Turning on the A/C at the track

Re: 100 F at Thunderhill

Pray for me this weekend at T-Hill; both Q and Race sessions are in the hottest part of the day. And the wife's taking the RV somewhere else. :eek: All I've got is a big fan and a Cool Vest. :rolleyes:
Ted, better hone up on your schmoozing skills; Steve is planned to be there and he hauls all the comfort features in his trailer - just make sure you stock his beer inventory :biggrin:
One size fits all cool suits...

Temperature reached 105 degrees by noontime (110 degrees while waiting in the hot pits). I had no choice but to abandon the afternoon sessions (to save myself & my car). The smart one (like NSXNut) wore a cool shirt filled with ice water.
Re: And?...............

So, did you turn on the AC or not? We know you did before turn in for T-2 on the outlap, but did you keep it on? :confused:

105? That's nothing. Did 107 with Doug Gale in his first track day ever.

Guess you learned a thing or 2 about "loving it" from Don, eh? :wink:

Well, good on ya for being a trooper.