Ufc 118

5 April 2004
So call me crazy but I'm intrigued by the circus show that will be Toney vs Couture because I've been a boxing fan for so long.

I don't think James has much of a chance but if he does win it will be by no less than a knockout which is remotely possible. Randy's slow now and if Toney did any homework a well timed uppercut will be his best friend. But I see Toney going down with something like a knee injury or he just gets chopped down on his legs and quits after getting beat up. Puncher's chance 2% he catches Randy with an uppercut, otherwise Toney gets beat up and quits. Loser retires...

On Edgar v Penn I think BJ can win if he grabs a hold of Edgar, wrestles him and either submits him or pounds him. If he has the same plan as last time standing up with him then it might be more of the same boring fight.
So call me crazy but I'm intrigued by the circus show that will be Toney vs Couture because I've been a boxing fan for so long.

Yeah I can't wait.
On the one side, a REAL boxer with those little UFC gloves could probably kill someone. I think if the boxer can connect a few times, it's over.
BUT, I don't think it's going to happen. Unless you've been trained, you can't stop a take-down, and once on the ground, it's UFC style experience that's going to win I think.
I can't wait though. Either way it's going to be cool.
Im watching now. I hope Tony gets knocked out!
That was quick. so who wants to try next?
Too bad Kimbo got das boot. I am so surprised at the amount of energy that frankie edgar got. He did not slow down even at the end of the 5th round, and he totally outclassed bj penn. BJ had no answer for him.
Too bad Kimbo got das boot. I am so surprised at the amount of energy that frankie edgar got. He did not slow down even at the end of the 5th round, and he totally outclassed bj penn. BJ had no answer for him.

Yeah he definitely got better even. Edgar reminds me of a good boxer though, great head movement and footwork. I don't enjoy watching his fights though. He doesn't have the charisma, personality, or edge that a dangerous fighter has.

We should have known since the event was taking place in Boston that it would be boring. :tongue: But of all the events, we had one quick submission?

Randy was nice enough to let Toney keep his dignity by submitting him. I was really hoping he would beat his ass some more...
For what it's worth, you got to give props to Toney. A LOT of boxers talked smack but Toney was the only one willing to sign on the dotted line.

BJ Penn...was a good career...time to hang em up maybe? :confused:
I think once someone figures out how to fight edgar BJ will be back. Remember when machida was the champ? Once shogun fought him, and was able to catch him, your going to see a lot of people putting a better fight. I'm sure the next machida fight is going to be a lot closer than him just running over the people like he did.

On the side note, the comments on the other forums about edgar are funny as hell. They said it looked like Edgar took a 8 ball with joe rogan before that fight. LOL
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I think once someone figures out how to fight edgar BJ will be back. Remember when machida was the champ? Once shogun fought him, and was able to catch him, your going to see a lot of people putting a better fight. I'm sure the next machida fight is going to be a lot closer than him just running over the people like he did.

On the side note, the comments on the other forums about edgar are funny as hell. They said it looked like Edgar took a 8 ball with joe rogan before that fight. LOL

I think the style will more so determine the fight, not the fact that someone else laid out the blueprint on "how" to fight him. BJ Penn in fact ALREADY had months to study exactly how he lost the 1st time & what was needed to in order to defeat him this time. But he fought the exact same way and lost the exact same way. BJ Penn fought flat-footed and stood there with no movement. If they were to fight again, Penn would lose again unless he changed his style of fighting Frankie Edgard. However, Grey Maynard's fighting style is very similar to Frankie's and would be the perfect person to beat him.
Gray and Frankie will be a good fight IMO.

Sad that the Diaz Davis fight was the best one on the card and they lead with it...kind of brought the event to a slow, depressing end and when it was over the only thing I was was tired! LOL
Edgar is probably the most elusive fighter in the UFC. He's not just running away but he mixes it in with attacks really well. I think with some good leg kicks and body shots you can slow him down and you just hit the easiest targets on him and wear him down.

But Gman's right, the styles make the fight. He's a bad matchup for Penn, especially with Penn's willingness to give up winning when he's frustrated.
my tyson vs kimbo fight will always remain a dream :frown:

Kimbo would destroy him. Kimbo has too much MMA experience.

WTF was BJ's corner doing the whole fight? They were like "get out there and hit him." Is that supposed to be coaching? It was as if they had money on Edgar. They did not give a strategy or any kind of psychological support. Either way, BJ got owned for the second time.
On the side note, the comments on the other forums about edgar are funny as hell. They said it looked like Edgar took a 8 ball with joe rogan before that fight. LOL

I was thinking the same thing after the fight! He kind of reminded me of that boxer who drank the water mixed with coke between rounds! I cant remember his name right now.

Nate in DC
It was disappointing to see Penn "fight" the same way he did the first time. He has the physical capability, no doubt about that. His head wasn't in the fight, he didn't have a good game plan, and his corner didn't help one bit.
It was disappointing to see Penn "fight" the same way he did the first time. He has the physical capability, no doubt about that. His head wasn't in the fight, he didn't have a good game plan, and his corner didn't help one bit.

Is there something going on in his personal life or has he "hit the wall?" I googled BJ Penn but couldn't come up with much. There has to be a reason for two apathetic performances. Maybe his coaches just suck that bad, but I doubt it.
Is there something going on in his personal life or has he "hit the wall?" I googled BJ Penn but couldn't come up with much. There has to be a reason for two apathetic performances. Maybe his coaches just suck that bad, but I doubt it.

His cornermen are not good, and BJ truly doesn't prepare well for fights. Due to "natural" ability and dexterity, he could overcome most situations and find ways to win. But with the last 2 fights, he seemed to lack emotion, purpose, or any ability to adapt; and his corner didn't know what to tell him or how to coach him. Very similar to Mike Tyson in his early days...he was so good that his corner/cut man never had to deal with any adversaries. When the day finally came that his eye was swelling against Buster Douglas, they had no clue on how to remedy the situation. In fact, they filled up a latex glove with water and placed it on his eye in hopes of bringing down the swelling.