Trouble Installing front Bilstein B6

1 May 2024

My NSX-certified technician at my local Acura dealer (Hall Acura, Virginia Beach) is having problems installing the Bilsteins in the FRONT and says that he is only able to get 2 threads of screw at the top part of the Bilsteins and doesn't feel comfortable with that. Could he be doing something wrong? I've double checked the part number and even alternate part number; I even checked for the same part number on the shock in addition to the box and they check out same as 100% as all other Bilsteins advertised that fit my 1997 NSX-T 3.2 liter. I have OEM everything.

The Bilsteins are B624-016636, alternate part number B46-1663. They are brand new and the vendor also assures these are the correct version.

He's never installed Bilsteins on an NSX, only factory struts.

Any idea whatsoever he could be doing wrong, or not doing ?

He is claiming the Bilsteins don't fit, but I just think he is mistaken given the popularity of these.

I have seen another post where someone said the Bils are maybe 1inch shorter than factory, but should that prevent it (the Bilstein) from being bolted down good on the top?
Honestly, you should find another shop. Clearly this guy has no clue. The Bilsteins should fit just like the OEM dampers. At one point in my car's life I had Bilsteins installed. NO issues.
Huge, huge, huge shout out of thanks to Ben Schaeffer @ Daisey Import Auto in Woodbine MD with remote support for my Acura tech in how to put these things on. My guy had only experience with OEM shocks and didn't know about some rubber stops that needed to be removed for the Bilstein's. Problem solved and wow! what a difference. These things are fantastic -- couldn't recommend them enough. So big thanks to Ben @ Daisy Auto and Sammy @ Hall Acura Virginia Beach.

Thank you NSX Prime for access to all this great advice from all these wonderful owners who have gone before me. You guys are the best.
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