Up for a drive this weekend?

7 July 2009
Silicon Valley

Sunday morning we'll meet at Woodside Bakery @ 9:30AM. Take 84 out to Pescadero, head north on 1, grab a bite over looking the water at Sam's Chowder House in Half Moon Bay.

Woodside Bakery
3052 Woodside Rd
Woodside, CA 94062
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Man you always pick these days when I'm busy!


Not only that but my car seems to be missing its rear wheels
I will be way down the coast. Actually in San Diego doing an overnight fishing trip. All tuna and yellowtail are on notice. I'm coming to get you guys. :cool::biggrin:
Jack, it's not for the lack of trying :)

Sunday morning we'll meet at Woodside Bakery @ 9:30AM. Take 84 out to Pescadero, head north on 1, grab a bite over looking the water at Sam's Chowder House in Half Moon Bay. On the map, we're going from B to A

Woodside Bakery
3052 Woodside Rd
Woodside, CA 94062

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I'd be up for this, but it assumes that I get up at 7:30 to get up to Woodside... which isn't terribly likely to happen :) What I'm saying is... don't count on me. :)
I wish it was staged. It was quite the exciting day with the law :biggrin:

I think it was the 700HP Supra that did us in :wink:


"Take me officer, let Larry go!"



"$8 just to park at the beach for 5 mins?" No way, we're outta here.


Wait, why is my Passport Ka warning going off?


Sneaky b*st*rds. The fun never ends :D
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Looks like Mr. Crowell is going to the principal's office for detention...or does he have a hall pass?
I would have been on that run because it's where I used to live, but couldn't because of the timing.
Not sure why your so confused. If you would just take the time before coming up with the sarcasm. There are alot of reasons that some details (such as exactly where and how did they actually get nailed), would be a great benefit next time some us take a drive out there. Were they going just a little over the limit or were they hauling ass? Did they get any warning of radar or were they defenseless? If someone goes to the trouble to post up pictures, at least tell us what the heck went down.

It's all information that could help avoid the embarrassment of a group sitting on the side of the road getting laughed at with each passing car.

So in retrospect YES, seriously!

Our radar did not pick up anything. We are doing xxx mph and pasted a CHP cruising on the opposite direction. He did not know how fast we were going and luckily, the officer respect someone with lots of gray hair. It could have been worse if there was only 1 NSX involved. Now we have 3 NSXs and a Supra made him believed that we were just cruising around with a heavy foot. We got out with a very friendly warning.

I would have been on that run because it's where I used to live, but couldn't because of the timing.
Not sure why your so confused. If you would just take the time before coming up with the sarcasm. There are alot of reasons that some details (such as exactly where and how did they actually get nailed), would be a great benefit next time some us take a drive out there. Were they going just a little over the limit or were they hauling ass? Did they get any warning of radar or were they defenseless? If someone goes to the trouble to post up pictures, at least tell us what the heck went down.

It's all information that could help avoid the embarrassment of a group sitting on the side of the road getting laughed at with each passing car.

So in retrospect YES, seriously!

Our radar did not pick up anything. We are doing xxx mph and pasted a CHP cruising on the opposite direction. He did not know how fast we were going and luckily, the officer respect someone with lots of gray hair. It could have been worse if there was only 1 NSX involved. Now we have 3 NSXs and a Supra made him believed that we were just cruising around with a heavy foot. We got out with a very friendly warning.

Now we're gettin somewhere! It wasn't as bad as first thought and I'm happy that you guys didn't get a CHP out to make a killing!

Thanks Larry :smile:

Actually, I was the first in line and I was not using any radar detection. I pulled over after I passed him going in the opposite direction, and the officer thanked me for pulling over while he turned around. He told me that I was going 80 mph. I nodded politely and said that was "about right". He was very courteous, as was I, and he just gave us all a nice verbal warning and told us to enjoy the rest of our drive.

Hey, it happens. :redface: