacturing has some problems....

What I fail to understand is why is this Vance's or evenn my buisness. Its a buyer beware world people...not everything will work as promised and somethings are made better or worse that others...

I agree there seems to be an underlying negitivity some some of the SoCal people torwards chris.... the funny/strange this is that its @ chris and not SoS which leads me to believe its a personality thing...Led by Vance, which was kinda confirmed by him bringing up something about Seattle. not sure what happened between them, but WHO CARES...if ya dont like the vendor or the product by something else...

Seems like there is always some SoCal people...on ALL forums bashing anyone thats not in or from SoCal...doesnt matter the forum,

just my .02 on something that doesnt relate to MOST of us..
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

What I fail to understand is why is this Vance's or evenn my buisness. Its a buyer beware world people...not everything will work as promised and somethings are made better or worse that others...

I agree there seems to be an underlying negitivity some some of the SoCal people torwards chris.... the funny/strange this is that its @ chris and not SoS which leads me to believe its a personality thing...Led by Vance, which was kinda confirmed by him bringing up something about Seattle. not sure what happened between them, but WHO CARES...if ya dont like the vendor or the product by something else...

Seems like there is always some SoCal people...on ALL forums bashing anyone thats not in or from SoCal...doesnt matter the forum,

just my .02 on something that doesnt relate to MOST of us..

You know, S. Cal is the best, we don't like any one outside of S. Cal.:biggrin: Actually, I believe you see more people participate on car forum from S. Cal because of population.


I appreciate each individual’s $.02 and judging by the posts, I see most of you can understand what this thread is really about – A puzzled person who spend the money but did not achieve desored result. He wanted to find out if this was an isolated incident.

Since the question was asked in a public setting, it is up to people who have first hand knowledge/experience to help answer the question. In fact, every time I hold a NSX meet at my shop, or attend a local meet, the subject of Cantrell header is often part of the casual conversation. Andrew’s situation sounded all so familiar.

My old friend/client Jeremy was at my shop this afternoon; he is currently an Audi tech and Toyota certified tech. We smoking a cigar together and discuss the usual stuff – Girls, politics, cars, etc. I decided to show him the thread and ask for his opinion, even though he doesn’t service Honda, but I valued his opinion because of his experience.

1. Under this particular condition - ECU was untouched, with bolt on mods only. - If the driving style did not change, the perimeter set by Honda (or any manufactures) will cause the Check Engine Light to be turn on if there are any variables in fuel mixture or bad hardware. Therefore, the possibility of O2 sensor problem to cause the lost of fuel economy (by as much as 20%) is probable, but "extremely" unlikely. Simple indication - Andrew did not mention any thing about CEL. The responsibility of lost of HP and MPG is more likely due to the product, in this case, the header.

2. The theory of Dyno result differences between days (within a week but similar climate) is again probable, but "some what" unlikely. If the dyno shop has a good reputation and is done by the same person, same dyno system, there shouldn't be that much difference.

3. When viewing the pictures from post 29, my friend thought one company manufactured the two headers shown in these pictures. He was shocked by the assembly/welding quality between the two because the differences were too great for one manufacture to have that kind of variance. I explained to him that the headers may look extremely similar, the headers were made by two separate firms; he laughed and didn’t say much after that. The conversation carried on but the subject is very just repeat of the previous bullets.

My posts were not about attacking certain vender but rather trying to help Andrew so he is aware of the previous 3 or 4 incidents – As stated within the opening post. As usual, every venders will have both happy and ticked off customers. The impression I received from local NSXers in the past are straight forward; few will conduct business with SOS. In the case involved Jason who has witnesses the situation and was an involved parties. He summed up the best,

“I am 1 of the 3. My story is that it just didn't even fit. Will couldn't figure out either. I wasn't upset or dissastisfied one bit. I believe it was a prototype or first production run. I wanted a $1k header and I got that, you get what you paid for. I see it as blessing, so I went with Comptech headers instead while everything is still off the car.”


