Upper A-arm removal, now totally destroyed.... Sooo... NSX for sale:

I only suggest this because you are in a fairly fouled situation.

Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

I have never been able to do this myself with (tapered) ball joints, but have been told by very experienced mechanics this works. Put a heavy hammer (maul) on one side of the knuckle and with a fairly heavy hammer, whack side opposite. I believe this works with steel knuckles but suspect it would work with forged aluminum as well. If you put some tension on the ball joint with the spreader, it should work even better.

If this doesn't work, or otherwise damages your knuckle, I'll give you $23.50 for the car.:wink:

What Larry said in the above post :P Sorry to hear, hind sight is always 20/20

But since the joint is fubar'd already, you can use one of these:

(images from Google)


It *WILL* separate it at the expense of the tie rod boot, but it's already f*cked, so separate it, and replace it. You may need to use a rotary cut off saw to hack off the bent part of the tie rod first.

Good luck!
I've got one of those pickle forks, you are welcome to borrow it. (You will need to save all the money you can it appears...) Give me a call, I'll be home tomorrow during the day.
Richard in Indian Springs 323-9441