Vacation Spots...

17 March 2002
Ontario, CANADA
Hi All,

Please help me with a few opinions on a place to take the wife for our wedding Anniversary in Aug.

Just so you know the places We've been here's a list.

Greece Year 2000
California 2001
Australia 2001
England 2002
India (We're East Indian) 2000
My choices are

1. European tour. Spain, Italy, Paris.
2. Mauricious (Sp?)

I've heard and read good things about Monaco (Monte Carlo?) but I'm not to sure exactly where in Europe it is. Anybody been?

I don't really like long flights (13 hours+)but I'll be in the UK in August so I'm looking at places that'll be 6-7 hours or less away.

Recommendations or any links to websites will be greatly aprreciated.

TIA for the help.

How about Cuba? I know there are some fabulous Five Star resorts there, but during the summer it may be a bit humid and hot.

Opps...jsut noticed you are alrady going to be in England. So......

How about Amsterdam? I was there this summer and loved it. Italy is also a great place. Especially Northern Italy. Monte Carlo is on the border of France and Italy.

My favortie country in Europe has to be Italy though. Great food, good tourist sites (Rome, Turino, Venice, etc...), nice art, and most importantly awesome cars.

[This message has been edited by Dr.Lane (edited 26 February 2003).]
Monaco is beautiful and quite small. If you really want to go there, and have plenty of time, you may want to do a join trip between Monaco and Southern France like Nice and Cannes.
Nimes and Marceille (Sothern France) are both very nice in Spring, and if you have extra time, it should be worth stopping by.

[This message has been edited by Tiger740 (edited 27 February 2003).]
I've been to Paris and Italy (Rome, Venice, etc). They both were fabulous. We wandered all over Italy in a free-sprited manner (no hotel reservations) and the scenery and history there is spectacular.
In France, we spent a whole week exploring Paris. Museums, landmarks, restaurants, etc. It was great. It may be the safest choice for a European vacation since France is siding with Saddam!

For a purely romantic, laid-back, tropical vacation, we had a great time in Negril, Jamaica at Swept Away resort. Pay one price and everything is included (alcohol as well). The beach there is fantastic...but, bi TV or's just relax, relax, relax and enjoy the beauty.
Thanks for the suggestions,

I'll do a little research on these places.
Originally posted by BostonNSX:
Vienna , Salzburg or
Cremona the home of Violins

Oh, I have to second the Austria vote.
This place is UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous.
The country side is second to no other.
I've only been to Salzburg but I would love to get the chance to return and visit other places.

NOTE: Don't go there in June. Apparently, that's when spring starts and you know what that means = rain.
I have to agree with Donymo. I lived in Italy for a little while, and the country is incredible. There is no other city that can compare with Venice, no history like Rome, and no beauty like Capri. Well, as an American of Italian descent, perhaps I am a bit partisan. Oh, if you are going to Italy, go in September so you can catch the Italian Grand Prix. I am going again, last time was in 98, and the whole Grand Prix scene there is electric. Good luck!