Valentines Day Plans...

D'Ecosse said:
We already did the "Valentine's Day" dinner last Saturday!
After years of suffering thorugh this event in jam-packed restaurants (many will stick extra tables in to maximize the busiest restaurant day of the year), the accompanying less than stellar service & overall completely rushed experience & with food quality generally not up to typical non-Valentine's day std.'s, going to a restauant on the actual day is not our idea of a good time!
On the contrary, dinner at Claude's & Dominique's on the 7th was its usual wonderful experience!
On the 14th, we'll just enjoy hors d'oeuvres & champagne - at home!

Wow. has a great menu. The prices are super cheap compared to around here for the same type menu. Then again there is not a lot of competition around here either.
steveny said:
.... The prices are super cheap compared to around here for the same type menu. ...
It's all relative I guess - my appetizer was about the same price as my entree I think! ($25.95 for sauteed fresh Foie Gras, followed by the Boeuf en Croute) but as you say, definitely affordable for that quality of meal. Man, my mouth is watering again just reminiscing over it!
These guys are just fabulous - the food is outstanding & you can just wander into the kitchen on your way out & thank Claude personally for a terrific meal. I shouldn't generalize on V Day performance - don't know how C & D are on that day, they've been booked for months on that day so who knows? I know there's no way to jam any more tables into their tiny place anyway!!
On a side note, I guess we won't be doing the Foie Gras for much longer - heard on the news the other day they are banning it in CA - not sure if that's complete ban or just for raising native geese for that purpose.
As of now, I plan to take my stepson into town so he can get some shopping done, and maybe go look at some houses on my own while my wife is at work. She'll be taking my stepdaughter into town later. I suspect that dinner at home with the family and prep for the Daytona 500 party/stepdaughter's 16th b-day party on Sunday will fill my Valentine evening.

Such is life...
steveny said:
I ordered a gallon of red food coloring from a local restaurant supply place. I am going to mix the food coloring with water and spray it through a yard weed sprayer. I plan to write "I love you Renee" surrounded by a heart in the front yard. Keep in mind there is like 3 feet of snow out there so this may take me a while.
We also go to the same place every year for prime rib.

Anyone need a gallon of red food coloring minus 8 ounces. I over ordered by a ton. LOL. The lettering came out really cool, she loved it, big smiles. My fingers are red with stains but it was worth it.
My wife loves orchids so I plan on getting her a really nice one, then walk thru one of her favorite garden (Roger's Garden/Nursery) by the beach and a nice dinner. I also got her another diamond.