"The pics between Taitec and Cantrell headers really speaks for themselves. Why Taitec headers? There are other superior header designs if you are going to replicate. I don't see anything wrong with replicating parts as long as you don't pass it on or claim as original. Downforce, Route KS, Taitec, Procar, Dali, I's Impact, etc all replicate, but they don't pass these on as originals."

This is not about taking sides, but understand how certain vender conduct business. The truth. I have no doubt SOS have some very happy clients and will continued to support their cause. It is just the way life works.

As I have indicated, and I’m not the only one feel this way, the claim of performance gain on the SOS website has been misleading. The issue was backed by three dyno’d results, and one misfitment. Facts have shown, Chris and Cantrell are fully aware of previous incidents, if he stood out and admits to the problems, offer remedy and correct the information on his website, all this would have been over by post 23 of this thread. Trust me, I can think of few things to do than sitting here typing.

The nice thing is, we do have good/knowledge people on Prime who understand what this thread is about. They have spoken and the posts were very educational. Sorry, this does not appy to the popcorn eaters.

You guys are always welcome to offer your $.02.
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

How about Jason's? Or the first victim. We hang out all the time and share lots of NSX experience together. Do you doubt them as well?:eek: :smile:

no dude..nor did i ever say i did....see your reading way too much into EVERYTHING trying to pick a fight.....

but its not YOUR experiance....i have a firend who is banging a playmate...we share lots of stories and such, just like you and jason...but its not like i can say I am doing it?...
you seem to REALLY want this argument for some reason...
Re: LOSS of Performance with Aftermarket Headers?

How about Jason's? Or the first victim. We hang out all the time and share lots of NSX experience together. Do you doubt them as well?:eek: :smile:

no dude..nor did i ever say i did....see your reading way too much into EVERYTHING trying to pick a fight.....

but its not YOUR experiance....i have a firend who is banging a playmate...we share lots of stories and such, just like you and jason...but its not like i can say I am doing it?...
you seem to REALLY want this argument for some reason...

Just found out you're from AZ...NICE!!!

I know some playmates too. My friend is the owner of www.wantedlist.com and he introduced me to his parties all the time, and they don't cause any problems...lol Oh boy I have stories from those parties!!!

Dude, read the threads. I didn't pick a fight. I disclosed the information and was attacked by the vender. I simply react to it.

This maybe a little harsh as an example, but why not?!!!
Here is a simple question, if your friends were victim of a crime, and you're a witness, should you keep your mouth shut when some one else come forward who had the same experience/situation? You will be liable if this was a criminal investigation. AND fortunately, it wasn't.

But I do agree with OneRedNSX, let Andrew do all the ECU reset, O2 sensor check out. Even though I personally don't think any thing will change, but with the benefit of doubt, let's wait and see.
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Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed


I am posting this publicly because it has been an ongoing issue which I have discussed with you privately in the past, yet you continue.

If you have a legitimate criticism of a vendor, fine, post it. Such a post needs to contain FACTS and FIRST HAND INFORMATION. You only have to look back a couple weeks in this forum to find such a post from Coz regarding his dispute with the same vendor.

Can you understand why his was acceptable here and yours is not? The difference is simple: He was posting about his experience, and he made public his version of the facts. You are posting about the claimed experience of other people you don't even name, guesses from some mechanic you know who hasn't even laid eyes on the car or product, and copious amounts of innuendo and hearsay.

In your last post you made a reference to legal proceedings. Ask an attorney how well "I know of several people.." would stand up as testimony in court. Or the value of "expert witness" testimony from an Audi/Toyota mechanic regarding a Honda where his only knowledge of the case was reading about it on an Internet message forum. It's absurd.

I have stated before, more than once, that such posts are not acceptable on this site. You continue to lose credibility every time you do it.

