Tracking the History of NSXTASY :)

2 October 2001
Was just trying to track down the earliest posts from NSXTASY out of curiousity (coz he is like the Yoda of NSXprime

But this was the earliest post that the search engine would dig up. I don't think this could be the earliest.... just wondering what i'm doing wrong.
NSXaholic: That was a REALLY interesting post for more than one reason: so NSXprime came about mainly because of Lud's NSX FAQ?!?! That thread should be closed before some idiot spoils it.

And in 3 years its become easily the best NSX site (in my opinion), and one of the best examples of a web-forum in action. (others are poorly moderated, and nobody truly helps)

I thought Lud's first post would be something like "Subject: Test, Hello World".

Lud: do you still have an original copy of the 1997 FAQ, or has it been in constant evolution.

ok... now i'm gonna look for Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT> and MYNSX's first posts... =)
I found more early posts... there's even a test post by Lud that didn't work!

<A HREF="">Offtopic Great Comments by ChopsJazz</A> 13 Feb 2000 16:18

<A HREF="">Prime Discussion Web site software</A> 12 Feb 2000 18:12

<A HREF="">Lud's 'My Car' Test Post</A> 4 Feb 2000 17:51

<A HREF="">Possibly THE first post?</A> 4 Feb 2000 17:50
I think i found Bill's (MYNSX) first post here: <A HREF="">23 November 2001 12:54</A> (This day should become a national holiday!

And i think i found Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT>'s first post from <A HREF="">17 September 2002 22:46</A> about Models and <A HREF="">19 September 2002 16:53</A> about Bras... hehe... that figures!
So, Ken waited till post number 00065? before posting?!


And it is about tires, the same Topic he choosed for his first post in the mailing lists!

MYNSX... where is he? It is sometime I do not read from him in the forums!
Originally posted by NeoNSX:
Lud: do you still have an original copy of the 1997 FAQ, or has it been in constant evolution.

I still have the very first version but nothing between. I'm not one to keep stuff like that. The only reason I have the first version is that I had made a backup copy somewhere and just ran across it last year and decided to hang onto it since it was just 30k of text. See
Neo is going to make a fine stalker or private investigator when he grows up

Had I known my first post was going to come back to haunt me, I would've said something cool (or funny)! Hmmm, it's not too late to go back and change it...muahahaha
Originally posted by PHOEN$X:
Neo is going to make a fine stalker or private investigator when he grows up

Had I known my first post was going to come back to haunt me, I would've said something cool (or funny)! Hmmm, it's not too late to go back and change it...muahahaha

*LOL* ... it's all part of the matrix... your every move is recorded.
now if i started posting links to other websites/online purchases, u'd have reason to freak out (it's ok... i'm not a H4x0R)

gheba_nsx: So, Ken waited till post number 00065? before posting?!

i know... that doesn't make sense... seems too long. (although that is post #65 on Forum1 ...may not be the first)
Originally posted by Lud:
I still have the very first version but nothing between. I'm not one to keep stuff like that. The only reason I have the first version is that I had made a backup copy somewhere and just ran across it last year and decided to hang onto it since it was just 30k of text. See

but that's only half???...

i checked the link to ... looks a lot like current FAQ except for the color scheme.

I hope is backed up? *yikes* that would be terrible if prime went offline...
Originally posted by gheba_nsx:
Neo, you are too young to remember but NSXPRIME went down for one full month in Sommer 2001. A very sad month...

actually, i do remember that.. i wondered what happened to the site. That was before i was a member... i used to visit here infrequently, but never post. (was on 28.8K ... so i didnt look at much)

Was gonna ask Lud about the server, but i think my questions would be better in the Web Discussion...