Unofficial Dirty NSX thread

Im sorry but you guys should not be driving an nsx if its going to be Neglected like that. I have seen dirty nsx but those are the ones just sitting in the garage for a few years not a Daily driver and is dirty as hell.If you cant afford a car wash maybe you shouldn't be driving an nsx.Get a civic and keep it clean.

I hope you are kidding. If not, maybe you should take a back seat to judging who is 'worthy' based on your standards of what cars should be driven on days that are not all sunshine and blue skies. Neglected cars are really the ones that never move and just sit dry rotting. It is very closed minded to assume that because some people actually drive their cars daily (what a concept!) that they cannot afford a car wash or another car. Here is something that will blow your mind. I have about 6 cars right now, and still choose to drive the NSX all year. Why? Because I feel like it. If I died today I doubt that I would give a rats a$$ if my car was clean or not. I would just be happy that I got to enjoy it, and maximized my time, instead of worrying about keeping it spotless all the time. The NSX is there to enjoy. Dirt is just dirt. It can always be washed off. I actually keep my car very clean most of the time, and service it regularly. Dirt still happens. But do not tell me I do not 'deserve' my car because I actually use it.