Further, you will lose your privilege of participating on this site entirely if it happens again. I am not going to put up with it any more. You have had multiple warnings and multiple chances. Decide whether you want to continue wildly lashing out at this vendor, or whether you want to be a member of this site. It is your choice.
Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

i am actually from ohio Vance...i do live in AZ now but that doesnt meen anything...unless you are conceding to the fact that if you live in SoCal..you think those vendors are better...?...

i have delt with almost every vender we all know about....i like some better than others for sure, but please dont think i am hopping on the SoS defensive bandwagon cause i live here.... they like everyone one else i deal with in life frustrate me sometimes...but they ALWAYS, as far as i have seen stood behind what they said or did.... thats a big plus for me..

as far as how much HP.... well personally i think your and idiot if you beleive that just headers will make an extra 20-25 hp everytime....COULD it happen...sure WILL it happen...........:confused:
Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

I have no idea what is really going on, but I can say 1 thing:

Chris is a great guy! He has always been straight with me, telling me about things that really don't make sense to buy as well as heading me in the right direction when I was looking for upgrades to my 93 and now my 02.

Only 1 problem with SOS... it is located in AZ!!! Need to move it to So Cal :smile: .

Lastly, Chris is not responsible for the manufacturer nor is he responsible for the installer!!! It really is the responsibility of the purchaser to know what they are buying. All Chris, or any other reseller, can do is give their opinion as to how they like or dislike a particular product or manufacturer. What SOS likes, what Dali likes, what Comptech liked all different.

As far as I'm concerned, Chris...keep up the good work!!
Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed


I am posting this publicly because it has been an ongoing issue which I have discussed with you privately in the past, yet you continue.

If you have a legitimate criticism of a vendor, fine, post it. Such a post needs to contain FACTS and FIRST HAND INFORMATION. You only have to look back a couple weeks in this forum to find such a post from Coz regarding his dispute with the same vendor.

Can you understand why his was acceptable here and yours is not? The difference is simple: He was posting about his experience, and he made public his version of the facts. You are posting about the claimed experience of other people you don't even name, guesses from some mechanic you know who hasn't even laid eyes on the car or product, and copious amounts of innuendo and hearsay.

In your last post you made a reference to legal proceedings. Ask an attorney how well "I know of several people.." would stand up as testimony in court. Or the value of "expert witness" testimony from an Audi/Toyota mechanic regarding a Honda where his only knowledge of the case was reading about it on an Internet message forum. It's absurd.

I have stated before, more than once, that such posts are not acceptable on this site. You continue to lose credibility every time you do it.

Further, you will lose your privilege of participating on this site entirely if it happens again. I am not going to put up with it any more. You have had multiple warnings and multiple chances. Decide whether you want to continue wildly lashing out at this vendor, or whether you want to be a member of this site. It is your choice.
I hope you are not threating me, people can clearly see the facts. Not only I tried to help a member who was financially hurt (because he came forward with the questions publicly), and I had witness who stepped forward and validated my words. Let me put it this way, you guys didn't do anything when I was ripped from Deamon for the Type R seats, I'm sure you wouldn't spend any time helping others in needs.

Unless you have finanicial ties with SOS, stay out of this.

There is no lies here, every thing I have stated are facts. The community is small and old timers are fully aware of what's going on.
Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

Vance - I believe I have made my position very clear. How you wish to move forward is up to you.
Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

Vance - I have a lot of friends in SoCal and I do live in AZ.

I have been fairly treated by SOS and all the vendors I choose to deal with.

Every time I read your posts, even though I try to be sympathetic to your points, I always end up feeling quite negative about you.

This is probably related somehow to the way you choose to deal with people.

It's fine to criticise people when there are valid criticisms backed up by fact. But when people post criticisms with a whole lot of emotions and name calling that complainer gets viewed negatively.

