Here is the page from the PDF I was looking at, as you can see the rectangular piece shown in the service manual IS NOT the spacer I have. My spacer is about 3 quarters of an inch and rounded at the ends.
Anyway, I will bring this up to SOS (I don't think it matters to them) and I will try the full firm setup like we both agreed. I will keep you posted
Here is the page from the PDF I was looking at, as you can see the rectangular piece shown in the service manual IS NOT the spacer I have. My spacer is about 3 quarters of an inch and rounded at the ends.
That is the chassis, even though it doesn't look like it in the illustration. Look back at my picture, you will see the round spacer, then above it the rectangular piece as shown in the manual.I noticed that the bracket does not mount flush with the chassis but there is a rectangular piece
Anyway, I will bring this up to SOS (I don't think it matters to them) and I will try the full firm setup like we both agreed. I will keep you posted