Unbelievable car collection - better than Leno's

If you actually read some of the comments, you can see how pissed people get that someone actually has money. How pathetic. Yeah, i'd love to be that rich, but whining like a pussy because some other guy has more money than you? Wow.


I noticed this too as I scrolled down below the article.

That interested me far more than the guy's car collection. :eek::eek::eek:

I don't care what the guy has. He makes way more than I do. Good for him. He can do what he wants. :wink::cool: It's his cash.
hmm, lot of Battery Tenders (and redundancy) in there.....
9:39PM (3/27/2009)
The top 1% have it real good, just look at this guys car collection.

Something just not right about this....they live in opulance, while the rest of us break our asses day in and day out?

Our young men die in the desert, so pigs like this can collect candy colored metal and rubber.

I love cars as much as the next guy, but this is just sick....I think I'll go puke now.


1:28AM (3/28/2009)
I agree. If any republican starts bitching and moaning about increased taxes to the rich, I will send them this video. I don't care WHAT this guy does for a living, he does not "earn" or "deserve" that much cash. That is just stupid. 99% of the population will not own ONE car like that, and this guy has 50. Screw him.

I heard the Sultan of Brunei had something like 5000 cars.

This is what I don't understand about car collectors:
1. What’s the point of having so many of the same type of cars?! Do you really need 3 C3 Corvettes, or 5 C5 Vettes, or 4 C6 Vettes, 3 or 4 Z28s or 5 to 6 Mustangs? What is the point of that?
2. Why have so many damn cars? What’s the point of keeping all these cars? If I was that rich and I have a C5 Vette and wanted to purchase a C6, I would sell the C5. Why keep the older model?

It must be a full time job just plating, insuring and connecting battery chargers to all these cars?
I heard the Sultan of Brunei had something like 5000 cars.

This is what I don't understand about car collectors:
1. What’s the point of having so many of the same type of cars?! Do you really need 3 C3 Corvettes, or 5 C5 Vettes, or 4 C6 Vettes, 3 or 4 Z28s or 5 to 6 Mustangs? What is the point of that?
2. Why have so many damn cars? What’s the point of keeping all these cars? If I was that rich and I have a C5 Vette and wanted to purchase a C6, I would sell the C5. Why keep the older model?

It must be a full time job just plating, insuring and connecting battery chargers to all these cars?

I guess this guy just likes cars.

As for the duplicates- I imagine each has it's own unique value. Some of those muscle cars are probably unique in their powertrain coding, suspension and brake packaging which makes them more valuable, desireable or rare.

There might be some cars that have unique ownership history, or background

A Z28 that was once owned by Roger Penske, as opposed to a Z28 that was owned by Joe Blow down the street- or something like that.

As you noted, it is a significant financial investment just to maintain the cars, so i am sure each has an intrinsic value to the collector.

I'd LOVE to walk through a collection like this and hear the stories- i imagine it would be a great conversation.

I heard the Sultan of Brunei had something like 5000 cars.

This is what I don't understand about car collectors:
1. What’s the point of having so many of the same type of cars?! Do you really need 3 C3 Corvettes, or 5 C5 Vettes, or 4 C6 Vettes, 3 or 4 Z28s or 5 to 6 Mustangs? What is the point of that?
2. Why have so many damn cars? What’s the point of keeping all these cars? If I was that rich and I have a C5 Vette and wanted to purchase a C6, I would sell the C5. Why keep the older model?

It must be a full time job just plating, insuring and connecting battery chargers to all these cars?

Do you know why people collect die cast cars? Some of them even go over board by having more than one of each model, some of display, some for gift, and some to "play." Most of the collectors will not even let their car see the light.

Just imagine... This sultan collect real cars as other's die cast cars.

In one of the article from ten years ago, he mentioned the fact that his young son like the F40 a lot and couldn't figured out which color he like the most, so he decided to get one of each.

He's also a huge collector on championship winning F1 cars, one-off Ferrari such s 456GT sedan and station wagon. He also collect all the Ferrari "drivable" concepts such as the TR based Methos.

Some people simply "can."
Impressive collection I'm sure but as others have noted the Sultan of Brunei's collection is just impressively massive and combined with just about every F1 championship car and multiple McLaren F1s, Enzos and the most rare of the modern-era supercars it can't be touched.

Leno's is arguably just as impressive or even more due to the rarity and age of some of the cars he possesses. Between the Duesenbergs and Stanley Steamers his collection may not be as massive but is as impressive and rare as any.
Ancient thread, but imma gonna bump it because I think its interesting :)

The great thing, to me, about Lenos collection is the fact that he can specifically tell you why he has each car, why it was great, and he has taken a wrench to all of them.

The Sultan just has infinite money and just buys them (as mentioned above) like matchbox cars.

Leno is worth a few hundred million. He could take $100M and buy a CRAP HEAP more cars, but thats not the point.

To me, QUANTITY is meaningless... QUALITY is what counts. I think thats a lesson CLEARLY lost on some of the mid and near east collectors who are basically just spending the treasury of their country and buy material goods like candy.

I dont begrudge them (thats up to their people to do, but Brunei is quite nice so Im sure no one has complaints), I just dont think its impressive to say "Ill take 4 of everything ever made" and then say "now HERE is the "Best" collection".

This is kind of true of ANY kind of collecting... The deliberate, knowledgeable, enthusiast approach painstakingly and lovingly built over years vs the sledgehammer approach of taking a bunch of money and just buying out huge lots. I find the former to be a truly remarkable thing. The latter? Eh...
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I was just thinking that obviously the Sultan doesn't have all those cars just sitting in a garage as a "collection" per se. Those cars are technically owned by him but obviously he hands them out to his court of kooks. Likely almost all of the luxury cars on the road in Brunei are owned by the Sultan and driven by others.

Sure, the Sultan has some very rare and expensive cars but 8 Enzos and 3 McLaren F1s is just car-collecting masturbation IMO. As I mentioned before Leno's is a real collection. Rare, one-of-a-kind stuff that no one else has. Unique one-off or special production stuff that no one else can get. Things only the most passionate and knowledgeable enthusiasts know about.
There's a guy in Miami, Michael Fux, who has quite a collection. Not in Leno or Sultan class, (only 70 or 80 cars) but I'll take it any day. :rolleyes:
No pix of entire collection that I can find, but Google him and you may find a couple, including his Veyron, Enzo, FXX, etc.