Ughh! Have to drive the X today and the forecast calls for rain later this evening.

Primers, in the interest of full disclosure I am throwing my wife a surprise 40th birthday party tonight and must drive the X into NYC. The forecast calls for periods of light rain so if my car EVER comes up for sale and I say in the for sale thread that it has never seen rain, know that it did at least once within my ownership.. :mad: Thank you all for taking the time out to listen to me be truthful and forthcoming. It has been quite therapeutic these couple of minutes knowing I can confess to you all and not be banished like an outcast. JT

Please tell me you're not serious. When I had my first '93 back in 1993 I put damn ski racks on the thing and drove up to Killington every weekend. Who gives a crap if it gets rained on? If it gets dirty just zip on down to the nearest LaserWash and you'll be all nice and clean for 8 bucks.

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this thread has got to be a joke. its only water, the car won't melt.


Guys, I'm pretty sure the OP meant this thread to be a bit of a joke and light hearted since his NSX is new to him.
And Hugh, you have put so many miles on your NsX that I picture you at Home Depot dumping mulch directly into the trunk, fast food burger wrappers all over the dashboard, maybe a farm animal or 2 living inside it, etc. it's all in good fun here guys!
Yeah guys, it was a thread to be taken light hearted, provide a little comedy, and nothing more. I actually got quite a kick out of the majority of the responses too. (arista5's was the absolute best.) Of course I know a car can get wet via the rain and there not be any damage done. Relax, we're all here to have fun too!
definitely making a mental note and tracing down all you rain-drivers' vin #s for future reference. Will try to get them added to the salvage wiki.
And Hugh, you have put so many miles on your NsX that I picture you at Home Depot dumping mulch directly into the trunk, fast food burger wrappers all over the dashboard, maybe a farm animal or 2 living inside it, etc. it's all in good fun here guys!

The only farm animal allowed inside Charlotte is Fluffy the inflatable ewe!

I heard sheep feels exactly the same so why do we put up with wives when we can just get a sheep, free lawncare, free wool, free fertilizer, a watch gaurd, snuggly, warm, eats what ever you put in front of them.

but sheep with stockings I think that has crossed a line I dont want to explore. :biggrin: