Truth is, Honda may never build a NSX replacement

11 February 2007
SF Bay Area
Honda introduced the NSX at the highest point of the company history. Acura, the first Japanese luxury brand was gaining market share, cars like Legend, Integra received great reviews and consumers were looking up to the brand. Honda was building F1 engines and had Senna the world champion as their brand's spokesperson (he was in many TV commercials in Japan for Honda). All the stars were aligned for Honda, they had the confidence behind them to introduce a super car to challenge the best the world has to offer.

Fast forward 20 years later. Acura is no longer the top dog it once was. Luxury has lost to Lexus and sportiness lost to Nissan/Infiniti. RL, the Legend replacement is a sales flop. ZDX, a sport crossover never met the sales goal starting day 1. TL, the bread and butter it once was is experiencing sales decline due to ugly design. I hardly see any new MDX or RDX on the road. Guess the only car selling is the TSX.

With sales on the decline and multiple design failures, I just don't see Honda has the confidence or purpose to build a high-end super car. Even if they do it, the project will be on a limited budget and will be nothing close to beating the competition (GT-R, LF-A, etc.). It will only leave us wanting more and disappointed. One look at the Acura Advanced Sports Car concept introduced in 08 and you'll know what I mean. I say it's a good thing that they canceled the project because if they brought it out it will mostly likely become another flop like the RL, ZDX, etc.

Audi introduced the R8 at their high point when all of their cars are selling well and they have the confidence and budget to develop such a super car just like Honda 20 years ago.

Truth is, Honda may never build a NSX replacement. All the talk and press releases are only promises that may never come true. Unless Honda make a true comeback with the rest of the lineup, our NSX is probably one of a kind and the best design Honda will ever create. So better cherish the car that's sitting in our garage and be happy we can enjoy this legendary car of a lifetime.
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Like the F40, NSX was created when Mr. Honda was still alive.

They will do something, but they're not stupid. This economy does not support another sports car like the NSX, so we'll have to wait.

Have faith brother, they will do something, just a matter of time.
F1 made the NSX a reality, like, I can imagine the Honda guys in their weird Japanese way back in the 80's saying "Hey, if we can SPANK Ferrari, Porsche (with horrible results) .. Cosworth, Renault, even Lamborghini -among other F1 makers- on F1, let's also show them how to make a REAL SUPERCAR, of course, let's just keep it under 300hp to even be more crazy"

and they did, successfully did it ... since there's no F1 for a long time now, I think there is no motivation for them to show off .... @ least for the next 10 years ...

I am happy anyways, i NEVER get "spanked" while "having fun" unless a friend's car comes with 450HP @ least, so yeah, let's be happy and love forever the NSX!!

Maybe we can do a little crowdfunding type fundraising where everyone pitch in and start building it ourselves.....using the current chassis from abused NSX :)
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Yeah thanks for the video clip. I thought I seen everything out there. But I was wrong.

Best regards
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Unfortunately the OP is likely right, Honda themselves have admitted they wont try to achieve what they did with original NSX. I think whoever noted that the NSX was built while Mr.Honda was alive hit on a key point - today Honda is run by bean-counters with no passion and its starting to show in their lackluster product offerings and diminishing quality.
Car and Driver<o:p></o:p>
Acura: Old NSX Was “Too High a Halo,” Next Sports Car to Be Less Ambitious August 12, 2009 at 10:20am by Steve Siler <o:p></o:p>
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The on-again, off-again next-generation Acura NSX sports car is pretty much off for good, at least as we have come to expect it. The low-slung, mid-engined, quasi-exotic sports car that Acura built all through the ‘90s and into a good part of the this millennium was expected to become a front-engine GT with extreme styling in its next iteration, but alas, due to many factors, the car has been shelved.<o:p></o:p>
But according to John Watts, Acura’s senior manager of product development, the prospect of an Acura sports car is not dead. It has just been scaled down. The NSX was “too high a halo,” said Watts. “For it to be fully effective [as a halo vehicle for the brand], it couldn’t be too far removed” from Acura’s other products. In other words, it would be less expensive than the NSX—which was expected to have an MSRP approaching six figures—and probably derived from a current product platform. That’s bad news for those who got attached to the concept of a Honda-built exotic sports car, good news for Nissan, whose GT-R won’t be facing a Honda-built rival any time soon. We are intrigued, however, by what kind of sports car Honda can build in the $50K–$60K range.<o:p></o:p>