Tulsa Kick-Off 2008 Meet

LOL. I hear that a lot, which kinda concerns me.
This will be similar to a "Cars & Coffee" type of event. Everybody congregates in the morning (typically 7AM-9AM), talks cars while grubbing on coffee and donuts.

For our event, I'm thinking 8AM to whenever people want to leave.
FYI - so that parking isn't an issue, we'll be parking in the Lowes lot right next to the Krispy Kreme. In the Tulsa tradition of "why cook when there's a restaurant on every corner," KK is usually packed out. I'd hate anyone to have to risk being parked next to a mini-van filled with a soccer team of 6 year-olds.

Unless you want to park next to a mini-van filled with 6 year-olds.:wink:
Some pix...




I didn't take very many due to the fact that the sun was in the background and my hands were freezing. Anyhow, good seeing everyone!
I'm sorry I could not make this event. Were any decisions made about more events in East OK or Northwest AR?
It was great seeing some of the old timers and new peeps as well. What happened to Gracie and Sheldon? Look forward to seeing you all again! :)

For reference, here's the Schedule of Events previously discussed.