Ken, thanks for your info again. I guessed I wasn't reading the site correctly, I kept thinking the charger you suggested plug into the cigarette lighter.... my bad.
Bulky unit? Sounds like you've never seen one of the small Schumacher on-board chargers close up. It's slightly smaller than a VHS videocassette and it only weighs about two pounds:Malibu Rapper said:I also use and favor (favour for the Europeans) the Battery Tenders. There is no bulky unit left in the car
nsxtasy said:Bulky unit? Sounds like you've never seen one of the small Schumacher on-board chargers close up. It's slightly smaller than a VHS videocassette and it only weighs about two pounds:
Having seen all of them and knowing how they work, I recommend getting the small Schumacher onboard charger if you want the convenience of an onboard charger. However, if you want a charger that you're going to keep in your garage anyway, I recommend just getting a higher amperage battery charger with an automatic setting (like you can get at Sam's and Costco). The higher amperage chargers have multiple settings, so you can use the low amp setting as a "maintainer" if you need that, as well as the high amp "quick charge" setting if you need, well, a quick charge. You can still do the same wiring on your car to connect to a higher amperage charger that you would for a lower amperage charger. So that one charger can be your maintainer as well as your higher amperage charger, if you don't need the convenience of the onboard charger, and there's no need to buy a separate maintainer that isn't going to be installed inside the car.Malibu Rapper said:Although either of these units can charge a car battery, I'd much prefer to use a higher amperage battery charger instead of waiting a day to get the car charged up. But for maintaining batteries, the size, ease of setup, and neatness, either one of these maintainers wins hands down over chargers.
Having seen both and knowing how they work
Good find. That seems to be very similar to the Schumacher onboard charger, just a different brand (same brand - Vector - as the yellow 2/10/15 amp charger shown above). That same website also shows a variety of larger, high-amp Vector chargers of various amperages and prices...chumch said:I have been using this one for a couple of years now:
I like it because you can mount it to the battery box and leave it there all year if you want. I just put it under the hood up against the spare tire and feed the extension cord from the bottom so i can close the hood while the car sits and charges.
I purchased it at walmart for $17
pt91 said:Malibu-
I have the battery tender + as well.
How did you mount the cable so that you didn't have to open the hood?
...which can be done in order to use any brand and type of battery charger.Malibu Rapper said:I extended the cable. I used 10 gauge cable to do it but since you are only talking about 3 amps max, you can go as low as 14 gauge if you wanted really small wires (the Tender cable uses about 14 gauge). The connector I have tucked up right below the parking lamp. I'll take pictures next weekend
Malibu Rapper said:I went to 3 different Sams Clubs here in SoCal and could not find that Schumacher charger that's on sale. Bummer, it's a great deal for whomever has one in their area.
Ok, here are some quick pix I took of the Battery Tender install. There really isn't much to see... I took convoluted tubing and stuffed 2 10 gauge wires in it (again, you can probably get by with 14 gauge). I ran it from the driver side bumper, next to the driver side headlight (zip tied it on AC lines), over the steering column and down to the battery. That was just the path I found best at the time, maybe there is a better way to route the wires. I wanted to have the fuse serviceable so it ended up being accessible right around the radiator area. The weatherproof plug end itself I just tuck it up under the bumper when I unplug it from the base unit.
At the steering column (it's the black convoluted tubing on top)
At the headlight
Fuse at the radiator
Battery Tender sitting happily (this is not where I normally put it)
NSXUSA said:Hi Malibu and D'Ecose,
I just bought the Battery Tender W800. But, how did you guys extend the cord? Where did you get the 10 Gauge wire and convoluted black tubing? Any saudering involved? Thanks.
NSXUSA said:Hi Malibu and D'Ecose,
I just bought the Battery Tender W800. But, how did you guys extend the cord? Where did you get the 10 Gauge wire and convoluted black tubing? Any saudering involved? Thanks.
D'Ecosse said:There's even a low voltage lighting brand called Malibu!
gfunk808 said:Is there a charger that will work on its own power supply? My condo's garage does not have any electrical outlets.
Briank said:You can go with something like this or just disconnect the battery to prevent it from becoming discharged.