Chris @ SOS and the entire staff has dealt with me professionally. I wish you would do the same in your posts.
Re: Vance / SoS moved posts

This seems to me as a personal attack on SOS to boost your personal sales on the forum. I too have had many gripes with the company and after several orders that were said in stock that were not, I will no longer do business with them. But lets face it, SOS is a dependable internet based company that you can buy with confidence to get your part. I would trust them with my header investment more then any individual that sells parts out of their house, or an individual that does not have an actual registered business that sells automotive parts.

Btw: this is my $.02 I am not on anyones side.
Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

I have dealt with SOS and Chris a few times. My first purchase from them was an exhaust and header, which happened to be the Cantrell header. My service and shipment was fast and my products fit perfectly. I also dealt with them on a few other occasions and have had nothing but good service, not great, but just good.

Vance, I dont know you at all. But, I do read a lot of what you have to say. While I am definitely not taking anyones sides (because I dont care), it seems there is a lot of personal bias going on here, as there is in most of your threads.

But, with all opinions aside, you off this site a good deal. And now that you are selling products, you are contributing even more. So, do yourself, your friends, the board, and your business a favor and dont piss off the MOD by telling him to "stay out of it". The last thing we would want to see if you banned from the board because of a few words of text that only exist in a virtual environment, in which we happen to live and die by.

Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

I don't personally know Vance, nor do I personally know Chris or anyone else from SOS.

I have bought several items from SOS over the last few years. I have personally experienced two issues with SOS.

1. The connector pipes that I bought to use my Anytime street exhaust with my otherwise stock NA2 didn't fit. I recognize that I am in S. CA and Chris and his staff are in AZ. So while it wasn't as easy as driving down the street and getting things worked out, I do feel that Chris made every reasonable effort to take care of me (in the end giving me a full refund) and I remain satisfied with that transaction.
2. I bought a Cantrell AIS and unifilter (along with several other items from Chris (NSX-R chassis bars, harness bars, shift knob, etc.) that I wanted to have installed while my car was with Jon Martin at Cerritos Acura. All of the parts except for the AIS were delivered as promised. For reasons which still escape me, I couldn't get the AIS delivered (as I recall it was coming from Cantrell here in CA rather than from AZ) for quite a few days. Luckily, Jon Martin is an extremely cool guy and had no problem holding on to my NSX while I drove a loaner TL for some additional time while we finally tracked down the AIS. In the end, I got the mod I wanted at the price I wanted and I came away happy. Again, I was satisfied.

My point in going through all of that is to say that SOS isn't perfect. Who among us is? But I've found Chris to be an honorable guy who made reasonable efforts to take care of me when I experienced problems. Is their room for improvement? Yep. And I hope that when I order things from Chris in the future (which I have since the AIS incident) there won't be any problems.

In summary, I'm not taking sides, per se, because I haven't bought anything from Vance and I don't personally know him. But I have had personal experience with SOS and felt it prudent to post those experiences in this thread.
Re: Vancehu / ScienceofSpeed

You guys, I appreciate your comments. As I have indicated in the past, I have absolutely no doubt that SOS have plenty of happy customers. Regardless what people's take on it, the incident indeed happen. Don't forget, if you read the post properly, I did not mention Chris or SOS until he step in and made some allegations as well as defending Cantrell.

As for selling stuff on Prime, well, I'm trying to help DF and my friend Nishimura San. As for conflict of interest regarding so called "Bashin," I'm really not. Just want the best results for the communty regardless which vender offers the products. If today I have bad experience or first hand witness involving Dali, Procar, or who ever, I will be very vocal about it too.

As for the stuff I listed for my friends; well, since they sell very different products in very different categories; therefore, really no competition involved. Plus I'm not making profit on their product but helping them open up a market. It is my way for thanking those who went the extra distance for me.

Like one of you said, it is a virtue world when only words can be typed; there is absolutely no phsycial contact, but it is not a virtue world when sour things actually happen to your close friends and you witness it first hand. Some times irritation can be deadly. I hope you guys at least agree to that.

Don't worry guys, I will eventually have to work it out with Chris because if SOS get to carry DF product, I'll be working with him, or vise versa.