Trunk Carpet - Stapled?

2 September 2004
Jacksonville, Fl
The carpeting wasn't fitting very good so as I began to look into why, I found that the carpet was coming unstapled from the plastic molding that clips onto the body. Those staples are VERY heavy duty and the plastic molding is designed in such a way I can't see how a standard type stapler would work. Any suggestions on how to repair this?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Happy Holidays!
The white plastic molding is supposed to come out with the carpet as you pop it off the trunk edge. You will probably need to remove weatherstrip to see how it clips together and not make things worse. I would carefully remove the whole thing (or at least the trouble spot), open up 1 of the loosest staples with a pocket knife or small screwdriver, and take it to hardware store to match up. The heavy duty kind for stapling roof felt or housewrap ought to have a close size. Then you could wiggle one of these thought the holes in the white plastic trim and crimp it down with needlenose pliers. Not saying this is 100% correct, but it ought to work. Maybe an upholstery shop would have the staples & a device capable of shooting them in such a tight spot too.
Same thing happened to me (carpet was sagging). I took out the carpet, removing the rubber molding, and used an upholstery staple gun to reattach the plastic strips to the carpet. It's probably best to take it out and do this because you need a hard backing for the staple to hit in the channel that the rubber fits into (don't staple the channel shut). You could probably staple it while it's in the car (through the rubber and all) but I'm anal so I took it out. :wink: