TV question...

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
I am planning to buy a new TV, but do not want to spend more than $2000, and plan to keep it for about 5 years - this is very important to me that I keep it for a long time.

I don't know much about what kind of TV I should look for if I plan to keep it for a long time with a limited budget.

Is there a forum or message board like this for TVs?

Thank you!
Several good direct view sets in both 4:3 and 16:9 have HDTV capabilities and cost less than $2G. Some even have built in tuners. As long as it is truly HDTV compatible (probably should be DVI compliant even though I fundamentally disagree with this system it is what is on the horizon) you should be fine. Try Stereophile Guide to Home Theater and The Absolute Vision for good reviews of current direct view systems. Whatever you get, spend a little more after you have had it and get it "tuned up" by someone who is ISF certified to get the best picture in your house.

It is hard to go wrong with Sony's upper WEGA (pronounced Vega) sets, Panasonic, a couple of Toshiba and Samsung units. I do not care for Hitachi or JVC, but that is my opinion. You can also find a couple of RCA 16:9 sets well within your budget. Proscan and Thompson is the same company, which gives you more choices.
Thank you so much for your help, Gary!!
Jason Weaver said:
NSX extraordinaire and TV guru to boot! ;)

Aw Shuks, you make me blush :o
4:3 Analog will be obsolete by 2006 when everyone is HD digital.
and unless you like letterbox format black bars on your 4:3 ration TV then I recommend a 16:9 set up.

I jsust checked out the plasmas at Best buy today

the wide 3X" Sampo seems best buy for 2800
but when compared to the Smaller sony it seems like XXX
oh ya.. ofcourse the sony is 4800

the scan of sampo is 8XX times 480
and the sony is 8XX times 1024
now you can tell

but however.. a 3X" plasma for under 3k is a killing price..
it looks amazingly good at any living room..

or to get a Toshiba 32" for 1000

I'm not sure if I like wide screen or not.. seems everything's flated on it
the sampo is "enhanced high definition" and the quality will never be that of the true HDTV. I know because I am in the market too. You get what you pay for...I will probably spend $ 5500 for a 42" sony plasma...Yikes that is too much :rolleyes:
how will the Sampo perform under DVD and PS2 video games?
since I use my tv mostly for DVDs and Ps2 games.. I rarely watch the TV programs
As of now, DVDs and PS2 games are only capable of 480p, which are not HD signals. Therefore, they will perform the same on the Sampo and other plasma TVs.

I've never looked into 32" plasmas because they are too small, IMHO. For 42" plasma TVS, the HD ones will have at least 1024x1024 resolution. For 50" HD, it'll be at least 1280x768, as I mentioned in the other thread. Again, don't forget the other most important element, contrast ratio.

Tiger, before I bought my plasma 9 months ago, I used to own a 47" Samsung rear projection HDTV. I'd highly recommend you to get one. Last time I checked was $1800 and I sold mine for $1200. Sony is only good in making tube TVs, when in comes to rear projection and plasma, they're junk.
you are right
I checked again the price online..
as for sampo the price difference between the 32 and 42 is just $400 then why not the 42" rite?

However Sampo got pretty low contrasting ration.. even Samsungs got a much higher ratio ..

Another stupid question is
in general, comparing 2 TVs of same size, which one performs better the LCD or Plasma? and which one do you favor?
Can I convince you to go the front projection route?

The Infocus X1 is listed below $1000 and it is getting rave reviews in the home theater circuits.
i hope this thread keeps goin as i am in the market as well ..... i plan to pick up a set in the next few weeks and dont want to waste my money on something that will be obsolete in a yr or two.
Then dont buy sampo or samsung....both are cheap entry level products in the plasma arena..:eek:
Acura NsX Pilot said:
i hope this thread keeps goin as i am in the market as well ..... i plan to pick up a set in the next few weeks and dont want to waste my money on something that will be obsolete in a yr or two.

Exactly! That is the worst feeling... I remember spending big $$$ on my laser disk player :(
Get something like this. You can get it for about $2500. In 5 years when it is obsolete you can take the money you saved over a HD and buy a new one for the new prices, probably about half of what they are now. I didn't want a 16x9 and stretch the pic for 5 years. I think that really looks bad. It is a 70" Mitsubishi.

If you want the best that I have seen, get the new Samsung DLP rear projection Tv's. A 43" is about 3,000. The picture is amazing and it is the latest technology. I personally don't like the picture on plamsa. We recently got a 40" rear projection LCD (panasonic) and it is pretty nice. I wanted bigger, but the woman needed it to fit in her cabinet :mad:

I have found that watching regular tv on 16:9 is pretty good. There are many different aspect modes, the best IMO keeps the majority of the screen in normal mode and only streches the ends slightly... it hard to tell it is even streched.

Certainly don't waste your money on a 4:3 tv..
I agree with that, on the smaller ones maybe 52" and smaller, you don't notice the stretch that much. I was looking at a comperable 72" Mitsu. and the bigger the tv the worse it is. In my opinion on the bigger ones I could not watch that for years. I paid $2500 for mine, the 72" HD widescreen was $7900 at the time. It is $6500 now. That is already a price drop of $1400. HD is only available on a few channels sometimes now. I have had my tv for a year already. By the time (in 5 years) when there is alot of HD broadcasts, the price on the 72" should be around $5 to $6k. I will save the money it cost me to buy the analog tv by the time HD technology is actually ready. Then I don't have to look at the stretched picture. I think the front projector is the way to go. No stretched pic on the few HD shows and full picture on the 4X3 also. IMO I think you are buying technology you can't really use yet with the 16x9. That is just my opinion.
Buy what you want now watching movies on dvd is awesome. Broadcast are pretty good now will get better. 16:9 hid tv.s can streach picture pretty good. Mine is a hdtv 61 inch toshiba. Toshiba makes all the guns for rear projection. Lookat the size of that center channel 55 lbs whoya!

On the west coast HD programing and content is available 24/7 on all the local channels, CBS, NBC, ABC and KCET and FOX.
All on 1080 interlace format. The Discovery channel HD is my favorite because those nature programs were made for HD. Otherwise be appreciative that HD DVD is going to be an emerging format soon if you are looking to utilize your HD set more and get your moneys' worth, return on investment.

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