Valentine1 Issues

6 September 2002
Northern VA
Well, ever since I started using seems like all the cops had disappeared from the planet. I don't see them cruising by nor I see them on the side of the freeway either. Today, my V1 picked up laser and was beeeping like crazy....but yet, there isn't a patrol insight. :confused: Is it a bad unit? What do you think?
PoohBEAR said:
... Today, my V1 picked up laser and was beeeping like crazy....but yet, there isn't a patrol insight. :confused: Is it a bad unit? What do you think?

Were you behind a Chevy Trailblazer? The third brakelights on some SUV's give off a similar wavelength to that of the Laser's that are used by the cops. I know it's annoying as hell, but there's nothing you can do about it. The same thing happens when I go through toll booths with the electronic debit systems.
There's a couple of overhead road signs on I-95 that set mine off also. It's the kind of digital road sign they can put different messages into.

I know my V1 saved me at least 4-5 times in the 8 months I've owned it. That being said, I still think the besides doing the speed limit at all times:rolleyes: , the best way to avoid radar is correct positioning in traffic. Make sure to always have someone in front of you so that radar will hit them first. If you follow too close the cop can give you both a ticket. He'll just say both of you were doing the same speed and then it comes down to your word against his in the court.
Your unit is probably working ok. Sometimes you just go through dry spells where you see very little police radar activity, then suddenly they return again in full force.

A couple years ago, I had a time where I used my V1 nearly everyday for 3 months and experienced no obvious real police radar alerts. Like you, I started to suspect my unit was possibly broken. Then one day I started getting them constantly nearly everytime a police car would pass in the opposite lane! Go figure.

Around here I have noticed an increase in activity during the fair weathered summer months and a huge decrease in the rainy winter. The other thing I have noticed is the State police and County sherif are far more likely to use radar than local City police. So your experience of seeing little radar activity may have to do with where you're driving these days too.

I also get the false laser alerts from large GM-made SUVs. Although lately I have seen an increase in false laser & radar alerts when passing newer Lexus and MB models. When this happens, I always look to see if they have a radar detector in the window, but I never see one. I am beginning to wonder if some of these models emit weak radar signals for the purpose of auto cruise control systems etc.

I really don't need a radar detector since I usually drive fairly conservatively anyway. However, the V1 gives me a better piece of mind when driving (i.e. no unexpected surpises) so I continue to make use of it daily.
I've been using a Valentine 1 (and, previously, other brands of detectors) for many years.

One of the biggest surprises you get when you first start using a radar detector is how seldom you actually drive through a radar trap. You can observe for yourself how often, or how seldom, you see a patrol car. If he's got someone pulled over, his radar is probably off. If he's on the move, his radar may be turned off, too. Keep track of how many patrol cars have the driver actually watching traffic and ready to shoot the radar gun, and you'll find it's nowhere near as many as you think.

My V1 has never alerted for SUV brake lights or for electronic toll collection system sensors (which are widely used here). Ever. Like all radar detectors, it does alert occasionally for automatic door openers at supermarkets and other electronic devices, perhaps because I use it in the less-discriminating but more-sensitive "all bogies" (A) mode.

I agree with BB's assessment. Your unit is probably working just fine.
is the only place to pick up a valentine one on the internet? they dont sell them at electronic stores do they? what site besides valentines site would sell this detector for the best price? always wanted to pick one up but find myself putting it off.
While my NSX was having the timing belt repaired I had an new TL as a loaner, complete with XM and Nav. Well I noticed one morning that when I pulled the V1 off the dash and pointed it at the Nav display... my Laser Alert went off!

Very odd... anyone seen this one? I am sure there are a bunch of you that have TLs.
My friend had a v1 that kept going off, but he couldn't find a cop anywhere....he opened his sunroof and noticed a plane flying low tracking him. Remember, if your detector goes off, don't just look infront/back/left/right but up top too!
SagaSupra said:
is the only place to pick up a valentine one on the internet?
New, yes. I'm sure used ones are for sale on eBay.

SagaSupra said:
they dont sell them at electronic stores do they?

SagaSupra said:
what site besides valentines site would sell this detector for the best price?
New, none.

SagaSupra said:
always wanted to pick one up but find myself putting it off.
Just get one and try it out. Remember, you can return it within 30 days for a full refund if you don't like it. But you WILL like it.
My GF got me one a few years ago and I must say, it is the best present ever. If something happened to it, I would buy another one first thing.
AaronR said:
My GF got me one a few years ago and I must say, it is the best present ever. If something happened to it, I would buy another one first thing.

haha. still waiting on mine ;)