Valentines Day Plans...

I ordered a gallon of red food coloring from a local restaurant supply place. I am going to mix the food coloring with water and spray it through a yard weed sprayer. I plan to write "I love you Renee" surrounded by a heart in the front yard. Keep in mind there is like 3 feet of snow out there so this may take me a while.
We also go to the same place every year for prime rib.
I plan on forgetting about it until the very last minute, then scrambling around like a goon to find a present, only to end up buying a King Size bag of M&Ms at the 7-11 to go along with my crappy homemade card. I though that's what all guys did....:D
Weekend trip to Orlando, have dinner somewhere in downtown disney and see an $80 per person circus show :mad: called Cirque du Soleai or somethin like that. Eh, shes been wantin to see it for years and all ive heard are good things of the show. Plus my friend is an usher there so I can get to see him in a ridiculous outfit and harass him during the show. :D
I've got a date....


with WORK!

MF-DIF, I think you'll like the CdeS show in Orlando, I saw it last week and thought it was better then the last one I saw in Vegas, IMO :D Have fun!
AndyH said:
On a Saturday?? :mad:
Yeah, it's part of my job (sysadmin/dba). We can usually only perform system maintenance when there are no users on, which means weekends and holidays. I'm sure other members who are in the IT field can relate. ;)

TucAZNSX - you should just call in sick, I mean what can they do, fire you? :D
Re: hmmm...

Osiris_x11 said:
Valentines Day Plans...



Yeah I'm in the same boat :(

If I'm luck and the weather is good maybe I will have a date with my CR-X and a new set of motor mounts. :rolleyes:

Being sick of Valentines Days which effectively states i must be an unsuccessful person because i'm single this day of the year (BS!) i have taken matters into my own hands.

I'm taking a close female <B>friend</B> of mine out for what she thinks is just a "picnic".... but i have planned a road trip for the day which includes some beautiful countryside, a nice lake to walk around, and when we arrive back in town there's a free open-air concert.

It's not a romantic thing, but sure beats sitting around all day. I share this to encourage other guys out there. Who knows, you might actually have fun! :eek: :D I guess my NSX-model will have to wait for that wash & polish. :D
Update for me:

My lady has purchased tickets to go see a Symphony at the GMU Center for the Arts!! 1812 Overture baby!! woohoo!!

Before that her and I will be cooking at home and watching a movie, then get dressed up for a night on the town.

wow im lucky! :D
NeoNSX said:

I'm taking a close female <B>friend</B> of mine out for what she thinks is just a "picnic".... but i have planned a road trip for the day which includes some beautiful countryside, a nice lake to walk around, and when we arrive back in town there's a free open-air concert.

It's not a romantic thing, but sure beats sitting around all day.

Spontainous change of plans, countryside, walk around the lake, outdoor concert...sounds like your trying to swave her to me. :D You might get a pleasent suprise before the night is over. :eek: :p
MF-DIF said:
Spontainous change of plans, countryside, walk around the lake, outdoor concert...sounds like your trying to swave her to me. :D You might get a pleasent suprise before the night is over. :eek: :p

:D And if it did, you'd want to know all the details, right?! :D

Nah, I wouldn't take advantage of her. This girl and I have a close friendship for years but not what it takes for something more serious. We both just come out of heavy breakups. Getting into another r/ship is not on her agenda. This is a pick-up for both of us. Should be good. :cool:
I got a harry and david basket with red chocolate covered cherries and a card with a trip itinerrary to Ocho Rios Jamaica in it, we leave in 5 days :)
We already did the "Valentine's Day" dinner last Saturday!
After years of suffering thorugh this event in jam-packed restaurants (many will stick extra tables in to maximize the busiest restaurant day of the year), the accompanying less than stellar service & overall completely rushed experience & with food quality generally not up to typical non-Valentine's day std.'s, going to a restauant on the actual day is not our idea of a good time!
On the contrary, dinner at Claude's & Dominique's on the 7th was its usual wonderful experience!
On the 14th, we'll just enjoy hors d'oeuvres & champagne - at home!