Valentine's Day - what are your plans?

Order take out from your wife's favorite reastaurant, pour her a bath and light some candles. Give her a glass of her favorite wine. After her bath... dry her off and then feed her and rub her shoulders... :biggrin:

I usually go with sushi. You can warm lotion in hot water and use it to rub her feet. I know how to give a good massage, but even if you are terrible, but you try, she will be as happy as can be! (work the base of the arch of the foot, then use your palm to squeeze the heel of the foot, then use your finger tips to massage the bottom of the whole foot)
nuccaJB said:
I usually go with sushi. You can warm lotion in hot water and use it to rub her feet. I know how to give a good massage, but even if you are terrible, but you try, she will be as happy as can be! (work the base of the arch of the foot, then use your palm to squeeze the heel of the foot, then use your finger tips to massage the bottom of the whole foot)

You're talking about your NSX here, yeah? :D
NsXMas said:
It's this time of the year again. What plans do you guys / gals have?
Greeting cards are mandatory.

Chocolates are always appreciated. Fortunately, we have one of the very best chocolatiers in the entire country right here in town. See photo below.

NsXMas said:
I hate taking my wife out to a restaurant on Valentine's Day, because the restaurants are so packed.

I think I'm going to go out to eat a day earlier, instead.
We're going out later in the week. We learned our lesson a few years ago, when we went to a local haunt and found their "Very Special Valentine's Day Menu" with its very special "Bend Over and Cough" prices.

Well... just picked up my wifes new Lexus LX470 yesterday. I think that will buy me some goodwill for a while.:biggrin:

We're staying in. I'm not a big fan of the exaggerated prices and long queues just because it's 2/14 each year. I'm going to make my wife dinner and we'll open a nice bottle of wine (I'm thinking Silver Oak Cab.) and relax in the comfort of our own home.
I was going to buy my wife the new pink Razr....but she came home on Friday with the black one. I was like " I'm screwed". I'm a very last minute of course I have no back up plan.

So it's off to get flowers, wine, chocolate, bath salts (thanks for the idea!) and some candles.

I can not STAND waiting in line for restaurants and of course I made no reservations 3 weeks ago like the smart guys out maybe I'll cook or something. Can I fire up the BBQ yet? lol
She is getting a coffee mug from starbucks ..cuz I'm romantic like that....and she asked for one...oh and she was pretty much given everything her heart desired for the mug is all that's left:tongue:
zahntech said:
She is getting a coffee mug from starbucks ..cuz I'm romantic like that....and she asked for one...oh and she was pretty much given everything her heart desired for the mug is all that's left:tongue:
and this is to the fine lady who told you to keep your nsx?? How dare you??:mad: LOL.

Lets see, Valentine's day just so happens to be our anniversary. (I made it easy for myself:rolleyes: ) She just caught a cold last night, a severe one, and also just telling me that the monthly cramping thing happens today. so I'm expecting major mood swing in next couple days... I just acknowledged that my toys (HID) kits will be here today..... but, I still don't know what to buy for her... (getting too old to send flowers and chocolate as I had used so many times in diff. occasions)... yeap and that bathing / massaging thing definately is not a go.:redface:

I'm crossing fingers that maybe she just getting too sick to care about the or even going out... then I can slip her a warm lemon "nighttime" drug and got through the night......mmm... crusing on nsxprime right by the bed... so I technically being with her.......... oh I'm such a sensitive guy.......
nsxtasy said:
Greeting cards are mandatory.

Greeting crads are overpriced. Just go read the cards in the store and memorize the lines. Then use it on your girl. That's more effective and cost nothing.:smile:
Or you could just make it up as you go.....

"darling..your hair is as soft as flaxen....except for when you get home from the gym..then it's all sweaty and nasty"....

"oh honey your Breath is like a wind from God....except for when you just had garlic bread..then you could really use a tic tac!"...

"sweet'ums your lovely lady lumps are so heavenly!!...although you are getting a little thick around the middle..maybe you should cut back on the double fudge cake at jack in the box"...

Oh never mind I'm going to get a card...
Today (Valentines Day) I get my FULL DRIVERS LICENSE... woohoo! Now is that true love or what? :D
(i was on my probationary license for 3yrs coz I didn't bother getting those for ages..busy with uni and stuff)

So now i can legally drive an NSX. :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Im thinking of going to SCORES in NYC, along with a solid night of boozing and who knows what will occur next. Im off wed. and I smell trouble:biggrin:
Well, the wifes B-day was yesterday and I took her to Ruth's Chris steakhouse for a little dinner. Had cake after that.
Probably just get some flowers and a card and call it a day. She is happy to get that. She's a great gal.:biggrin:
My wife will be out of town, so it will be just me and my NSX celebrating. :) I bought her a catch-can for Valentines Day.
I asked a co-worker what he was doing for his wife for Valentine's day?..he said .."I have never got her anything in 36 years of marrage..why would I start now?"..I said....:eek:
Nothing, my would be fiance informed me last night that she wants to end our relationship..... :frown: Anyone got some good coupons for eharmony? :redface:
Since my wife works nights, it's hard to go out during the week (she works until 9pm). So, I hired a quartet of women to surprise her at work and sing to her. Years past, a barbershop quartet and a trio of women have also sung to her. I usually hide in the isle (she works at Costco) and come out at the appropriate moment :biggrin:
The whole warehouse ceases business and all eyes are on her and the singers. Usually brings tears to her eyes, as well as the other girls she works with. I'll get some atta boys from the other guys that I know their.
When she worked days, I hired a limo and we went out to dinner and a nice cruise. A local radio station had a $130 package that I took advantage of.
Happy Valentines Day,