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Unrestricted domestic air tickets: $150ow/$275rt

16 March 2001
East Bay, CA, USA
I have quite a few Southwest Airlines frequent flier tickets to sell to NSXers who are looking for a great price on last-minute domestic flights. These tickets will get you a seat on any flight which not completely sold out. The only exception is that a handful of dates are blacked out (see list at the bottom).

These are best used on last-minute and/or long-haul flights which would otherwise cost you more than $150 each way. They are also great for family vacations at peak travel periods if you avoid the listed blackout dates. There is absolutely none of the capacity control bait and switch that other airlines pull with their frequent flier tickets.

These tickets are essentially equivalent to full-fare paid tickets. And Southwest is growing fast: they serve more cities than you may realize. Go to southwest.com and look at the route map (put your mouse on a city and see which other cities it connects to). Then check out the Rapid Rewards reservations page for availability for your cities and dates. You can book travel on these tickets as late as one hour before flight time and there are no service fees.

Special NSX Prime pricing, better and safer than eBay, is $150 for a one-way or $275 for a round-trip, and I pay the security fees of $5 or $10. If you buy a round-trip, it's usable for two separate one-ways, even for two different people. Expiration (travel completed by) dates are February 2005 or later.

I have only one requirement for buyers here: you must keep this transaction private, just between us. In particular, you must agree not to attempt to resell the ticket on eBay. If you buy one and later worry about it expiring, email me and I'll give you a one-year extension for the same $50 that Southwest charges for re-issue.

To buy one of these tickets, you need not have specific travel dates or cities in mind. You only need to identify the traveler.

Please email me if you want to buy one or more tickets. First come, first served. Please do not post on this thread, since I will not be monitoring it. Instead, I will determine priority by the order in which I receive emails.

Blackout dates for 2004 are November 23, 24, 28, and 29, and December 23, 24, 26. Blackout dates for 2005 are January 1 and 2, March 13 and 20, May 27, July 1 and 4, and nothing more until November.
Bump for potential holiday travel when you just can't get frequent flier seats on other airlines. Southwest opens every seat except for the handful of blackout days.

These tickets are perfect for last-minute jaunts, including (naturally) checking out an NSX for sale. You can buy a round-trip for maximum negotiating leverage and I'll refund you the difference if you end up driving home. :)
WELL ??? MyF16... what you say now? IF nothing, I think you should take your business/scam from our site.
RichJacobs, please don't mistake my earlier silence for anything other courtesy. I was willing to let Big_nate vent because he's probably an SWA pilot and I respect the company tremendously.

But relax, guys, it's just an air ticket. I know that selling any frequent flier award is against program rules for the seller but it is also completely legal for both buyer and seller.

If I wanted to get top dollar, I'd sell these on eBay for $310 as BuyItNow. It's not a scam, and neither are all the listings on eBay from sellers with 99%+ positive feedback. Nobody I have dealt with on these has ever had any problem. If they had, don't you think they would have posted here by now? Ask anybody in the NSXCA leadership whether I am completely reliable.

I have thrown a lot of my friends' and relatives' business Southwest's way over the years, and SWA gets nearly 100% of mine as well. A trip on SWA beats a trip in coach on any of the other majors in my opinion. They are one of my very favorite companies in any field.

I happen to earn a few more award tickets than I can reasonably use, and I figured offering them to fellow NSXers so they don't have to go to priceline was a win/win. But if Lud feels that this offer is not of value to NSXers he can always delete this thread with no hard feelings from me. I've planned some great friends and family trips for most of my 2005 award tickets already.

How's this: If three people PM me to delete the thread, I will do so without delay. And if the new ATA partnership ever allows award travel to Hawaii, I'll delete this thread myself!
Those of us in NorCal who know myf16 personally can state unequivocally that he is an outstanding member of the NSX community, often volunteering and giving his time and supporting club activities generously without being asked. I have no hesitation in trusting him, and "scam" is not something I would associate with his gesture/offer to NSXPrime members.
He helped me out in a big pinch. I had absolutely no problems with the ticket at all. In fact, it was the easiest travel experience I have had in awhile, also led to a pretty nice savings on the rental I got.
Thanks Again
Just to be clear, I never said anything about 'scam' or questioned MyF16's trustworthiness or anything else. However, what he is doing is unethical and it is wrong. If he didn't think so he wouldn't be asking people to 'keep it between us.' Those rewards were given to you for your loyalty to the company, not for you to reap a financial gain from them. By selling them you are denying SWA the opportunity to sell tickets to those individuals and possibly costing them revenue. I'm sure plenty of people do it but that doesn't make it right and since you posted it here I'm just throwing in my .02.

I have only the best experience with the tickets. They were very useful as last minute deals. I consider the tickets as gifts from a fellow NSX owner and find nothing wrong with that. If you dont like the offer please feel free to ignore it.
shiva said:
They were very useful as last minute deals. I consider the tickets as gifts from a fellow NSX owner and find nothing wrong with that. If you dont like the offer please feel free to ignore it.

Its not a gift if you paid for it! If you don't have a problem with what you're doing you shouldn't feel the need to defend it.
